Anyone here have any further information on a car crash / potential theft last night?
According to my girlfriend who was @ home at the time, a car was parked, then reparked once or twice in this street yesterday mid morning by a couple of "trendy hoodies."
Then in the evening, about 8 oc I heard a crunch and after a minute (as I was prepping dinner) pulled back the blinds to see that the same car (as it transpired) suddenly disgorge about 7 or 8 (!) young men and women (with the ubiquitous hoods) who went running off in one direction, then doubled back in the other direction as a police car came reversing down the road after them. They had somehow, bizarrely managed to reverse the car into the wall of one of the houses a little way up. Seems the policeman caught none of them as he milled about and after about 10 minutes a police van (stable horse door bolted - pls rearrange) turned up.
Curious. Without the earlier events one might assume it was a simple theft / joy ride but with this factor it's a little more intriguing...
It's a shame with my fuzzy sight I couldn't really see them with much clarity or I would have gone down to give a statement