We moved to Sydenham (De Frene Road) a couple of weeks back but sadly one of our cats has gone missing. She darted out of the door 2 nights ago and hasn't been seen since despite us continuously calling her, walking local roads looking and asking our neighbours who have been great.
Her name is Poppy, she's 16 years old but doesn't look like an old cat, very affectionate (and nosey). She looks a lot like the cat in the link below but she has yellowy green eyes.
http://bestcatbreed.com/blue-british-sh ... r-pictures
Please check your gardens/sheds for her in case she has tried to get out of this terrible weather.
Any info would be great as we are missing her loads and her brother is too. Please call Sharon on 07833 252972 if you see/find her or have any information.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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