Here are the Portas Pilot Principles:leenewham wrote:The aim of the SEE3 pop ups in Sydenham:
"The Shop Revolution aims to facilitate meanwhile use for empty shops, develop pop up shop opportunities and act as a springboard for new businesses looking to trial their business idea on a high street. We are currently focussing on Forest Hill, Kirkdale Village and Sydenham.
The aim is to renovate up to 12 empty shops for a pop up project which will generate a buzz in each of the town centres, and stimulate long term demand for retail properties."
Let's make it clear, I believe the following to be true: Most of the shops involved in the pop ups are now let or in the process of being let.
Which include:
Key Criteria For The Vision:
- Anchored in shoppers and locality
- Supported by the audit
- Financially viable
- Sustainable
- Scalable
- Aligned with town planning
Key Aim For The Vision:
- Drive Footfall
- Weekly Essentials
- Social Needs Based Services