Crystal Palace

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Crystal Palace

Post by sean »

Have only been in the area for two weeks so am still finding my feet so I went for a walk to Crystal Palace. I walked from the High street to the park and was shocked and disguised by the state of the place. There wasn't one single information boarding showing what was once on the site. Surely something can be done to make this site work - maybe the best thing for it would be houses seeing as nobody else has been interested in past years.
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Post by Juwlz »

The park may be a bit ramshackle but all the people I see up there running around/walking their dogs/ enjoying a bit of fresh air and green space certainly seem to be interested in using it (amazingly without the assistance of 'signs').
I hate the way everything has to be a museum with arrows pointing at everything so that they can charge you for it. I think people in London just want a bit of green space with grass and trees.

However there's no denying that the park is massively neglected and whole portions of it are inaccessible. I don't know if you've seen the plans but the LDA's idea of housing is meant to be to pay for improvements to the park not to concrete over the whole thing!

While I'm on the subject can anyone answer a query for me - did I hear somewhere that the park would be open 24hrs or did I imagine it? Maybe it was 24hr security.
I have been thinking it would be great if it the top bit was left open 24hrs because at the moment its really nice that the top bit is like a 'common' and never closes!
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Joined: 1 Nov 2004 17:56
Location: Sydenham

Post by Weeble »

There is a museum in the park sean, if you want to find out more about the history of the palace!
Posts: 350
Joined: 8 May 2005 16:50
Location: Sydenham

Post by sophie »

Isn't the information centre still there?
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