Dog fouling in Byne Road has reached epidemic proportions. Plentiful New deposits delivered daily. One owner even picks up and bags but then drops the mess into food or dustbins. All of this unseen. Can anyone point to campaigns or ideas that have successfully dissuaded such practices?
I am glad someone has brought this up. I am absolutely livid about the Byne Road problem. One dog-owner bags up the poo and then scatters the bags of poo on the pavement around the tree outside my house - I'd be grateful if he put it in my bin!!l Today my daughter stood right in the middle of a massive juicy local dog's offering, not for the first time. Surely something can be done about this? A couple of months ago I put a note on Bromley's website requesting attention to this problem but nothing was done, maybe if we - as a group of residents - flood that website with this request - they will have to pay attention? In fact this has motivated me to go onto the website now and do just that again.
I would very much welcome any other ideas about how to deal with this problem. Last week's dog-with-diarrhea leaving hidden piles under all the leaves along my stretch of pavement nearly sent me over the edge. My poor toddler now spends all her time 'dog poo spotting'.
Unfortunately this is not limited to Byne Road. There are a number of local scum dog owners who let their dogs leave their eggs all over Newlands Park and the roads surrounding Alexandra Rec. On my morning walk to work I often see owners watch their dog do the business then look around to see if anyone has spotted it.
I live on Westbourne Road and regularly have to dodge dog poo, I have contacted Bromley Council several times but nothing has been done and so I have given up.
I received this this morning, a speedy reply, lets hope the action is as speedy:
Good morning,
Thank you for yuor email. I have requested a street sweep under reference XXXX. I have also asked the area inspector to look into getting dog fouling notices placed along the road under reference XXXX. Please allow up to 5 woking days for inspections to be made.
Customer Service Advisor
London Borough of Bromley
Well done Mazzer! Wish I'd managed to achieve what you have. With regard to depositing bags of excrement in other people's bins let's get real. Dog owners shouldn't impose their waste on anybody else. Either take it home or deposit it in a council provided bin. Also, the alternative disposal methods this person adopts is either to leave bags on the pavement or to put them into the council supplied food waste bins in people's gardens. Whichever way you look at this, this isn't social..
Any dog owners around that would like to contribute to this discussion?
Personally, as a dog owner, it is not an ideal situation. There are very few council bins around where I walk my dog (in fact the only one I can think of is at a bus stop and is always over flowing with fried chicken boxes and bones all over the floor which is another matter entirely), it's not always practical to take the bag home, so isn't it better to bag and bin in nearby wheely bin? After all, it's a bin for waste, and the council advice on this is that bagged dog waste is acceptable refuse for non-recyclable wheely bins. Surely this compromise is preferable to leaving the waste on the pavement, or throwing the bags into someone's garden? I certainly would not do this, and often dispose of my dog's waste, once bagged, into a wheely bin if there are no other options.
I agree there are many irresponsible dog owners around who don't even bother to pick up the waste and this is disgraceful behaviour, but there should be some understanding given to those others who are responsible but don't really have any other options.
Special Agent wrote:[...]it's not always practical to take the bag home [...]
Don't understand that. What I do, if there's no council bin to hand, is carefully roll up the bag, put it in my pocket and deposit it in my own black bin when I get home. Not very complicated.
I agree Robin,I do not have a dog, and I certainly do not want a bag of Dog mess put into my bin! Thank you very much, no excuses its your Dog, take it home with you.
I seem to have been in the right place at the right time with regards communicating this problem with the council - I had a phone call from Jeffrey Farrell, the Street Environment Inspector from Bromley Council yesterday morning. He wanted to discuss the email I sent with regards the dog poo problem on Byne Road (I did advise him that surrounding roads are also affected with this problem). He told me that he was due to meet with the manager of the contractors they use for street cleaning that afternoon. He told me that our road is scheduled to be cleaned, by either a member of staff on foot, or using a mechanised street cleaner, once a week - every Tuesday. Has anybody ever seen Byne Road or surrounding area being cleaned at all on a Tuesday? I certainly haven't, and I told him that. I told him that I've had the same piles of dog poo on the pavement outside my house for a lot longer than a week, not to mention litter. It seems to me that the contractor is not doing their job!
Jeffrey assured me he would be discussing my concerns in his meeting and that he would ensure that adequate cleaning of our road is undertaken urgently (including of the leaves).
I suggest that every time there is a noticeable increase in dog poo we write another email. The communication I've had from Bromley shows that if nothing else our emails are read, and the more they receive the more pressure they will (hopefully) put on the contractors to clean our streets properly.
I know this doesn't really stop the problem at its root but to be honest I just want to be able to relax while walking home. This morning my mother-in-law was scraping the stuff off her shoes. A lovely welcome to the area for visitors...
Mazzer wrote:I seem to have been in the right place at the right time with regards communicating this problem with the council - I had a phone call from Jeffrey Farrell, the Street Environment Inspector from Bromley Council yesterday morning. He wanted to discuss the email I sent with regards the dog poo problem on Byne Road (I did advise him that surrounding roads are also affected with this problem). He told me that he was due to meet with the manager of the contractors they use for street cleaning that afternoon. He told me that our road is scheduled to be cleaned, by either a member of staff on foot, or using a mechanised street cleaner, once a week - every Tuesday. Has anybody ever seen Byne Road or surrounding area being cleaned at all on a Tuesday? I certainly haven't, and I told him that. I told him that I've had the same piles of dog poo on the pavement outside my house for a lot longer than a week, not to mention litter. It seems to me that the contractor is not doing their job!
Jeffrey assured me he would be discussing my concerns in his meeting and that he would ensure that adequate cleaning of our road is undertaken urgently (including of the leaves).
I suggest that every time there is a noticeable increase in dog poo we write another email. The communication I've had from Bromley shows that if nothing else our emails are read, and the more they receive the more pressure they will (hopefully) put on the contractors to clean our streets properly.
I know this doesn't really stop the problem at its root but to be honest I just want to be able to relax while walking home. This morning my mother-in-law was scraping the stuff off her shoes. A lovely welcome to the area for visitors...
Well done for getting in touch with the council, its a disgusting thing for owners to allow their dogs to do this.
I don't really understand what is wrong with putting a small bag of dog droppings in a residential bin. Can someone please explain? It cant have much effect on the bin and it surel is far preferable to having the mess on the pavement?
Eagle wrote:
The authorities should catch and disipline the culprits./
I generally agree: but how? (and no, you can't get doggie DNA from doo-doo.)
I agree with those who are asking what's wrong with putting bagged dog poo in a wheelie bin. Surely that's what bins are there for? In my street there isn't a bin per house, we all use each others' - I don't understand why people get precious about what's put in their bin! It's just on the street, not in your house. As long as it's rubbish that is appropriate for the particular bin, what difference does it make?
If we start getting charged by capacity, or fined for overfilling, of course that would be different. But until then, I dont see what the problem is.