Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

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Heritage Angle
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Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Heritage Angle »

On this very site there is a piece in the news tab from March 2008. Unfortunately this time it seems even more real! People - we may very well see the closure of the A&E at Lewisham hospital. Its convoluted but the Lewisham branch of the 'Keep Our NHS Public' campaign, as well as their own webpage, have created a new website devoted soley to this: www.savelewishamhospital.com/why-close-lewisham-ae/

There wil be a public meeting at the hospital on Thursday 8th November from 6 to 8 pm, in the Lessoff Auditorium. MP's, Councillors, groups such as SOS-NHS and 'KONP', health workers as well as members of the public will be speaking. You'll have your chance too to air your views and ask questions. This is our local A&E department - please attend!

Please look out for info stall on Sydenham Road.

"We now have, quite literally, *six months left in which to try to salvage what is left of the NHS as we know it....." - Dr. John Lister, health journalist for 30+ years (* September 2012!)

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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Eagle »

This debacle is all down to the previous governments dubious PPI schemes.

However we are where we are.

I see Farnboro hospital has got the best deal being linked to Kings. Not certain any visible benefit being linked with a hospital in Charlton.
A and E closure very worrying. If you have not got access to a vehicle can be a long journey.
As unit just built seems there should be another solution but do appreciate there is a cost factor.

For people living in Sydenham with non critical injuries or problems they can attend The Beacon in Beckenham which is open 7 days a week from 8 to 8 pm.
Mind you would not rule out this being closed as well.

Let us hope The A and E can be saved but not 100% optimistic here. Perhaps Mr Dowd could actually get involved.

I am a great fan of The Hospital and in the last 3 years have had much great and friendly treatment in outpatients and inpatients.
Fortunately not A and E
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Rachael »

I've had cause to visit Lewisham A&E too many times - my son will soon qualify for a reserved seat in the waiting area.

Never mind discussing the whys and wherefores, let's do something about this. Visit the campaign website here: http://www.savelewishamhospital.com/

Follow them on Twitter for the latest updates (yes, Twitter is for more than broadcasting what you ate for breakfast, Eagle).

Write to your MP.

Join the Hands around the Hospital demonstration on 24th November.
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Eagle »

Mrs Dunlop
I agree that we need to campaign to save the A and E . Nothing will come of pointing out why this occurred in the first place , that is why only mentioned briefly.

I will go on web site as you mention.

Think a bit old for Twitter , leave that for the youngsters.
Robin Orton
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Robin Orton »

I shall wait for the official announcement on Monday. We may not yet have had the full story.
Liam Curran
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Liam Curran »

Dear Friends,

In the first instance, here is a link to the online petition against the closure of Lewisham A&E and Maternity Services here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/lewisham-hospital/

This is a real fight for the quality of life in this borough and it's going to be a very tough one indeed. Please sign the petition and go to the Save Lewisham Hospital page on Keep Our NHS Services Public website to find out what else you can do: http://www.lewishamkonp.org/hospital

Cllr Liam Curran
Robin Orton
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Robin Orton »

But is the A & E department as such going to close? See my query at http://www.se23.com/forum/showthread.ph ... 3#pid50893
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Rachael »

I think that's a very good point, Robin. It would be good to get some clarification.

On the many (too many) the occasions my family have used the A&E at Lewisham, they have never needed to be admitted. It's always been for injuries rather than illness.
The Scorpion
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by The Scorpion »

I am very concerned, saddened and worried about this as I know that the hospital/community I work for and the patients and other people that I meet, get to know and help, throughout my shifts at Lewisham Hospital (and others I will not if it happens) WILL suffer if these closures and cuts go ahead. This includes family/friends of patients PLUS other staff members/colleagues, in many departments. :(
I joined the NHS as a HCA (Health Care Assistant) to (hopefully) make a difference (as did/do, many others)
I love my "job" and really care about the people who come through my ward/hospital.

If the Lewisham Hospital A&E and other much needed services are closed (through NO fault of their/our own) it will be devastating!

PLEASE sign the petition and let everyone know about it!


SAVE the services at Lewisham Hospital that are under threat!
http://www.tsa.nhs.uk/news/press-releas ... tober-2012

Thank you

Sue (a proud member of Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust) :)
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Eagle »

Well said Sue.
I have completed the petition also e mailed the consultation.
Best wishes with your campaign.
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Bazman76 »

@ Eagle The PPI schemes were a bad idea but these closures are down to Landsley's reforms.

Plus the tories in general are sticking to PPI type schemes despite borrowing costs being at an all time low.

Remember what David Cameron said, "no top down reform", then OK their will be reforms but "no cuts to front line services" and now there are cuts to front line services. They wonder why nobody trusts them on the NHS?
Chris Best
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Chris Best »

We need to get support for this campaign as quickly as possible because of the extremely short consultation period - starts on Friday 2 November and ends on the 13 December with a final report before the Secretary of Sate on the 7 January.

The proposal to merge Lewisham with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and create a new organisation focused on the provision of care for the communities of Greenwich and Lewisham may seem fine on paper. It taken no account of the behaviour of residents - I for one would be wanting to go to King's in Denmark Hill rather than Stadium Road in Woolwich.

The proposal is to have A&E at four sites in South East London - King’s College Hospital, St Thomas’ Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Princess Royal University Hospital. Alongside this, services at University Hospital Lewisham, Guy’s Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital Sidcup will provide urgent care for those that do not need to be admitted to hospital.

There are two options under consideration for Maternity Care to ensure that a high quality of care is provided for women needing to be in hospital during pregnancy and for women when giving birth. Obstetric-led deliveries could be centralised in line with critical emergency care across King’s College Hospital, St Thomas’s Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Princess Royal University Hospital; alternatively, there could also be a ‘stand-alone’ obstetric-led delivery unit at University Hospital Lewisham. All other maternity care will continue to be
provided in a range of locations across south east London. We need to keep our maternity service in Lewisham.

The future for the Lewisham site is seen as one of elective surgery for non-complex inpatient procedures (such as hip and knee replacements) but would serve the whole population of south east London. Alongside this elective day cases procedures should continue to be provided at all seven main hospitals in south east London; complex procedures should continue to be delivered at Kings’ College Hospital, Princess Royal University Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and St Thomas’ Hospital, and specialist procedures at Guy’s Hospital, King’s College Hospital and St Thomas’ Hospital. Outpatient services should be delivered from a range of local locations.

Please join the campaign to save the A&E at Lewisham - sign the petition and come along to the public meeting next Thursday at Lewisham Hospital starting at 6pm.
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Eagle »

Refering to Sue's comments yesterday as well as completing petition important to send e mail on address she has given explaining reasons for objections. I understand these e mails will be taken into consideration.

Please do all you can to help Lewisham Hospital.
Robin Orton
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Robin Orton »

It appears that 'the draft recommendation is for University Hospital Lewisham to have a 24/7 urgent care service that will treat around 77% of the people currently attending the A&E and urgent care services there. This is because the vast majority of patients with urgent care needs do not need to be admitted.'

It would be helpful if someone could spell out precisely how, in the light of that, the people of Sydenham are likely to be worse off under the proposed changes. That will assist us in making reasoned objections to them.
Robin Orton
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Robin Orton »

I have just seen an email from Heidi Alexander MP which goes some way to answering my question above. Extracts below. It looks as if the potential impact on maternity services may be at least as serious as the A&E changes.
[...] As you may have seen on the news, proposals were announced yesterday to significantly cut services at Lewisham Hospital. The proposals include closing the A&E and replacing it with an urgent care centre. Options are being consulted upon about the future of maternity services. One option is to have an obstetrics-led maternity unit at Lewisham but this would still be a downgrading of the service that is currently available in Lewisham. Another option is to centralise all obstetric-led deliveries at 4 sites in South East London, not including Lewisham (Kings, St Thomas’, QEII in Woolwich and the PRU in Farnborough). [...]

I am extremely concerned about these proposals. I don’t see why Lewisham should pay the price for financial failures elsewhere in the NHS. I believe the A&E departments at other hospitals such as Kings and Woolwich are already at capacity and I am very concerned about the impact that the proposed changes could have on patient safety. I also believe local mums should be able to have their babies in their local hospital and that it is just wrong to ask women and their families to travel to unfamiliar places to give birth. [...]
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Eagle »

Does anyone know the situation re Outpatient Oncology Treatment which is currently carried out at The Hospital.

I do agree that Kings are going to be inundated if goes ahead as cannot see many going to Charlton.
The Scorpion
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by The Scorpion »

Thank you to those who have signed the petition and talked about this issue to others :)

All I can say, in reply to Robin's enquiry, at this time is, it IS VERY SERIOUS!
There are very strong implications to all of this and no time to talk about all of this now, even if I could.
What doesn't seem obvious right now, thinking just of the initial impact of the closing down/re-organisation/relocating of these services, and the "logic" behind what has been put across as the "good reasons" why they have to happen, is that they will have a knock on and far greater effect!
Time is running out - only 6 weeks from today, for the consultation.

Eagle, thank you for your comments. I do not know how the Oncology department would be affected - hopefully it won't, but who knows?
Lewisham, Kings & all other hospitals are struggling daily anyway & the proposed plans will make the situation even worse!
The Ward I work on in Lewisham Hospital is always packed, as are most others. We get (mostly) admissions from A&E. Some stay a minimum of 1 day, many, for days more. Some stay weeks. For good reason. With the proposed changes, will my ward and others remain?

So much will, could and would be affected though that, it will be a disaster for the people who DO need NOW & who WILL need, IN THE FUTURE, these services - ALSO; family, friends, workers and many more WILL be affected.

We, as a Community, MUST act NOW!!!

The PETITION needs to be signed NOW!
The LEAFLETS/FLYERS & POSTERS http://www.savelewishamhospital.com/col ... -leaflets/ etc. need to be printed out & placed/distributed so that they are seen by the people of Lewisham (and elsewhere) to make everyone aware, NOW!!
and MEETINGS etc. http://www.savelewishamhospital.com/take-action/
need to be attended, by everyone who cares & MP's & others need to be contacted NOW!!!
TELL the Trust Special Administrator Matthew Kershaw what you think via e-mail slh.matthewkershaw@nhs.net
.............. PLEASE help to try to stop this going ahead!!! :!:

I posted this earlier, on a campaign site, so will copy it here, in the hope that it will have some effect:-

As a devoted & concerned member of staff at Lewisham Hospital & also a Lewisham Borough
resident, I am extremely saddened and worried about this issue. I am following the campaign
daily and have signed the petition and am spreading the word, verbally & electronically.

I am willing to hand out leaflets at Forest Hill train station but do not have a printer and
am not able to get to a pick up point until at least Monday.
If anyone (local to me - SE23) has one and would be able to provide me with copies of campaign literature, I would be most grateful. I'd happily pay something for paper & cartridges but obviously, many MANY will be needed & I cannot afford to get 1000's done at a Printers or Internet Cafe :(
I would also be interested in hearing from fellow Forest Hill residents who would like to
join me in leafleting at FH station on Monday and Tuesday morning & evening next week.

Replies to this post will reach me at my e-mail address. THANK YOU in advance, for any help!
Please SIGN THE PETITION, spread the word and Save Lewisham A&E & other essential services!

Sue (proud HCA - Healthcare Assistant - working for Lewisham Healthcare NHS Trust and it's
wonderful people/community!)

PS I have all the literature saved on my computer and memory stick.
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by GillM »

Eagle wrote: For people living in Sydenham with non critical injuries or problems they can attend The Beacon in Beckenham which is open 7 days a week from 8 to 8 pm.
Mind you would not rule out this being closed as well

The Beacon is also under threat of closure.
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Eagle »

no surprise there then.
I thought the idea was to get people treated away from main hospitals if possible./
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Re: Lewisham A&E closure threat: history repeated

Post by Eagle »

It is a big surprise to me that so few people interested in this major topic compared to some of the minor matters that raise numerous blogs.

Maybe most people do not care about Lewisham Hospital , I hope that is not the case.
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