Our warm street lighting will all be changed to bright white lighting. I believe these bright white lights, which I'm told have the quality of daylight, may be fine on urban streets where there is streetlife 24/7 but I think it's unsuitable for suburban sydenham.
The lights will not only completely change the character of our streets but they will be brighter and set at the back of pavements, rather than at kerbside. Obviously this will have an impact on people's sleep.
Lewisham have already attacked my sleep by installing speed bumps. Now I'll be floodlit as well as deafened!
When I spoke to skanska they said we had until 2013 before work started here in upper kirkdale and that at least a month before starting work engineers would mark up the pavements and they would listen to any concerns and resite if necessary. But this evening an advance notice has appeared on the lampost opposite my bedroom window. They start work on the 17th!
Has anyone experienced the new lighting on their street yet?
Another concern of mine is to protect a beautiful old ornate street lamp beside my house. Similar to the ones in the Thorpes, but with twiddly bits. Skanska should apply for conservation area consent to change lamposts in conservation areas. I'm not aware that they've done so. I'll check tomorrow.
Be alert - the bright lights are coming your way! We may all need to invest in black out curtains and say goodbye to the night.
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