it was nice to meet some old faces and some new ones tonight. You have a great set-up.
I am obviously really out of shape, and could barely kick the ball. Was a good opportunity to say goodbye, but you never know ,.....if i happen to be working in Sydenham/Beckenham on a Wednesday, I may just reserve a place in advance and be in much better shape.
All the best guys. A really enjoyable 20 minutes....
I hear you guys play on Weds nights somewhere in Sydenham region at 830pm - Id love to come and join in next Wednesday if there is space.
Im in Forest Hill so not far off - Ive just noticed the current advancement of my stomach region and am keen to run around for an hour or two everyweek - im pretty fast (or was a year ago before becoming a dad) and played 5 aside for 5 years or so on a casual basis. I will most likely start off rusty but will gradually get it back (I hope!).
I will come back and check here later or if someone could email me that would be great.
Your most recent list of players appears to be missing a 'Dave' - and that just isn't right. So I'd like to join in next week and on, rego.
I live in Herne Hill. I'm 40 something, a short arse who used to be pretty good at the game, used to play 11's and 5's, but have to fess I haven't kicked a ball in earnest for several years ... and my stomach reflects that. Have been looking to play again and your set-up sounds perfect.
Just to add, I was a bit apprehensive on returning and being so unfit. It is a very friendly group and there are no rash tackles, although it is competitive.
I got hit in my substantial stomach last night by a football and it reminded me of doing bellyflops into the swimming pool as a child. It really hurt.
In spite of this, I was very relieved not to get one of Phil's shots to the face or testicles
GOALs also has a licenced bar for after-match refreshment, or catching some of the televised games.
My second recruitment drive is working! I've got a couple more new players who are interested. I'll confirm their availability for Wednesday as soon as I can.
In the meantime, I'm in for Wednesday.
And Ali, really pleased to hear you enjoyed your (Paul Scholes-esque?) comeback.
New recruits?...dogs?...good job I'm not autistic or I'd be having a very bad week.
Good work Lem. Nice to have some fresh blood. I've washed the ceremonial robes and scrubbed the altar; 'Hatchet Bob' has got the wet stone soaking in the sink, so the blades should be nice and keen for Wednesday night. Looks like it's going to be a full moon too. ; )
Welcome aboard guys. Think it's all been said...decent friendly kickabout for those of a certain age, who have lost the yard of pace they never had.