List of drop-in playgroups in the area
List of drop-in playgroups in the area
What's on - playgroups
Post-maternity leave but pre-baby I had a lot of time on my hands, so I made a 'spreadsheet' of playgroups in the area with most of the info that people had posted on threads on this forum, I've tried to cut and paste it here, the format has messed up a bit but I think it's readable. What's on is always changing so it's best to check first before heading out to something but this list is pretty current and we've checked out most of the morning groups so I should be able to answer questions/give reviews:
Monday am 9.30am – Playgroup, £1, St John’s Church, Penge High Street.
10am – Boppin Tots, £4, Penge Congregational Church, 172 Penge High Street, Penge, SE20 7QS
10am – 12pm, playgroup, Heshima Centre.
Monday pm 1.30 – 3pm, Playgroup, Free, Community Vision Sure Start Children’s Centre, Blean Grove
1.30 - 3pm, Rhyme Time and Stay and Play Session ,Kelvin Grove Children’s Centre
Tuesday am 10.15am – 10.45am: Singing at Sydenham Library, free.
9.30am – 11.30am: Playgroup, £1, Church hall next to Sydenham library.
10.15am: £1.50. Singing at the community greenhouses at Mayow Park.
Keep fit with crèche at st John’s.
Tuesday pm Pm: playgroup, Holy Trinity Church, Lennard Road?
Wednesday am 9.30/10am: playgroup, Christ Central, corner of Parish Lane and Green Lane.
10am – 12pm, Baby Gym, £1, Sydenham Hill Community Hall. 10am – 12pm, playgroup, Heshima Centre (Croydon families only)
Wednesday pm Pm: playgroup, Holy Trinity Church, Lennard Road?
1 – 3pm, Messy Play, Free, Community Vision Sure Start Children’s Centre, Blean Grove
1pm - 2.30pm, Rhyme Time , Sydenham Green health Centre, free.
Thursday am Every other Thursday, 10am: Singing, Venner Community Centre. Next meet-up 1 March. 9.15am -11am, Dance to the Beat Music Group, Eliot Bank Children’s Centre
10.15am, dance class at Sydenham Library, £3.
Thursday pm 1.30pm - 3.30pm, Messy Play, Eliot Bank Children’s Centre
Friday am 9.30am – 11.30am: Playgroup, £1, Church hall next to Sydenham library. 9.30-11.30 - Forest Hill Methodist Church, Normanton Street £1 playgroup. 10 - 11.30, playgroup, Free, Community Vision Sure Start Children’s Centre, Blean Grove
10am – 12pm, term time, playgroup, Holy Trinity Church, just off Sydenham Park; 9.30 - 11.30 ‘Messy Play’
Kelvin grove Children’s Centre
Friday pm 1.30 - 3.30pm: playgroup, 75p, Grove Centre (bottom end of Jew's walk)
Saturday am 10.15 - 11am: Dance, St John’s Church, Penge High Street,. £5
Royston Children & Family Centre, regular 9.30am toddler groups (timetable changes): 020 8778 7416. 298 Kent House Road.
Community Vision Sure Start Centre, Penge, has constantly changing timetable but they will email it on a monthly basis if you put yourself on the mailing list.
Crystal Palace one-o’clock club
The Salvation Army Hall, Wellington Road, St Mary Cray, BR5 4AQ
Fridays, 10am – 12.30pm, Term-Time Only
07967 916 565
Post-maternity leave but pre-baby I had a lot of time on my hands, so I made a 'spreadsheet' of playgroups in the area with most of the info that people had posted on threads on this forum, I've tried to cut and paste it here, the format has messed up a bit but I think it's readable. What's on is always changing so it's best to check first before heading out to something but this list is pretty current and we've checked out most of the morning groups so I should be able to answer questions/give reviews:
Monday am 9.30am – Playgroup, £1, St John’s Church, Penge High Street.
10am – Boppin Tots, £4, Penge Congregational Church, 172 Penge High Street, Penge, SE20 7QS
10am – 12pm, playgroup, Heshima Centre.
Monday pm 1.30 – 3pm, Playgroup, Free, Community Vision Sure Start Children’s Centre, Blean Grove
1.30 - 3pm, Rhyme Time and Stay and Play Session ,Kelvin Grove Children’s Centre
Tuesday am 10.15am – 10.45am: Singing at Sydenham Library, free.
9.30am – 11.30am: Playgroup, £1, Church hall next to Sydenham library.
10.15am: £1.50. Singing at the community greenhouses at Mayow Park.
Keep fit with crèche at st John’s.
Tuesday pm Pm: playgroup, Holy Trinity Church, Lennard Road?
Wednesday am 9.30/10am: playgroup, Christ Central, corner of Parish Lane and Green Lane.
10am – 12pm, Baby Gym, £1, Sydenham Hill Community Hall. 10am – 12pm, playgroup, Heshima Centre (Croydon families only)
Wednesday pm Pm: playgroup, Holy Trinity Church, Lennard Road?
1 – 3pm, Messy Play, Free, Community Vision Sure Start Children’s Centre, Blean Grove
1pm - 2.30pm, Rhyme Time , Sydenham Green health Centre, free.
Thursday am Every other Thursday, 10am: Singing, Venner Community Centre. Next meet-up 1 March. 9.15am -11am, Dance to the Beat Music Group, Eliot Bank Children’s Centre
10.15am, dance class at Sydenham Library, £3.
Thursday pm 1.30pm - 3.30pm, Messy Play, Eliot Bank Children’s Centre
Friday am 9.30am – 11.30am: Playgroup, £1, Church hall next to Sydenham library. 9.30-11.30 - Forest Hill Methodist Church, Normanton Street £1 playgroup. 10 - 11.30, playgroup, Free, Community Vision Sure Start Children’s Centre, Blean Grove
10am – 12pm, term time, playgroup, Holy Trinity Church, just off Sydenham Park; 9.30 - 11.30 ‘Messy Play’
Kelvin grove Children’s Centre
Friday pm 1.30 - 3.30pm: playgroup, 75p, Grove Centre (bottom end of Jew's walk)
Saturday am 10.15 - 11am: Dance, St John’s Church, Penge High Street,. £5
Royston Children & Family Centre, regular 9.30am toddler groups (timetable changes): 020 8778 7416. 298 Kent House Road.
Community Vision Sure Start Centre, Penge, has constantly changing timetable but they will email it on a monthly basis if you put yourself on the mailing list.
Crystal Palace one-o’clock club
The Salvation Army Hall, Wellington Road, St Mary Cray, BR5 4AQ
Fridays, 10am – 12.30pm, Term-Time Only
07967 916 565
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Wow! Thanks for this - invaluable information. I'll add to this if I come across anything you've not mentioned. Brilliant for new mums to see how much there is going on for babies in this area.
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Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Hi Mums and Dads,
There's also a buggy walk going from Sydenham Library every Monday at 1pm. I haven't been yet but it's a nice option for us with very young babies who aren't quite ready for a playgroup.
There's also a buggy walk going from Sydenham Library every Monday at 1pm. I haven't been yet but it's a nice option for us with very young babies who aren't quite ready for a playgroup.
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Also for those with very little ones there's the netmum's get-together at The Dolphin every other Monday at 12pm.
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
I don't suppose anybody knows if the music/dance class still takes place on Thursday mornings at Sydenham Library? I never made it but I heard it was good.
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Eliot Bank and Kelvin Grove childrens centres timetables have changed completely now. Unfortunately I lost my copy but they've come under the control of the schools rather than Sure Start. When I get another one I'll post what's on but the 'dance to the beat' group no longer runs.
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Yes the centres timetables have changed a bit.
Current timetables and newsletter sent yesterday can now be downloaded from the Kelvin Grove school website (under the "About Us" then "Our Children's Centre" headings). ... ens-Centre
Current timetables and newsletter sent yesterday can now be downloaded from the Kelvin Grove school website (under the "About Us" then "Our Children's Centre" headings). ... ens-Centre
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
I didn't realise Eliot Bank and Kelvin Grove had taken on the responsibility - I thought sessions had just stopped. I have been trying to find out what's on for pre-schoolers, so this is great.
I wonder, do local families really know about the sessions at the centres?
I wonder, do local families really know about the sessions at the centres?
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
I doubt many people know much about them yet, as in all fairness to the centres they have only just got their new managers, re-done their programmes and opened up their doors. The last year has all bit a bit of a mess and they were just keeping what they could do going. Now the bids have all been allocated and the schools have the running of the centres they can re-launch everything.
Spread the word, the new programme looks interesting. Although perhaps not so many 'open to all' sessions, everything has had to become a bit more targeted.
Spread the word, the new programme looks interesting. Although perhaps not so many 'open to all' sessions, everything has had to become a bit more targeted.
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
This is great - thank you! One more to add on a Monday morning - it's on the way to Brockley but it's worth the bus ride. Ackroyd Centre runs from 10am-2pm and there are heaps of toys and a massive hall for the toddlers to run around. The leaders are lovely and have a craft activity for the kids too.
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Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Thank you very much for this useful post
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
That’s good the program is very interesting.
- Posts: 19
- Joined: 22 Dec 2007 17:44
- Location: Sydenham
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
There is also a playgroup at Normanton St Methodist Church on Mondays (as well as Fridays mentioned above). Think it is 9.30am. Its run by the NCT. Drop in - £2. They have a baby area.
Perry Hill Baptist Church has a playgroup on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (9.30am) but there is a waiting list as places are restricted and its only for 0-3yr olds.
Forest Hill Library does songs and storytelling on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Horniman Museum does sessions called Busy Bees on Wednesday and Fridays. This is for older toddlers though. Info on website.
Great to have people putting this info together.
Perry Hill Baptist Church has a playgroup on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (9.30am) but there is a waiting list as places are restricted and its only for 0-3yr olds.
Forest Hill Library does songs and storytelling on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Horniman Museum does sessions called Busy Bees on Wednesday and Fridays. This is for older toddlers though. Info on website.
Great to have people putting this info together.
- Posts: 19
- Joined: 22 Dec 2007 17:44
- Location: Sydenham
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Ooh and I forgot that apparently Adamsrill School has a playgroup a couple of days a week but there is no info on the website so ring and ask at the school reception.
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Wow, I checked out the Ackroyd Centre today - thanks mrsmdw, it's brilliant! £2.50, 9am until 2pm Mondays and Fridays and so friendly and helpful, and you can make yourself as many cups of tea/coffee as you want. It's a toy library on Wednesdays where there's also space to play apparently, and that's all day.
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
There is a new Rhyme Time at Alexandra Nurseries, upstairs, Weds 10.15am.
Great venue, great singing!
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Great venue, great singing!
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Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Busy Bees at the Horniman is now Tues and Fri.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: 13 Mar 2013 16:57
- Location: Sydenham
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Thanks for this wonderful list of groups and activities. We are new to the area, so it's great to see there is so much going on for parent's with young children.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: 21 Dec 2012 14:43
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Lovely new group called foxtots that a lady on our road [Tannsfeld) has just started. We go on Wednesday mornings but think it's on other days too. Great mix of singing, storytelling and puppets today. My baby and toddler both really enjoyed it! Since we moved here 7 months ago there has been a definite increase in the number of good kids activities on locally - hurrah Sydenham. We just need some more nice cafes now!
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- Posts: 19
- Joined: 22 Dec 2007 17:44
- Location: Sydenham
Re: List of drop-in playgroups in the area
Children's centre activities are listed on the Lewisham council website. Type in activities for area 4 and you should get the page. Not sure what area covers the more brockley rise side of things but there is info on that too. Includes the sessions in the new TNG youth centre run by Eliot bank.
Think there is now messy play at grow mayow in mayow park, Wednesday mornings. They also do a forest school on Monday mornings.
Also found out dacres wood do an outdoor session on Tuesday mornings 10 to 11am for preschoolers.
There are often some good one-off events happening. Sydenham Society do Easter, Halloween and Christmas events for kids and the libraries do extra activities in the hols. The Sydenham Arts Festival has lots of kids events and Forest With The Big Hill does great storytelling events.
Think there is now messy play at grow mayow in mayow park, Wednesday mornings. They also do a forest school on Monday mornings.
Also found out dacres wood do an outdoor session on Tuesday mornings 10 to 11am for preschoolers.
There are often some good one-off events happening. Sydenham Society do Easter, Halloween and Christmas events for kids and the libraries do extra activities in the hols. The Sydenham Arts Festival has lots of kids events and Forest With The Big Hill does great storytelling events.