Tim Lund wrote:
I think you're being a bit unfair here - and I have to ask if you really think this would have been the perfect spot for a sushi bar.
We all need to accept economic realities. The 'old florist' - in fact quite a new business, run by the daughter of Angie the flower seller on Sydenham Road - is in fact moving to a better location, nearer her Mum's pitch, with more footfall, and paying a lower rent. You cannot blame Chris Best etc. for this.
I'm not sure I am. With regards location of a Sushi Bar/Japanese restaurant - yes I do think the location would have worked as it is near both Tratt Raff and the Dolphin so keeping restaurants in the same area, which was also mentioned on a previous thread.
Also I know Angie and her daughter. It is an 'old florist' as it is no longer a florist, as a closed bakery would be an 'old bakery.' I am also not blaming Chris Best etc for them changing location....
Tim Lund wrote:Our local 'great and good' are doing something - this is from the latest SydSoc enewsletter
STOP PRESS Lewisham back Sydenham & Forest Hill in their bid to become a "Portas Pilot"
Lewisham Council have teamed up with the Sydenham and Forest Hill Societies to bid for Mary Portas funding to improve the two high streets. Funding is available for 12 pilots to test the Town Team approach, with up to £100k available for successful applications. Dozens of local people came together to put the bid together, including the two local civic societies, Kirkdale Village trader's association, the Horniman Museum and the Sydenham town centre steering group. The bid included a video made by local people. To view the video go to:
https://www.youtube.com/sydenhamkirkforesttv For more information about the Portas Review go to:
and there are various threads on this Forum too.
I know what is being done and I think it is fantastic and I have been active on all threads. I just don't think many things seems to be widely communicated on this forum, which is a hub for information on Sydenham. All this talk of re-generation and making the high streets better will not be helped by me too businesses such as this opening, I'm with Pip, we really don't need this type of business. Other High Streets have stopped certain establishments opening, why can't our local campaigners do the same?
Tim Lund wrote:I have some doubts about whether these initiatives will succeed, principally because I have seen little evidence of engagement with commercial landlords - such as whoever is asking for the rent which has driven out this business - who are the players with the greatest financial interest in the success of these efforts. I would also feel more confident if we had seen some analysis of the economics of trading on Sydenham Road.
The high street needs to be more attractive and places like this stopped from opening before we can see any real improvement and better trading figures, otherwise, as you have seen on this forum people will continue to go to Dulwich and surrounding areas for their shopping.