Can you recommend a glass polisher???

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Can you recommend a glass polisher???

Post by SydenhamHillAndy »

Not sure if such a service exists...but we have a glass dining room table that is quite scratched. On the internet there are pages and pages of products for sale, but I wondered whether anyone had had a similar problem? If so - did you hire someone's services in, or buy a miracle cure :) ?

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Joined: 9 Apr 2010 14:52
Location: Sydenham

Re: Can you recommend a glass polisher???

Post by BruceHarrison »

I don't have a recommendation for a glass polisher / polish but imagine it will be an expensive process as the glass will have to be re-ground down to the level of the deepest scratch to eliminate all traces and then polished. I'm sure it is possible but will involve transporting the glass to the polisher and back.

I guess it will be less expensive to have a new piece of glass made to fit the table. In which case contact either AtoB Glass and Glazing, 99 Annerly Road, SE20 on 020 8298 1010 or Walsh Glazing at 36 Shawbury Rd, East Dulwich, SE22 on 0208 693 8254 . I've used them both and they are very reliable firms.
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