Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by stuart »

You have a very strong point Voyageur about the 'opportunity for crime'. Full employment and sentencing a guy (and we are mostly talking about guys) to marriage and a mortgage is probably a lot more effective than 20 years in prison. Idle hands and all that.

Technology is a dodgy animal. That used in violent crime is mostly the fist, occasionally the knife and rarely the gun. Little change in those technologies ...

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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by JRobinson »

indeed voyageur, drop in crime rates could be shown to be down to all sorts of things, not least of which could be a different way of reporting crimes, and defining crimes, so that what would once have been an offense that got recorded as, say attempted murder with a lethal weapon, now gets noted as minor assault, and doesn't get recorded as a significant stat.*

also to bear in mind is that when Rudy Gulliano (?) New York Mayor said that he was going to crack down on crime by introducing more powers to police so that small offences could be processed quicker on site, the overall crime rate did fall considerably, and he was considered a hero, but no one took into account that about 16 years earlier, abortion was made legal, the knock on effect of which meant that there were, all of a sudden a helluva lot fewer 16 year olds from poor backgrounds.

I've never been worried before about walking home along B'thorpe road at any time of night, but now maybe I might pay slightly more attention, and be prepared for some evasionary tactics should something like this happen to me.

*that's something I've just made up as an example.
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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by Eagle »

I agree The Thorpe's are some of the nicest roads in Sydenham and also well lit. It is a major shock thet they seem to have been targeted by the scum.

My symphathy to all concerned and let us hope they are soon caught.
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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by CATLADY »

Just for the record Catwoman and Catlady are different posters. I mention this only as Eagle addressed Catwoman as Catlady in recent posts but Indo not share her views on crime and punishment.

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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by Eagle »

Many thanks Catlady. My sincere apologies.

I was giving the other person the benefit of the doubt that she was a lady , but having looked again at her posts can see I was mistaken.
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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by stuart »

Just popped down Bishopsthorpe and passed THREE patrolling PCSOs. So looks like the plod are trying to address the issue.

Anyway Merry Christmas. I'm signing off for the duration, don't eat so much you can't leave a mugger for dead in the first 100 yards ...

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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by Eagle »

Good news but surely what they want is plain clothed officers.
You will only warn of the scum if they see a uniform and they will go elsewhere.

Happy Christmas to all , except criminals , in SE 26.
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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by SDS »

Hi, am really sorry to hear this. I have recently moved on to Bishopsthorpe Road. Police are trying to do something about this. We have had a flyer put through our door to appeal for any witnesses. However these people are scumbags. My son has been mugged twice (he is a teenager). Muggings need to be treated seriously. Because my sons 'muggers' were underage the police said even if they did catch them they couldnt really do anything to them.

What Lewisham Council need to do is put up some decent street lamps!! The street lamps on the Thorpe Estate (especially on corner of bishopsthorpe/silverdale) are not worth having there - they are too dull and the streets are not bright enough which makes it an 'easy' spot for these scumbags to mug people!

Again am really sorry to hear this has happened to you.
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Re: Mugging on bishopsthorpe road

Post by Eagle »

Rather than blame LBC for the street lighting rather blame the law and the judges for not taking a firmer line with the muggers when they are caught.
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