Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

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Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by gillyjp »

Anyone else woken up at about 5.00am, as we were, when the Zanzibar Club in Kirkdale kicked out this morning? People running up and down Spring Hill yelling and shouting, with no thought that it is a residential area they are violating with their noise.

I see there is a notice on the wall just outside the club requesting that clubbers vacate the premises quitely. What a joke!

Respect? They don't know the meaning of the word and we are heartily sick of this invasion to the peaceful occupation of our home. Time for a petition methinks - anyone else in favour? PM me. :roll:
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by kingfisher »

Last edited by kingfisher on 7 Sep 2011 16:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by bensonby »

It does strike me as an awful place. For some reason it seems to operate extremely late at night (early in the morning).

Police have been called there on numerous occasions- although I'm not aware of any calls there in the past couple of months.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Eagle »

I agree clubs etc should be closed by latest midnight. Whar state must these people be like the next day.

Why not complain to the Tanzanian Embassy.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by bensonby »

Surely it would be a High Commission Eagle?!

Shame on you!

I like the sentiment though :wink:
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Eagle »

Many apologies. I am surprised I made such a stupid mistake. Perhaps because both parts of Tanzania were German colonies before Britain took over in 1890 and 1919.
Robin Orton
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Robin Orton »

Perhaps because both parts of Tanzania were German colonies before Britain took over in 1890 and 1919
Understandable mistake, Eagle, although you must have been quite young at the time, surely?
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Eagle »

You are quite correct.

Give is back Heligoland I say.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by girl_canuck »

Watching that club kick out at 4am has become my weekend nighttime entertainment while feeding our newborn. Last night I watched two young boys fist fighting for ten minutes while a security guard watched, eating his box of chips. Only once he'd finished his chips did he intervene. There was also a young guy in a convertible, panicking that he'd reached the end of the night without pulling, so was slowly driving around the roundabout inviting girls into his car. Poor chap had no luck.

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Robin Orton
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Robin Orton »

Give us back Heligoland I say.
I agree. We've even let it go from the shipping forecast. 'German Bight', indeed!
Chris Best
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Chris Best »

Please can I ask you to report your complaint to the Police as from the Licensing Committee meeting held on the 21 June 2011 - there have been no complaints - ... 2003&Ver=4

The Licensing officer said that this was an application to vary a premises licence to increase the hours for the sale of alcohol to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Objections had been received from interested parties and the Police with regard to Crime and Disorder and Public Nuisance.

Prior to the Licensing meeting, the Licensing Sergeant and the applicant’s agent, discussed a compromise. It was agreed that all conditions, as offered, would be accepted and the hours would be modified to 6am -1am 7 days a week.

The Chair asked all parties whether they agreed to this modification to the licence. All parties confirmed their affirmation.

Objector - Councillor Nisbet had submitted a relevant representation. The Chair asked her whether she was in agreement with the modifications. Councillor Nisbet said that she was concerned that the premises was very near to the Zanzibar nightclub that closes at 5am at the weekend. The Licensing Officer said that the hours of trading alcohol had been modified so that the convenience store would be shut when the night club closed. There was no evidence to suggest that there would be any public nuisance at 6am when the convenience store opened.

The Licensing Sergeant said that there had not been any complaints received by the Police since the last review of the Zanzibar licence.

If people do not object to the way Zanzibar manage their premises then we will have more last night licences in Sydenham that will attract more people to consume alcohol - with the result that they may behave in a manner to give cause for concern.

At present we have three 24/7 sale of alcohol licences - 268 Kirkdale (Payless) and 42 (PFC) and 91 (Instabul) Sydenham Road with the 1am at 297 Kirkdale (Kirkdale Convenience) and now an application for a new off licence at 5 Sydenham Road for sales to 1am. I am worried about the creep of the late night licences in Sydenham and would ask for the support from residents to let the Police know about any last night noise and distrubance caused by poor management from any premises.

Please support the work of your local councillors - Chris Best -
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Eagle »

Dear Councillor

Thanks for your interest.

Your penultinate paragraph mentions that there are 3 outlets which can sell alcohol 24/7.
Surely this is 3 too many.

I remember when the only places one could buy alcohol were Of Licenses which were open only on certain hours and strictly controlled , of of sales in Public Houses.

Far less drunkeness about then.

Why would you want to buy alcohol at midnight. People should be resting for work.

With regards to this particular premises it seems to have a record of bad and crimninal behavior and surely should be closed. Used to be Cobb's coffee shop in my young days and no violence then.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by gillyjp »

Yes Eagle I remember Cobbs Coffee Shop very well. I also did a stint as a Saturday girl in the 'Tube Room' of Cobbs. Fun days.

On the Zanzibar issue the licensing department got back to me and said that there had been a review early this year on their license. A Cllr Nisbett attended and raised concerns. I wish I had known there was a review - I would have attended and objected too, as a directly affected neighbour.

Tried to report it to Sydenham police but was told they don't get involved with noise nusiance - but they would contact the 'Safer Neighbourhood Alliance' or whatever they are called so not sure where that will get me. Also advised me to contact the Noise Nusiance team at Lewisham Council which I intend to do.

Interestingly (regarding the sale of alcohol at all hours) I went to get the papers at Pete's in Kirkdale and there on the pavement in Peak Hill Gdns was a an empty bottle of brandy! I picked it up and put it in the recycling bin but the owner could have done exactly the same but was probably trollied.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Eagle »

Thanks Gilly
Lovely coffee shop, well behaved patrons.

Cllr Nisbet first name I thinh is Marion. She helped me on couple of issues a couple of years ago.
Very nice lady.

What the authorities fail to take into account is that noise nuisance ( non police matter ) becomes apolice matter when people get so desperate they take the law into their hands.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by leenewham »

Noise nuisance is a problem that is very hard to deal with and via my own personal experience, not one that Lewisham or the police can do anything about or especially in the case of Lewisham, don't want to. Best thing is to get a Cllr personally interested in the case and badger all parties involved until something happens. But it has to be by local people who are affected.

Get lots of evidence in writing to the council, they will open up a file on it and use it in any reviews (so I'm told). Use the forum to gather support and back up your claims.

5am is pretty late for a nightclub isn't it?
Chris Best
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Chris Best »

Here is a cut and paste from Lewisham's web site -

Licences are issued for premises to ensure that the disturbance caused to the general public is kept to a minimum. Action can be taken against a premises that operates outside of its licensing agreement.

Report a problem with commercial noise pollution
During office hours - call 020 8314 2170
We have an immediate response service during office hours, 9.30am-4pm.
Outside of office hours - call switchboard 020 8314 6000

We run a weekday evening service 7pm - 12 midnight and a weekend nighttime service 7pm - 3am Friday to Sunday. We will call you back within 30 minutes and if necessary, visit you within a further 45 minutes.

It may help if you want to take a look at the Lewisham's Licensing Policy which is still in draft form ... cy2010.pdf

If you let me have any comments then I will discuss this with the relevant officer - section 3.14 covers public nuisance or call the Licensing Team on 020 8314 6400 - or email

As said in a previous post I am concerned about the late night licenses - Lee is spot on in saying that residents do need to keep reporting this to the Council and keep a log of all the incidents. The Council is working with the Police SNTs and needs some evidence when reviewing licenses - Sydenham SNT is on 020 8649 3598 - 07843 065921 - Email:
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by Eagle »

But why do obvious troublesome bars keep their licence. Why on earth would anyone want a drink after midnight.
Think of the local residents. Close the place down.
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by hazy »

Eagle wrote:But why do obvious troublesome bars keep their licence. Why on earth would anyone want a drink after midnight.
Think of the local residents. Close the place down.
maybe they are residents too (just like you - shock horror)
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Re: Zanzibar Club Kirkdale

Post by bensonby »

I regularly like a beer when I get in from lots of law-abiding civilised people.

Sometimes I get in from work at 2am (like tonight), or 8am. I'll often have a beer at these times. Therefore there is nothing wrong with buying/drinking after midnight. Especially if you work shifts!
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