Re: Non-payment of subs, I wouldn't beat yourself up too much boss. I'm always surprised that the kitty has always stood up. Between paying for the pitch/remembering who is meant to be coming/giving out change/people coming late and catching everyone there it's surprising that it tallys each week.
I wonder if it would help to write out/print off a final list that you can then cross off when they give you their subs? I appreciate you'd need the time and whatnot but I often wondered about doing exactly this. Especially when we're 14 or so?
Still, I'm surprised nobody has offered up their error. Didn't think our lot were like that. How many do you think you're down?
Everyweek i have a spread sheet of who has come and how much per player, but i might print it out and tick people off just to make sure, and if short i can have a back up rather then forgetting
the two weeks i was off, someone got away with subs so we was £8 short
i'll work how much i'm down again tonight, but gus has pay £8 for last week and steve a quid, but thats cool as i know about it...its the ones that i dont know they need to own up, but i dont think its alot...but still it's a night out for everyone and i wanna keep the kitty right
I did cite a number of times that I thought we were down during the 2 weeks I covered. I couldn't be bothered to trawl back through in/outs and late-outs but it was just a feeling I had. I did offer to make up any shortfall if you had let me know, didn't I? It might have been that someone didn't turn up but didn't notify on the forum? It does happen.
Still, it might be it's the same person getting away with. Truth be told I find it hard to believe that any of the players are this way - they don't come across this way at all. I have even started to wonder if I myself forgot to put my own subs in. Possible, in all the rush.
Anyway, if someone doesn't holler, on their conscience be it. Nothing you or I (then) can do about it.
Ulysses, yes you did say about it being short but i wasnt to worried as you said someone might not have turned up...but just want the kitty to be as correct as poss! anyway like you said not much we can do about it unless people own up, the kitty is nearly correct anyway.
just have to put subs up to a tenner from now on
i got Krispy Kremes for everyone...donno who took them tho!
Just as a quick aside my fav programme is Columbo [recently departed] and he did an episode with JR Cash entitled 'Swan Song' where Johnny Cash played - badly - a Country&Western star, gone bad.
No real reason for posting this other than to point out I love Columbo and JR Cash...and erm, Krispy Kremes
Just been told this sec that the wife and our oldest have to go to a meeting at 7.30 tonight so it's unlikely that I can make tonight, if they get back at a reasonable time I'll belt up to Goals ... Sorry guys
I don't mind paying a bit extra next week (as well as the pound I owe already)
Is this a closed shop or a free for all whoever fancies it?
I see someone mentioned Goals. Is that the one in Copers Cope Road?
Certainly not a closed shop. New players always welcome, just as long as they're not too good!
If you can get down to Goals tonight at Copers Cope Road for an 8:30pm kick off do join us, especially as we're now a couple of players short. (Powell - hope that's okay.)
I'll PM you my mobile number in case you decide to join us.