Hi there all,
Lemonade I was hopin after looking thru yr many DIY conquests and assistance on the site that you could possibly assist me with my current cleaning probs. I have tried white vinegar in the kettle and 2 parts to 1 part water and boiled it which aside from stinking out the kitchen has cleared up the problem but only briefly unfortunately and then within at least a week there is alot of build up once again. I was just wondering whether you have any other ideas that might work?
Also, in the bowl of our toilet is rather alot of staining - andit won't simply come off with a good scrub and as we are smartening up the bathroom I would like to get this muck off so as not to detract from the nice new features I am putting in. ANy ideas of what might work? Many thanks....
The descaler you can buy from any supermarket is perfectly effective at removing the stuff. It is only citric acid so it is not going to be an environmental hazard methinks.
on the toilet cleaning situation,i have found that harpic 100% limescale cleaner is pretty effective,you put it all around the bowl at night and in the morning pretty much all the scale will be gone,maybe stubborn stains will need a second application but ive found it works well.
according to kim and aggie [how clean is your house]it should be a half water half white distilled vinegar mix left to soak then rinsed out.
Hello TommyP.
There are many good kettle descalers out there such as Viakal, etc. Unfortunately these products will not prevent the limescale from building up again and again. Limescale (or Calcium) buildup is due to hard water. The best solution is to install an electronic de-scaler to your incoming mains water supply. These devices break-down the limescale deposits within the pipework. The electronic descalers are 240volt mains operated via a low voltage adaptor. It has a wire which coils around the incoming mains water pipe. It works very well. An electronic water descaler can be purchased from a variety of outlets. B & Q for example sell one for about £40.00. I'm sure if you look on the internet you will see many different models at various prices....but basically they all do the same thing.
As Knighton quite rightly says, pouring acids down the drain isn't very good for the environment...The water companies use an enzime (friendly bacteria) to cleanse the water during one of the first purification stages. Unfortunately any acids poured down the drain will kill off any such bacteria.....But we all do it!
So as far as cleaning your toilet, I'd love to suggest to use sulphutic acid...nudge nudge, wink wink, but even though it would work very well it would kill off some of the water companies friendly bacteria.
Another good way to clean your loo though is to pour a kettle full of hot (not boiling) water down the loo, then pop in 4 to 5 Sterident (denture cleaning) tablets. Leave overnight and in the morning, flush the loo. You'll find your loo sparkling and will have a pleasant smell too.
Let us know how things go.
We just fill the kettle from a jug of filtered water (brita, etc). 3 years going and only a very small about of scale. I've got to try that denture tablet idea, just so long as the toilet doesn't greet me like it does when i use Harpic!
TommyP wrote:Hi there all,
Lemonade I was hopin after looking thru yr many DIY conquests and assistance on the site that you could possibly assist me with my current cleaning probs. I have tried white vinegar in the kettle and 2 parts to 1 part water and boiled it which aside from stinking out the kitchen has cleared up the problem but only briefly unfortunately and then within at least a week there is alot of build up once again. I was just wondering whether you have any other ideas that might work?
Also, in the bowl of our toilet is rather alot of staining - andit won't simply come off with a good scrub and as we are smartening up the bathroom I would like to get this muck off so as not to detract from the nice new features I am putting in. ANy ideas of what might work? Many thanks....
Quote from your post in the town pub......."Why does the security guard in there where ankle swingers?". So why don't you learn to write properly? In fact, why don't you just go and plague someone else's forum, having looked in your profile at all your 'witty' contributions, you're just a total bloody bore, and I'm surprised admin has tolerated you on here for so long.
Also, once your kettle is shiny clean inside, buy one of those limescale catcher things - they're about the size of a walnut and are made of tangled steel. Leave it in your kettle, it'll attract the limescale and keep it off the element. You can buy them in hardware-type shops for probably under a pound.
maestro wrote:Why don't u learn to write properly?
Quote from your post in the town pub......."Why does the security guard in there where ankle swingers?". So why don't you learn to write properly? In fact, why don't you just go and plague someone else's forum, having looked in your profile at all your 'witty' contributions, you're just a total bloody bore, and I'm surprised admin has tolerated you on here for so long.[/quote]
simple spelling mistake but thanks for reading all my posts
I'm certainly not intending to wade into either side of this argument, especially being a n00b and all but it never ceases to amaze me how often someone hauls someone else up for their grammar only for their own post[s] to contain examples of said trangression.
It always makes me laugh.
I quite often post on a more...'global' site and very often it's the supposed custodians of the Queen's English [the British] who are the worst offenders. What's even funnier is that often the people with the best understanding of spelling and syntax are ESL.
Quite often I'll spy something like this...
'Wat did you say Dutchie? You been on the drugs agayn? Iv'e got a video of your Mum here. Very nise she is to.' and so it deteriorates with the expected Xenophobic results.
Anyway, I hope I haven't got anything wrong in the above post!
maestro wrote:Why don't u learn to write properly?
Quote from your post in the town pub......."Why does the security guard in there where ankle swingers?". So why don't you learn to write properly? In fact, why don't you just go and plague someone else's forum, having looked in your profile at all your 'witty' contributions, you're just a total bloody bore, and I'm surprised admin has tolerated you on here for so long.
simple spelling mistake but thanks for reading all my posts[/quote]
Just like you did with all TommyP's posts, in order to criticise one of his from 5th August 2006! By the way, thanks for the "i love u" PM, I don't think you're my type somehow, I'm not into trolls.
Ahem. I'll let you two sort this out. All I will say maestro is I tend to not attempt to argue with an idiot as from a distance no-one can tell the difference...
I hope that comes across correctly
Anyway, on topic.
TommyP in regards the kettle I have one of these Le Creuset kettles that you heat on the hob and it whistles. It doesn't have a filter inside so I must go with BingBong and say I also have one of those 'catchers'. They do the job to a degree. BUT I have taken to using a Brita filter to fill the kettle with. It goes in the fridge and doubles as drinking water. If I do de-scale I tend to use the one from Lakeland. I dread to think what is in things like Cilit Bang etc.
I know heating a kettle on the gas and using filtered water may not be the most 'green' but it does make a beautiful cuppa. As it takes so blooming long to boil it means I only ever fill it to the amount I need and surely it doubling up as drinking water is better than buying bottled- plastic water?
[quote="Ulysses"]Ahem. I'll let you two sort this out. All I will say maestro is I tend to not attempt to argue with an idiot as from a distance no-one can tell the difference...
Thanks Ulysses, actually I've just read the full content of the PM from McLondres, and I'm sure he won't mind if I share it with you all. The subject was "i love u" and the content was "Are you on your period or are you always so anti-Scottish?" I have every faith that admin will sort this out, I think he's long overstayed his welcome on here.
With regard to the topic, I'm sure TommyP will have sorted his problem out long ago, his original post was nearly three years ago!
maestro wrote:Why don't u learn to write properly?
Quote from your post in the town pub......."Why does the security guard in there where ankle swingers?". So why don't you learn to write properly? In fact, why don't you just go and plague someone else's forum, having looked in your profile at all your 'witty' contributions, you're just a total bloody bore, and I'm surprised admin has tolerated you on here for so long.
simple spelling mistake but thanks for reading all my posts
Mctroll has left the building
Last edited by McLondres on 2 Apr 2009 17:30, edited 1 time in total.
Now what's that old saying, something along the lines of "Give 'em enough rope...." etc. Cheerio McL, we'll all miss you! Wakey wakey admin, some threads in need of a bit of tidying up.
Does this mean he has indeed left the building Elvis-stylee (and if I search the old memory banks when a pre-wacko Jacko used to jet-off from his concerts the same announcement was made...)?
Shame that McLondres. I've been busy scouring Sydenham looking for you since your trolling period began. Perhaps I've been looking for the wrong person? This is how I envisaged you...