This announcement made my morning today; "I am sorry to regret that the 7.02 train is running 11 hours late"... I think it made everyone else's morning too, we were all freezing cold and fed up but we all had to laugh at that one!!! Well done BR, CLASSIC!!!!
... Specially as it turned up about 20 minutes later...
One thing that really bugs me about those announcements is the "I am sorry for the delay to your journey..." No your not, your a robot voice, you are not an 'I'. They should change it to "We" meaning the company, it would sound a little bit more genuine.
yes me too. When it says "I am sorry for the delay to your journey ..." I always shout back "no you're not". Yes! I communicate aggressively with a loud speaker system. Which unfortunately makes me sound like a mentalist to the other passengers. But it is so annoying.
I'm so fed up with people picking me up on minor points of my posts... okay so maybe BR (by which you KNOW ]I mean British Rail) is not the correct term - well I dunno, 'well done Southern' then!? WHATVER!!
The fact is, I thought it was a funny remark and wasn't getting at anyone, it was nice to have a laugh in those difficult circumstances. That's all I'm saying...
I meant it as a funny remark actually - I knew what I was talking about, REALLY!!!
BTW, any idea why an announcer would say that a train is delayed by 11 hours?? Why don't they say it's cancelled, or delayed and wait for further announcements? Strikes me as very strange...
Without either (a) getting so technical as to bore you stupid or (b) revealing commercially sensitive info that could get me into heap big trouble, there's not really an explanation I can give you, beyond the fact that it was a fault with our computer system that plays the announcements!
<<<pssst.....between you and me....a lot of us rail staff wish BR was still with us.....but don't tell anyone I said that
So does the rest of the UK,
Are you advocating re-nationalisation? Is this current opinion among railway staff [ working class section naturally]?
I think we should be told.
For myself I am just waiting for Eurostar and SNCF to get working so I can go home to the warm.
Meanwhile I shall nip up to the Blue Mountain and see if they have the Daily Mail.