Given the issues with the numbers of vehicles travelling to this site, and the associated pollution (and litter) I was expecting to see some sort of analysis of the potential impacts of opening another food store on journeys made to the site.
But the only analysis is below in quotes, which doesn't consider a potential increase in journeys made by car at all and seems to focus on whether changes are needed to accommodate more vehicles... According to this document, opening up a new food store, which seems to be quite an attractive proposition for people locally, will have a neutral impact on transport. Surely it will fail quite quickly if it doesn't attract more customers.
Or are they all just going to pop in on their way to Aldi or Sainsburys? I find that hard to believe, but time will tell. Not that it matters now... One always hopes the local authority will deal with planning applications diligently and consider the impact on the local area, without the need for people to state the bleedin' obvious.
I look forward to shopping there anyway.56 For this application the use and occupier (Currys) of the unit is existing and, even with the proposed mezzanine floor area, would result in an overall reduction in the floor area. Therefore, it would have a neutral impact on the existing transport and highway circumstances of the retail park and its locality.
57 There are existing vehicle accesses into the retail park and no change to that provision is proposed. A service yard, as previously described, is located to the rear of the existing retail terrace.
58 In terms of delivery and servicing access to Unit 5A and 5B will be located at the same point outside of Unit 5B and goods will be taken to the respective service access for each unit. Unlike the existing operation of Unit 5, deliveries to the Unit 5B will be via a separate service area from Unit 5A.
59 The Applicant has provided a swept path analysis of the service yard and it demonstrates that units 5A and 5B would be able to operate in the proposed arrangement. The Applicant has agreed to a condition that no delivery / collection vehicles shall arrive at or leave the site outside of the hours of 06:00 hours to 23:00 hours seven days a week.
60 Given the overall reduction in floor space of the operational unit and given the operator from this site (Currys) is existing, then Officers consider that for this application it would not be reasonable for a Travel Plan to be secured for the proposed development.