Penge moving ahead of Sydenham?

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Post by Annie »

Chefs Delight is great!

good food at reasonable prices, what more could you ask? :lol:
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Post by dickp »

Wilkinsons are big "ooop north" - where they are known as "Wilkos"

And yes, they are glorified pound shops - albiet with a slightly tidier shop layout. Leenewhaven (sp!) will hate their brash yellow and red signage!
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Post by leaf »


they are not as big as the stores/chains you mentioned because there are not many down south which is why not many here have heard of them, they are big up north and in other areas of the country.

branded products are cheaper in wilkos.

Personally id rther use them than pay more just to get a superdrug/woolies carrier bag!
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Post by natbeuk »

Well I did say I might be doing them a disservice!
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Post by pip »

And Jewellers, and a camera shop. and shoe shops.
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Post by mummycat »

Surely one sign that Sydenham is "on the up" is the appearance of the new double decker 202 service (used to be a squash on the single deckers). Very smart!
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Post by leenewham »

Make up your own mind. I have been to a number of Wilkos (I'm from the Midlands originally) and some are awful, some are well run and a real local asset. Some have garish signage, some are a bit more tasteful.

As for Chefs Delight it's cheap. Per calories is the best value place in Sydenham and it's often busy. Shame it looks so bloody awful. It doesn't have to.

There are lots of places in Sydenham to cater for bargain hunters, but not much that is a treat. In that regard it's similar to Penge, except Sydenham does have the first crumbs of aspiration in the Dolphin, Blue Mountain, it's transport, its sense of community, its proximity to Crystal Palace which will be an even brighter jewel in the Crown for area and of course we already have an Lidl.

Sydenham has incredibly beautiful streets, great parks and lots of houses that HAVEN'T been turned into flats. I love it here. I looked at houses in Penge. Sydenham wins hands down. Sydenham on the up? It's already on the way, it's just the high street that's stuttering. It will improve. For everyone.
Last edited by leenewham on 18 Sep 2008 09:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by simon »

Hey Lee, what are these new plans for the greyhound? Ive been away and must have missed something.
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Post by Thomas »

I think it might be a case of "all will be revealed shortly" nudge nudge wink wink.
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Post by leaf »

"As for Chefs Delight it's cheap. Per calories is the best value place in Sydenham and it's often busy. Shame it looks so bloody awful. It doesn't have to."

Hey it looks better than it did a while ago! it had a refit about 5 yrs ago i think.

I like chefs delight, been going there for years, as you say its cheap....its also child/family friendly and the people in there are friendly and in my experience give a good service.

Does it really look that bad? what is it you dont like? is it the front signage?
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Post by davegr »

A LIDL in Penge! I didn't see that reported in Horse and Hounds.

Not exactly a sign that an area's improving. I would have thought the opposite.
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Post by Postman »

I also like Chef's Delight. It looks loads beter than it did a few years back. - (Shame about its Lidl bacon!)

However - Penge also has a market!! It maybe just flowers, but ive never seen one in Sydenham. I think it would be a nice touch in Sydenham for a market, for people to flood around at the weekend!
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Post by mikej »

I've just heard a rumour in the checkout at Sainsbury's (wow!) that Penge Homebase is closing, to be an Asda!
(Personally, I don't think that is very likely as the site isn't great for a supermarket like that? I wonder what others think?)

Bovine Juice
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Post by Bovine Juice »

mikej wrote:I've just heard a rumour in the checkout at Sainsbury's (wow!) that Penge Homebase is closing, to be an Asda!
(Personally, I don't think that is very likely as the site isn't great for a supermarket like that? I wonder what others think?)

The car park is way too small for a supermarket I'd have thought. Hope it doesn't happen, Homebase is ok. B&Q is better though as they at least employ people who know a little about DIY rather than kids who don't know their ballcock from their elbow.
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Post by GillM »

They have opened a lovely Italian Deli/cafe and a Greek/Turkish restuarant in Penge recently.... maybe they are on the up!!
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Post by Eagle »

Greek/ Turkish restuarant very impressive , perhaps we will get an Israeli/ Palestinian next
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Post by GillM »

LOL!!!! I think its Turkish but all the same it has got a lovely menu (although not tried it personally)
Bovine Juice
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Post by Bovine Juice »

GillM wrote:LOL!!!! I think its Turkish but all the same it has got a lovely menu (although not tried it personally)
It's good. Friends of Flavours, the Italian ice cream/sandwich place is excellent too though I worry about its location on Green Road being right.
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Post by parker »

I wouldnt say that the new additions of Wilkinsons, 99p stores and Lidl mean Penge is on the up, id have thought quite the opposite, Sydenham can do better than that surely!

I wouldnt want to welcome any stores of that kind in Sydenham, its bad enough as it is with Lidl and its crappy pound shops hoarding massive plastic boxes outside that you cant believe are actually sold!

Id say Sydenham could do without that kind of investment, Sydenham can do better than Wilkinsons! :roll:
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Post by Eagle »

Why is the Penge Lidl so much more friendly , clean a pleasure to shop in , whilst its store in Sydenham Road is none of these things.
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