Sockpuppets on t'other forum

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by michael »

Nic wrote: 5. When will the full Flava Baker thread be reinstated on SE23Life?
They were waiting for your approval when i last spoke to the moderation team. Can we take this as your unambiguous approval for the reinstatement of all posts on that thread but with the thread remaining closed?
That was how the majority of forum members voted, and therefore something i want to see. I also think it is valuable for community members to judge for themselves who has been writing nasty things and who has been trolling others.
However, i doubt they will reinstate the thread even with your agreement, because the should be deeply ashamed of what happened and how some of them behaved.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Nic »

michael wrote: 14 Oct 2019 20:10 Can we take this as your unambiguous approval for the reinstatement of all posts on that thread but with the thread remaining closed?
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

Nic wrote: 14 Oct 2019 20:18
michael wrote: 14 Oct 2019 20:10 Can we take this as your unambiguous approval for the reinstatement of all posts on that thread but with the thread remaining closed?
Now the devil is in the detail.

Will Chris permit this to happen and/or will the mods have reservations of the gravity and style observed by Michael.
michael wrote: 14 Oct 2019 20:10 However, i doubt they will reinstate the thread even with your agreement, because the should be deeply ashamed of what happened and how some of them behaved.
And how is new mod ForestHull to exercise his first influence?
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

Chris in another place wrote: The mod team deserve a lot of praise, because modding comes at a personal cost. Every mod intervention potentially sours a moderator’s relationship with a community member. But it’s absolutely vital to moderate a community in order to keep it positive and constructive.

Some ad-hominem threads of other local forums were/are breathtakingly destructive. Kangaroo courts, conspiracy theory and mob bullying of individuals, in some cases encouraged by the forum owners themselves.

That will never happen here because we focus on community affairs, we have solid guidelines and an accountable mod team looking after the health of this community.

As the founder, I have responsibility resting on my shoulders, but obviously I am just as fallible and human as anyone. I occasionally got frustrated at people and committed fingers to keyboard as a red mist descended. But the mod team apply the guidelines to me just as any other member and my posts/topics have sometimes been collapsed, and sometimes deleted.

Thank you @Londondrz, @Foresthillnick and @applespider for years of great modding, and thanks to @ForestHull for recently joining our team and already making a strong contribution.

We’ve also seen great past moderators come and go, helping to shape the site - particularly @dave, @armadillo and @oakr, who are always welcome to return to the team.

I look forward to our next #meetup and thanks again, Ann (@topofthehill) for your support, both here and in darker corners of the web.
Chris opens with a peculiarly isolationist statement and refers to souring of mods relationships. Makes no reference to mods being members of a community nor having a responsibility to that community. Instead refers to the need to "moderate a community" as if he is policing it. No mention of the real fact that he and his mods are restricted to moderate his forum and only his forum.

Oh how we laughed when he thrashed around wildly and ineffectively trying to rain down a non-existent wrath from a range of uninterested official bodies. His efforts to wield a big stick at members of the community of which he longer is a part, came to nought.

Chris discusses how everyone else is hostile to him and how much of a paragon of virtues he is and speaks to his responsibility and obviously feels that weight on his shoulders. Unfortunately he blows his case somewhat when he repeats his fibbing tendencies and alludes to the non-existent accountability of the mod team. He does not answer the question, to whom are they accountable - a bodger from Norfolk?

Chris applauds his mods with damningly faint praise. He compounds his evident back-handed weakness by naming only those mods and ex-mods that he approves still.

It takes Starman, in a reply, to remind Chris that others of our communities have served in this role and they deserve recognition for their commitment too.

It could be argued that those not mentioned are probably grateful not to have their own community and friends reminded that they ever associated with someone like Chris.

And so we have Chris at his best and worst.

He presents us with a perfect picture of his isolated position, blaming all others on what he calls corners of the dark-web.

Chris we know you don't get it.

But the rest of us engage in and enjoy dialogue on truly open forum.

Not that shrinking little world that your hostile mind occupies in isolation.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Nic »

Chris in another place wrote: Some ad-hominem threads of other local forums were/are breathtakingly destructive. Kangaroo courts, conspiracy theory and mob bullying of individuals, in some cases encouraged by the forum owners themselves.

That will never happen here...
Re-instate the Flava Baker thread. Then people can determine for themselves the veracity of that statement.

The hypocrisy and dearth of self awareness is staggering.

Just as staggering is the fact that the thread wasn't removed by the mods because of those "destructive" activities - the forum owner AND the moderators were wilful participants... No, it was only removed when the forum owner got busted.
Last edited by Nic on 15 Oct 2019 08:17, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Rachael »

JGD wrote: 15 Oct 2019 07:22
It could be argued that those not mentioned are probably grateful not to have their own community and friends reminded that they ever associated with someone like Chris.
I will always be proud of the work I did as a moderator on the SE23Life forum. I still believe the model the early mod team developed is one of the best out there for a friendly and inclusive forum. My association with CB is in that context and I will never be ashamed of that.

Edited to say: I see Starman has expressed an interest in moderating the SE23Life forum. I very much appreciate him giving me a shout out for my moderation work there. In that context I should perhaps make it clear to the team over there that I'm not running a proxy campaign to infiltrate the mod team through Starman. :wink: He is and will always be his own man.
Last edited by Rachael on 15 Oct 2019 10:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

Rachael wrote: 15 Oct 2019 08:13 I will always be proud of the work I did as a moderator on the SE23Life forum. I still believe the model the early mod team developed is one of the best out there for a friendly and inclusive forum. My association with CB is in that context and I will never be ashamed of that.
Absolutely and your presence and input rightly recognised almost universally in our communities.

Others received a horrible and persistent public campaign of harassment from Chris - and across several media formats.

And some have had partners and companions approached by Chris or an acolyte with veiled threats or blandishments that their actions should halt.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Nic »

Hi. I'd largely put this whole sordid affair behind me, but two rather alarming tweets came to my attention last night. Both were subtweets (subtweet = a tweet targeting a certain person without directly mentioning them or their username) which, to anyone au fait with the Flava Baker drama, were clearly designed to make the reader believe they were about me.

The first one came from the SE23_News twitter account (an account which purports to tweet "News from London SE23", but is, in fact, an account run by Chris Beach which in the main retweets SE23Life content): "There was a nasty incident of harassment involving an implied threat on an innocent women [sic] and her three month old son. Police caution issued to perp."

The second came from the SE23LifeChris twitter account, an account with SE23Life branding and affiliation: "After intimidation is investigated by police, and an official police caution is given to the perp, the case remains on file. If harassment continues, the case can be re-opened, and this time around, the victim can choose to press charges as opposed to asking for a mere caution."

I would just like to make it absolutely clear to anyone who saw those tweets that no caution has been issued against me.

To allege a caution has been issued against someone when it hasn't is extremely serious. A caution requires an admission of guilt, is recorded on the Police National Computer, will be revealed on the recipient's record when DBS checks are carried out and may prevent travel abroad to countries requiring entry visas. There is a formal process that the police are required to follow in issuing a caution, including the requirement that the recipient signs a form accepting guilt and the issue of the caution.

The police never even spoke to me about Flava Baker. There was never any investigation. I had one email from someone purporting to be from Lewisham Police saying that they'd received a complaint from Chris Beach (with no detail whatsoever about what the complaint was, no crime reference number and no return contact details), but when I replied asking them to contact my solicitor I never heard from them again. To this day, despite my efforts to find out, I still have no idea whether the email was legitimate. It remains the case that my attempts to find out from Lewisham MPS and Kent Police details of the complaint alleged to have been made against me have proved futile, as each time I was told that there was no record of any complaint on either force's systems.

It is therefore the case that the 2 x tweets referred to above, to the extent that they are designed to refer to me, are categorically false. These are subtweets from an SE23Life forum affiliated account and from an account purporting to be an SE23 news source. Once again, this is a disgraceful abuse of position and trust on Chris' part as a "community" forum owner. It remains my position that I am not guilty of any offence - I absolutely refute that - and I would be more than happy to speak to the police at any time to put forward my version - the true version - of events. But no one from the police has ever spoken to me to date and there appears to be zero interest on their part in doing so.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

Given that many people here know Chris to be a stranger to truth then what you say is unsurprising. Given that you deny the allegations, and if you were not honest you would be seriously shooting yourself in both feet - the more interesting question arises - "why is Chris tweeting this now?" Resurrecting one of his worst fabrications. Any ideas?

I've rather given up on the mods. Not immediately questioning the initial obviously dodgy Flava Baker post was a serious oversight but then we all make mistakes. Doing nothing publicly subsequently to put that right rather is rather more disturbing and the continued use of the official organs of to be used in a personal spat unacceptable. It's all so all unnecessarily sad.

Community forums should be owned by the community with mods as their impartial servants - not by personal egos.

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Nic »

stuart wrote: 12 Dec 2019 23:41 "why is Chris tweeting this now?" Resurrecting one of his worst fabrications. Any ideas?
I think the reason is probably this. I've unlocked my Twitter account and started tweeting about local stuff again. I did a Twitter search on "SE23" yesterday and one of the tweets it threw up was from a guy asking who was behind the "SE23 News" twitter account, querying whether it was a news site or a "political activism platform". I replied to the guy's tweet saying SE23 News was a Twitter account run by Chris Beach, the owner of SE23Life. A purely factual response. It would seem quite extraordinary if Chris thinks that my providing factual responses on Twitter to people asking questions about the community in which I currently live constitutes intimidation/harassment, and to suggest that it does constitutes an attempt at a whole new level of censorship and control over and above that which he's attempted to date.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Nic »

Hello again, I'm sad to report that I've been targeted again on Twitter by two sockpuppet accounts that have appeared this week. Obviously I don't know for sure who's behind them, so I won't make any claims here, but I have my suspicions - you can read for yourselves here and form your own opinions: ... 54112?s=20 ... 01728?s=20

Why now? I don't know. What I will say is that both these accounts appeared very quickly after I tweeted on Monday that I felt suicidal in the summer after the Flava Baker incident, so I'm not sure if that was a trigger. Regardless, it's clearly very calculated, targeted and malicious and is being carried out by someone who has knowledge of my Twitter history dating back to 2016.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Pally »

People may be interested in what was posted on the SE26 forum a couple of hours ago!
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by RJM »

Wow, that's unexpected!
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Katherine12 »

Chris Beach is a liar, a fraud, obnoxious and frivolous - toxicity personified.
Robin Orton
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Robin Orton »

It will be interesting to see whether Chris's decision means that there will now be more traffic on this forum. Or has the iron now entered too deep into everybody's soul for there to be any reconciliation between the Chrisites and the Stuartites?
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Pally »

I think it a great shame that it has all been resurrected again. It is also wise and very restrained of those being named and accused to have ignored the deliberate provocation!
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by vbsydenham »

Classic online attention seeking behaviour. The site won't be closed. What a dreadful little man he is.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Tim Lund »

Robin Orton wrote: 3 Apr 2020 11:05 It will be interesting to see whether Chris's decision means that there will now be more traffic on this forum. Or has the iron now entered too deep into everybody's soul for there to be any reconciliation between the Chrisites and the Stuartites?
Don't know, but the mush of moral equivalence is quite pervasive
Robin Orton
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Robin Orton »

Tim Lund wrote: 6 Apr 2020 14:33
Robin Orton wrote: 3 Apr 2020 11:05 It will be interesting to see whether Chris's decision means that there will now be more traffic on this forum. Or has the iron now entered too deep into everybody's soul for there to be any reconciliation between the Chrisites and the Stuartites?
Don't know, but the mush of moral equivalence is quite pervasive
I assume 'the mush of moral equivalence' is a grand way of saying 'six of one and half a dozen of the other.' That's not actually what I meant. All I was trying to say, perhaps in a rather convoluted way, is that I would like there to be a useful and interesting online forum for SE26. STF seems to me to be struggling somewhat and it would good if those who used to contribute to would now use this forum instead and that we could forget about the name-calling. A vain hope, perhaps.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by RJM »

I'd like that, Robin! Forum wars are unhelpful for everyone - and a locally run forum is a good thing. I've found STF useful since I moved here and would like to see it continue to do well! I'd certainly like to see eg the Syd Soc and other local groups contributing more here, and more of the sterling work done by JMLF in promoting local stuff. Maybe a good opportunity to take the higher ground?
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