Vandalism in Mayow Park

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Vandalism in Mayow Park

Post by mummycat »

Well, the first day of the Summer holidays and some moron has set light to the childrens silde/climbing frame in Mayow Park, (the playground equipment was very limited in the first place). I'm going to ring the council in the morning and Friends of Mayow Park.... I don't know when this happened - during the day or at night when the gates were locked.

A safety ribbon has been tied to the structure, but children were still trying to climb up it this evening!

My children are heart broken - it looks like a scene from Iraq. :cry:
Rachel E
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Post by Rachel E »

I agree. It's a shocking site. My 2 year old daughter just kept staring at it and saying "it's broken mummy" by the time I was there at 5:30 the safety ribbons were hanging on the ground and providing no protection at all.

Did you speak to the council? What did they say?
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Post by mummycat »

We've spoken to Friends of Mayow Park, although she despairs anything will get done about it, as the new under 5's play area was only sited last year.

I've emailed Cllr. Chris Best, as I know she uses the park and is a member of Friends of Mayow Park, too.

The council's website was really slow this morning and in the past when I've rung about litter in the park, I've been passed around from one department to another and then onto Glendale. If anyone knows the best number to get some action done, please let me know!
Site Admin
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Post by admin »

Any chance someone could take a photograph? And either post it here or send it to me: admin at so we can all see the problem

I could do a piece with a little clock counting how many days have elapsed before action. Just to concentrate minds a little - we are very near August when very little happens in Kafka Towers ... but if they get it fixed quick for the kids then the accolades from here may be magnificent.

Rachel E
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Post by Rachel E »

I will try and get a photo this evening and pass it on to you
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Post by castiron73 »

I was stunned when I saw it yesterday and my three-year-old stood staring at it completely puzzled. He's played on it so many times since he was born.

I can't understand how it burnt so completely, it's like one of those cases of spontaneous human combustion where just a foot is left.

I can only think that petrol or some other fuel was used, or are those plastic-coated wooden panels dangerously combustible? Perhaps the chemicals in the graffiti kept it going...
Chris Best
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Post by Chris Best »

The play equipment suffered an arson attack that was highlighted by Glendale’s playground inspection officer the morning after. The equipment was immediately made safe and subsequently removed due to health and safety.

I know that the play area does attract teenagers particular on the swings - although there is signage on the playground gate - it is common for teenagers to use them for recreation and socialising. Glendale’s tell me that they do ask 'older' children to leave playgrounds when this occurs or causing a nuisance. I have discussed with the Friends of Mayow Park making a bid for the Play Builder Programme so that some other space and equipment can be identified for teenagers.

Mayow Park does not enjoy a full time park keeper and the high visible presence that offers. It would be ideal for Mayow Park, due to its size and heavy usage, to have that but current resources and welfare facility does not allow for it. As part of the 2005 review Glendale’s added the Park Patrol that operates all year round and annualised hours so coverage over the summer is until 9pm. They do treat Mayow Park as a hotspot and have had some success talking with the park users, including the "anti-social" element. Complaints and incidents are also given to them and they forged very good relationships with local SNT who also patrol Mayow Park.

With regards to the play equipment Glendale’s will be replacing the equipment – but it is not an overnight process and it requires ordering, manufacturing, installing. The manufacturing and installation can take 12 weeks therefore a suitable piece of equipment will be installed in later in the year 2008.
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Post by Eagle »

I was in park about 6 weeks ago about 3pm and some teenagers playing football on the bowling green. Looked arround for park keeper or even number to ring. Could not find either.
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Post by pip »

I noticed at the weekend that the new trees recently planted on the pavement by the vets in Mayow Road Have been snapped off at the base.
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Post by perryman »

There was a 'hut' in the playground where teenagers kept out of the rain/smoked.

But that too has gone, I believe.

Did it get burnt down or was it removed as part of the recent work?

If I am right on the order of events:
the hut was removed,
the smokers used the 'tree house' at the top of the slide instead,
the slide/ tree house burnt down.

I suspect that was the last thing they wanted.

If I'm wrong on the order of events, then sure hang 'em up. Grrr.
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Post by coll »

I can't understand why, with all the constant problems in Mayow park, why is there no CCTV camera anywhere? There are signs around the Bowling lawn but it doesn’t exist. Surely it can’t be that expensive to throw a few up. The park itself is slowly becoming feral. I use the park upwards of 3 times a day –walking my dogs. The crime and anti-social behavior is astonishing. The range of events that’s I’ve witnessed run the gamut of disgusting and ludicrous – mini cab drivers urinating at the entrance gates, dogs attacking other dogs and the occasional human, vandalism, people openly not cleaning up after their dogs and so on.

The ‘normal’ people I know that use the park on a regular basis seem to have simply accepted this as the norm as NOTHIING is ever done. There has been a president set of lawlessness that rules. You might see the occasional Community Support officer in the park but they are, most often, sitting on a bench in a far corner of the park chatting with each other or on their mobiles.
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Post by Eagle »

CCTV surely against the criminal fraternities human rights. Anyway unless the hoodies are banned no point.
I agree not great park at present , even some persons take their own radios etc so people can hear fot yards away.
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Post by mummycat »

Over the past few months my children (7 & 4) and I have also witnessed drug taking by Forest Hill boys (in uniform), gang violence and results of this arson attack.

I have never seen members of SNT or PCSOs patrolling the park in the afternoon, when schools finish. Surely this is a good time for a patrol? Maybe they're too busy patrolling school run Mums parking on zig zags?

How many PCSOs do we have - 4 or 5 now for the whole of Sydenham?
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Post by Eagle »

Did you report the drug taking to the headmaster. I thought the school was meant to have a good reputation.
Most of the Police seem to be at the newsagents at Bampton Rd both after and before school.
Geting rid of the park keeper was a false economy. Had a house in the park and could keep an eye on things both day and night.
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Post by mummycat »

No, I didn't report the drug-taking. it was the last week of term and it looked like the whole school were using the park for something.

Most of the boys went off towards the gates on Mayow Road when it ended, but a group of 4 or 5 stayed with an older man to smoke on the benches by the playground.

It only takes one bad apple to ruin the cart.....

When we were at school, (in the 70s/80s) we weren't allowed to even eat in uniform in public! :roll:
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Post by catscratch »

Poor Mayow Park.
I played in it from the age of 3; Did school work there in the late 50's. Once the jewel in the crown[with Wells Park] of the parks dept., it was always a haven of peace, and I loved those huge solid old Oaks and the cactus garden.
Still thats Lewisham Council circa 2008, more concerned with political correctness than quality of life for its residents.
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Post by ALIB »

symptomatic of the UK today. Treat the symptoms, but don't take preventative action.

Who suffers? Ultimately, the law-abiding general public.
Who pays? the general public. (tax payers)

Don't talk to me about PCO's. They are a total waste of time and money, a view that is shared by much of the police force. (certainly police members I've spoken to).

Ali B
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Post by coll »

I once watched a drug deal going on near the entrance on Mayow road. I saw a Community officer (chatting on her mobile). I told her what I just saw, she said, "I don't know what to tell you. Keep an eye out for them."

I mentioned this a that big community meeting when we were broken into groups to discuss the different issues discussed in the last meeting. There was a Community officer there who seemed horrified by what I experienced. He took my name address and phone number, saying he was going to come visit me at home to reassure me that the Community support officers were of value. That was several months ago. I’ve never heard a word from him.
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Post by Thomas »

Although feral youths and under-performing PCSOs are problems across the country, I think that it would be useful to consider how best the SydSoc (and its members) could help address crime and anti-social behaviour. I'm not suggesting a "Guardian Angel" style patrol by members, but I think that this is the sort of issue where a large civic sociey with a long track record of influencing the powers that be to do something useful could make a difference.
Tim Lund
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Local groups and Mayow Park

Post by Tim Lund »


Since you ask about SydSoc doing something about Mayow Park, I feel I should probably join in this thread. First - have a look at a couple of articles from the most recent SydSoc Newsletter - and ... umn08.html. We are on the case, and the outlook is brighter than you might think.

Re crime, anti-social behaviour, PCSOs, CCTV and volunteers. Thinking about how to make our Local Assemblies work ... umn08.html
had got me thinking about how volunteers work with the authorities in general, and how although most people will say what a good thing it would be, there are two big problems with it: (1) the attitudes of (trained) public sector workers whose jobs may be threatened, and (2) what the rest of the community would feel about a bunch of volunteers taking on themselves responsibilities which maybe they aren't really up to. And then I saw this story which seems to illustrate the problems in another context

So - it's a big complex issue, and however good SydSoc's track record is of influencing the powers that be to do something useful, at the moment I'm more interested in thinking about it, listening to people, talking to powers that be, and getting a better idea of what can be done.

Finally - there is another Mayow Park, which I walk and cycle through most days, where people walk their dogs, run, work as personal trainers, do Tai Chi, do football training, play bowls, admire the ancient oaks and other trees. Someone from Upper Sydenham told me that she'd never been to Mayow Park. Don't frighten people off - there are problems, but it's still lovely.
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