I feel very lucky to be alive!
Thursday evening on the way back from the Off Licence with my bottle of malt and fresh packet of cigs I was ambushed on the roundabout at the bottom of my road by 4 hoodies.
The main ring leader looked about 20 or so. He aspproached me asking for a light. When I faced him, someone from behind whacked me with some piece of metal over the back of my head. I fell to the ground and was immediately kicked several times. Some other guy went through my pockets while another was still kicking me. Another pulled my carrier bag from my hand. Luckily someone from one of the nearby flats had noticed and shouted at them and the gang fled.
I feel lucky to be alive. When I got home my wife called an ambulance.
I got home from hospital by noon on Friday. Naturally right now I'm battered and bruised. I feel frightened looking at myself in the mirror! I feel even more frightened of going outside in the evening again.
I want to move. But I don't know where
That is just beyond words and totally shocking. I really hope that you are on the mend and are not in too much pain. What a total shock for you to be treated so brutally.
Where did this happen? I really hope the police get the b**t*rds that did this to you
Yes I to am very concerned for you . Regret could happen anyway but I know that is no consolation.
Where exactly did this happen ?
Unless on CCTV guess the Police will have a real problem but let us hope they give it top priority and they are put away for life.
Once again very best wishes
Not trying to be clever but from my knowledge of the area - I would say that happened at the roundabout on Sydenham Avenue? - and the sad thing is the people that did it probably live in your estate - Chulsa Estate/Chulsa road
That is concerning - can you give us any more information or updates? We're near-ish to Chulsa Road, and while it's normally been quiet and uneventful, I have seen the occasional group of young men wandering aimlessly and harassing passers-by.
I'm glad to hear that you're recovering, and hope you informed the police!
What is strange is that if you have seen goups harassing people why have not the police done anything.
This is especially worrying as they appear to have wanted to hurt as much as possible although there would be no more financial gain. These people need to be locked up quickly
So sorry to hear of your awful experience GemStone - hope you are feeling better and that the Police are able to find who did this.
We came home this afternoon to find our upstairs neighbour's frontdoor boarded-up. It turns out that at about 3pm this afternoon a man smashed the window and tried to kick the door in with my neighbour in the flat. Luckily they screamed out and the man ran off. We were quite shocked as we live on a very busy main road in Sydenham with regular traffic and passers-by - trying this in broad-daylight is very brave/desperate indeed... And rather unnerving....
It's awful when you get mugged and it does take a while to come to terms with it. A good plan is to think that it could have been worse. (I have and my son has three times no less.)
Someone suggested that I apply to CICA (the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board) and it is worth doing that. www.cica.gov.uk
It's not like insurance - they don't cover monetary loss - it's a possible "damages" payment for the disruption it's caused to your life. That does drag out the remembering process, given our brains prefer to put these things behind us, though it can help to focus in a businesslike way which helps dispel the shock element.
Longer term, you have to put it behind you and go about your business as you would have before. We both have - with some fortitude. They (or is it the police?) offer a counselling service (a different URL link) if the incident is sitting heavily with you.
The mind is a wonderful thing for blanking memories out, but it does take a little while, so lots of hugs in the meantime.
A rule of Forums is its unwise to believe or not believe everything you read. Only Gemstone can vouch for it. If it did happen it could be a little cruel to be doubting. On the other hand to dish the residents of an estate on this one report is also a bit dodgy.
So I don't think speculation here is very helpful.
Maybe Gemstone doesn't feel too good at the moment considering what has happened and getting back online is not a priority.
I know a couple of people who have been violently mugged (not around here I might add) who have been really traumatised by it, but the effects took a while to emerge.
When it happened to my son the first time, he received injury and even though not really serious injury I was completely fazed by it - so shocked and scared for him for the future. I posted something on a forum (before I joined this one) and was extremely grateful for the both kind and knowledgeable words offered by those members.
I hope the OP is getting to grips with it and I've no doubt others in a similar position who might read this will be happy to know that people care and can possibly help them, as others did me, and as peeps on here are trying to do. When it happened to me, I knew I was in danger of becoming very insular (not wanting to go out) and talking to peeps on the internet about anything (not my exerience) helped keep me grounded and remembering how many good peeps are out on the streets as well.
Firstly I offer my sincere thanks for all your kind messages and PMs too. I'm very touched by many of you.
My broadband package was in the process of being switched from Tiscali to Sky. I obtained the MAC from Tiscali, but Sky were very slow to respond. Meanwhile I'd been cut off from Tiscali with no internet.
Now this evening almost 2 weeks later, I've got my Sky.
My wife had been to the library, she looked on the forum and noticed all your messages, but she felt it would be wrong to comment herself as she would rather wait for me to respond.
Sorry for keeping you all in suspense!
The incident took place as I walked home at the end of Border Road towards the roundabout of Sydenham Avenue/Chulsa Road.
Yes the Ambulance staff informed the police. Shortly after I was seen by the Nurse, the police took a brief statement and I was informed CID would deal with it.
DS Evans of Bromley CID dealt with my case. He called over to my house and took a more detailed statement. I can say the police were very professional and seemed confident they may know who 2 of the 4 muggers could be.
I later received a Victims of Crime leaflet and a reference number. DS Evans also gave me his personal mobile number which I thought was good of him.
I kind of felt scared at first that the muggers may bump into me again as the incident took place so close to home, they may get to know where I live etc, but perhaps I was being a bit too paranoid.
I've still got some bruises showing, though most of the pain and discomfort has gone. Perhaps if I was younger (I am 56) I would have healed up by now.
I have been off work for 2 weeks sick, but intend to return this coming Monday. My boss has been very understanding. But then I've only had 2 days off sick in 16 years.
As for making this up ?!?!?!?
Why would anyone do such a horrid thing. Everyone tells lies from time to time, but not to such a scale. That is simply weird to make something like this up.
But if Disko still does not believe me - I don't care anyway.
Hello Gemstone
Good to have you back and pleased the Police reaction positive.
It must be difficult after such an incident and again I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery and of course I hope the police catch and put away the criminals who carried out this terrible attack.
Welcome back. I hope that in time you will get full confidence back and be able to walk the streets without fear, it will take some time but do try to get out a little each day and extend the time and distance, if those thugs stop you from doing that then they've won and you'll be a victim twice - once regarding the actual crime and again by restricting your movements. Very Best Wishes to you and yours.