Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

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Sapient Syd
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Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by Sapient Syd »

Opportunistic Developers are currently making determined attempts to acquire and demolish a number of large houses in and around Wells Park Longton Avenue London SE26 6RE. including No. 27 a unique detached 1920's Edwardian villa formally known as "Allendale".

We are determined to save Allendale and its grounds which are included in a designated Area of Nature Conservation.

A planning application has now been submitted to the council Ref DC/16/096614 | Demolition of existing two-storey detached house at 27 Longton Avenue SE26 and the construction of a four-storey building to provide 8 three bedroom maisonettes

http://planning.lewisham.gov.uk/online- ... CAPR_83939

We need your support to let Lewisham Council know the depth of feeling against wanton destruction of beautiful buildings and to help preserve an outstanding area for wildlife and nature as well as maintain Longton Avenue as the area of Special Character which the council acknowledges in its town plan. Unfortunately, this does not afford protection from developers who only see profit from cramming as many unsightly blocks of "units" as possible onto the land and gardens of the avenue,park and surrounding area.

Please go http://planning.lewisham.gov.uk to register your objection to this monstrous development. Objections have to be received by 21st July at the latest.

For more info and offers to help, email:- savetheavenue@gmail.com

Protect our History Culture and Heritage for future generations to admire and enjoy - Thanks.
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by stuart »

Is this the fella?

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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by Eagle »

Good luck to all concerned in fighting this development , however I am not optimistic.
Sapient Syd
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by Sapient Syd »

Yes the picture is of 27 Longton Avenue the home under threat of demolition and replacement with a 4 storey square block monstrosity .The proposed new building is seriously not in keeping with the characteristics of the rest of the road.
Sapient Syd
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by Sapient Syd »

Thanks also for posting the photo of No 27!

I was defeated by the technology trying to post a photo

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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by stuart »

No 27 reminded me of the 1935 home featured in last week's George Clarke's Old House, New Home (episode 5 in case C4 change the link this week).

Brought back from the grave with a little imagination.

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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by stuart »

Oh and maybe No27 inspired the soon to be lost offices in Sydenham Road - or v.v.?

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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by Nigel »

I'll definitely object - it's a significant building and we have lost too much character ready .
I think we need a new word for " developer " - its greed supported by the stupid .
Lets not be too pessimistic here - we did see the greyhound restored in our lifetime .
A very good evening
Sapient Syd
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by Sapient Syd »

Thanks all for your kind words and support It's appreciated

Collectively we all need to get vocal and raise the tempo and level of opposition to these developments that eat away at the character and charm of Sydenham and its historic assets.

Please keep spreading the word about this threat and monstrous development.

We really need to demonstrate to our planners it's not always about the money - People matter and their voices need to be heard loud and clear.

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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by harrym »

I've looked at the proposal in detail and it looks like a very well thought out design which I believe would enhance not detract from the area. The building is a good example of modern design which the area is in desperate need of. Ordinary families cannot afford to take on and restore a dilapidated house of that size - which isn't all that attractive to start with. Here, four families could enjoy living in a lovely area in a beautiful 21st century eco friendly home. To make the most of Sydenham we need to not be afraid of the new. I'm pro conservation btw - and there are plenty of buildings worth fighting for and saving - the old post sorting office on silverdale for example. But a knee jerk opposition to all new developments is not helpful I think.
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by 134_Cookery_Studio »

Fully agree with harrym's comments. How many would be able to afford to purchase/restore a house of that size.

If a developer can do a good job and prepare something suitable for 3-4 families - why not? Failing that the building would just sit there and rot which nobody wants.

We absolutely love old architecture and believe in preserving wherever possible. Sometime Sydenham people just seem to get carried away. We need to accept new along with the old.

We have first hand experience with the High Street Buildings on Kirkdale - Absolutely lovely period building which is listed with English Heritage. The cost of preserving is horrendous and the Council is absolutely no help - in fact they are the cause of not taking action earlier.

Also see a trend on the forum of constantly having a dig at developers. While sometimes the community needs to take action - but we never see when developers get it right. Lets give them a break guys ...
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by whittler »

Having had a quick look at the development in question (and it's for EIGHT 3 bed maisonettes, so rather more than would house four families) it does look like a lot of attention has been paid to the special circumstances of the site, in particular taking the SINC status of the garden into account, and the development has been scaled back to it's current size once already - whether 8 units is still a bit of a squeeze here in a rather unadventurous but not at all bad design remains to be seen.... It is certainly a big site that probably could accommodate a development that increases the density to this level whilst providing a good amount of amenity space for residents through careful landscaping.
Personally, i don't think it's a case of 'all development = bad' or 'all developers = good' here, or giving anyone a break from proper scrutiny, but that development should be considered on a case by case basis, with consistency, care and accountability and through that process the highest quality sustainable development is delivered according to the policies that Lewisham sets out in it's own plan and also that accords with the wider NPPF.
I don't think the 'highest quality' part can be emphasised too much here.
Sometimes it is often only concerned parties - be they neighbours or amenity societies - that are able to flag up legitimate concerns as part of this process that may be overlooked otherwise. Lewisham Council is currently receiving something like a thousand planning applications a month (commercial and residential), so the workload must be immense under difficult circumstances, so proper scrutiny by those living nearby who will be most affected is a good thing in my opinion, and may benefit everyone in the wider locality in the long run.
After all, once it's there, it's there and there's no quick fix if it 'aint right.
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by leenewham »

The sure the building needs a lot spend on it to realise it's potential (I saw the art deco makeover too on Channel 4, which was great). Currently it doesn't look great.

The new development, if the quality is high, could be an asset. I don't think it's a bad development. I rather like the style of architecture of the new building, but I also like the old one. My issue with the new design is to do with context. Does it respect it's surroundings?

The plans for the new building do look well considered, but I feel it would look out of place in the street compared to the other buildings, partly due to scale, although I couldn't find a visual showing it in context in the street.

I have no issue with old buildings being adapted or knocked down as long as they aren't of special interest and what replaces them is better than what was there before.

I'm a little torn on this.

Totally agree with 134_Cookery_Studio on how unhelpful local organisations and councils can be at times which is why I'm leaving the Sydenham Society.
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by harrym »

http://planning.lewisham.gov.uk/online- ... 457110.pdf

This link takes you to a street elevation. In terms of the overall context I don't think it's out of place.

We desperately need to embrace the contemporary as well as preserving the historical if we want this area to thrive.

I couldn't agree more that existing local groups are currently obstructive rather than positive influencers, and its holding Sudenham back as everywhere around us flourishes with great new businesses, and great design. (Crystal Palace, Forest Hill, Brockley, Honor Oak, West Norwood and The Penge Tourist Board which has a great approach)
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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by stuart »

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Re: Longton Avenue/ Wells Park Development threat

Post by SteveG85 »

I walked past the existing building a couple of days ago and have to admit to personally not really understanding the architectural merit that others see in it. I also took a look at the internal photos accompanying the planning application which show that the building is in a fairly poor state of repair. Finding someone willing to make a substantial investment to refurbish the existing building seems pretty fanciful to me, so I'd be very much in favour of a development that was inkeeping with the character of the street.

The link HarryM posted above showing the proposed development worked for me, but unfortunately I can't seem to attach it as a picture here. These things are obviously very subjective, but for what it's worth I can't see how anyone could think that the proposed development was appropriate given the good quality housing around it, so I can completely understand the opposition to this
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