Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

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Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by biscuitman1978 »

I was walking past Sydenham DIY at the end of last week and I noticed that Thames Water's contractor had 'completed' their work to the footway, leaving it in a terrible state, as you can see in the picture below.


I emailed Thames Water to ask if and when the footpath would be properly reinstated. To be fair, they called me three times the next day, initially to let me know that they were looking into it, then to reassure me they were still looking into it and then finally to let me know that it will be fixed. Good, huh?

Well, no, because the contractor has six months to properly mend the pavement. Yes, SIX MONTHS.

So much money spent on repaving the high street and then Thames Water are allowed to dig it up and leave it looking a complete mess for several months. Bonkers.

If people would like to drop Thames Water an email urging them to get this sorted I'd be most grateful. You can contact them at The site is outside Sydenham DIY, 274 Kirkdale, SE26 4RS.
Tim Lund
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Tim Lund »

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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Nigel »

Thanks for alerting us .
I have written to them as you suggest .
Needless to say , I did not wish them
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Nigel »

I emailed TW customer services and got much the same response ie contractor has 6 months to do this , they don't have supply of slabs etc . I asked to be updated and said I hoped It would be days not weeks etc . Seems very bungling not to have a supply of slabs to finish the job .
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by D-W »

Has anyone else seen that the new units just beside the DIY store appear to have filled in the whole in the pavement in front of the units with the same black bitumin type material? It looks awful. Anyone know if there are plans to put anything over it or whether it is actually it is part of their property that they can fill how they like? Or even whether it was them that filled it as opposed to the council? Really brings the look of the retail unit behind down.
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Nigel »

This is the latest from TW customer service in response to my emails :
"Thank you for taking the time to reply to my email and apologies for the delay in replying to you.

Whilst I appreciate your frustration, the issue we have is that the Highway Agency (HA) have recently resurfaced this entire area. We’re dealing with the HA directly to get these paving slabs sourced as they're likely to have some left in their stores. If we can purchase what we need from them, we will have these works done much sooner, we’re just waiting for a response and this has contributed to the 6 months period.

I understand this isn't response you're looking for, but I hope this explains why the reinstatement takes such a long time to be completed.
If you wish to speak to me about this, please call me on 0800 0093932. Our offices are open between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Yours sincerely
Martyna Jozwiakowska
Customer Relations"

I cannot see how someone missed the fact that they had no new slab to lay before breaking up the existing paving - or how it could take more than 24 hours to get 6 slabs from A to B .

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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Willy »

Why did they break up the slabs in the first place? Can't they just lift them, do the work and then put them back?
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Eagle »


That was just what I was thinking . I suppose there may be a logical answer !!!!
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by JRobinson »

no there's no logical answer.

the contractor doing the work for Thames Water (most likely Clancey Docwra (sp?)) don't care how they get to the pipes to do the work, or what the surface is like. They're on a time limit to get in and do the job and get off site - under terms and conditions of the permit issued to do the work. They'll leave site having put back a suitable temporary surface.
Any making good of the FW surface, or reinstatement will be done by another team of people, a different subcontractor to TW. and they have up to 6 months to reinstate, but the original team doing the work on the pipes will get fined for late starts, or over runs on the permit to actually do the work.

lifting the slabs carefully, storing carefully whilst working, and replacing carefully afterwards are often not considered - unless it's a conservation area and that's part of the Ts&Cs of the permit, in which case they'll be on site longer.
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Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by biscuitman1978 »

D-W wrote:Has anyone else seen that the new units just beside the DIY store appear to have filled in the whole in the pavement in front of the units with the same black bitumin type material? It looks awful. Anyone know if there are plans to put anything over it or whether it is actually it is part of their property that they can fill how they like? Or even whether it was them that filled it as opposed to the council? Really brings the look of the retail unit behind down.
A good point and good questions. I have responded to your post in the thread at ... 47#p122047

As for the Thames Water 'repair', thanks to Nigel and to anyone else who has contacted Thames Water.
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Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by biscuitman1978 »

I have chased Thames Water about making a proper repair to the footway outside Sydenham DIY:


I have also asked them when they will make a proper repair to the area outside Kente:


Michelle Flood of the Customer Relations team advised me today that her colleagues have told her that the repairs are complete. I have advised her that they are not. Ms Flood, who is very helpful, has agreed to arrange for her colleagues to visit the site to check.

I'll provide an update in due course...
Last edited by biscuitman1978 on 4 Jan 2016 20:32, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Sydenham »

Nice name - Ms. M Flood for Thames Water
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Nigel »

Its a good thing you are on the case , even if Thames Water are clearly not.
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Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by biscuitman1978 »

biscuitman1978 wrote:I have chased Thames Water about making a proper repair to the footway outside Sydenham DIY:


I have also asked them when they will make a proper repair to the area outside Kente:


Michelle Flood of the Customer Relations team advised me today that her colleagues have told her that the repairs are complete. I have advised her that they are not. Ms Flood, who is very helpful, has agreed to arrange for her colleagues to visit the site to check.

I'll provide an update in due course...
Michelle Flood called me on Saturday to tell me that Thames Water:

- Are struggling to get hold of the replacement materials for the repair outside Sydenham DIY (expensive and in short supply, apparently), but will make the repair as soon as possible

- Will be visiting the 'repair' outside Kente in the next few days to check what state it's in

I'll keep the pressure on.
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Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by biscuitman1978 »

The latest update: Michelle Flood of Thames Water advised me on 05/02/16 that Thames Water have been in contact with the highway authorities to discuss the completion of the reinstatement and that, at present, they are having difficulty obtaining the required materials.
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Nigel »

That a full 4 months since you reported it - it is stunning that TW cant source a few paving stones - they may be slightly non- standard but hardly bespoke .
Thank you for keeping this on their radar .
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by mosy »

Tee hee. It's all dug up again near the Orb - electricity I gather this time, I know not why. That stretch of road does seem to be a focal point for utility problems doesn't it?
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by Rachael »

And as someone asked below, why were the original slabs not saved? Are they cemented in? Is there no way to lift them without destroying them?
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Re: Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by mosy »

Good question. When Riney fixed the grilles in place behind the Station Approach loo at either side, they managed to remove the paviors and afterwards repair the pavement seamlessly, so presumably it can be done.
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Thames Water - destroying our new pavements

Post by biscuitman1978 »

Some progress: the footway outside Sydenham DIY has been fixed (albeit after a gentle warning that I will be reporting Thames Water to the Consumer Council for Water if they don't get the repairs sorted).


Thames Water are, they say, aware that they still need to repair the lay-by outside Kente.
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