I emailed Thames Water to ask if and when the footpath would be properly reinstated. To be fair, they called me three times the next day, initially to let me know that they were looking into it, then to reassure me they were still looking into it and then finally to let me know that it will be fixed. Good, huh?
Well, no, because the contractor has six months to properly mend the pavement. Yes, SIX MONTHS.
So much money spent on repaving the high street and then Thames Water are allowed to dig it up and leave it looking a complete mess for several months. Bonkers.
If people would like to drop Thames Water an email urging them to get this sorted I'd be most grateful. You can contact them at customer.feedback@thameswater.co.uk. The site is outside Sydenham DIY, 274 Kirkdale, SE26 4RS.