Sydenham High St Stabbing

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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Sydenham »

From news accounts so far this doesn't seem like a random incident. Unjustified for sure - no-one deserves this. So this happening doesn't change how I feel about the safety of Sydenham - nor do I think it changes how safe Sydenham is or not.

I understand that most crimes of violence are committed between people who know each other. So one's own personal safety is directly linked to the company one keeps. Geography has nothing to do with it.

Sydenham is as safe today as it was yesterday.
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Rachael »

Sydenham wrote:From news accounts so far this doesn't seem like a random incident. Unjustified for sure - no-one deserves this. So this happening doesn't change how I feel about the safety of Sydenham - nor do I think it changes how safe Sydenham is or not.

I understand that most crimes of violence are committed between people who know each other. So one's own personal safety is directly linked to the company one keeps. Geography has nothing to do with it.

Sydenham is as safe today as it was yesterday.
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by somerandombloke »

Sydenham wrote:From news accounts so far this doesn't seem like a random incident. Unjustified for sure - no-one deserves this. So this happening doesn't change how I feel about the safety of Sydenham - nor do I think it changes how safe Sydenham is or not.

I understand that most crimes of violence are committed between people who know each other. So one's own personal safety is directly linked to the company one keeps. Geography has nothing to do with it.

Sydenham is as safe today as it was yesterday.
I agree. But i do also think that you can do a lot about the risc of bein mugged etc by the way you conduct yourself. Mate of mine lives in Sydenham whose tiny got mugged three times in 3 months. So he got himself one of them attack sprays you know the ones their not actually CS gas or pepper spray but they have this bright orange paint witha 2 or 3m range and it stings like a bastard in the eyes. And he hasnt had to use it that was 3 years ago he reckons whats happened is its made him feel safer and he kind of projetcs that and he looks like 'Dont you dare f*ck with me' cos the spray thingy in his pocket gives him a feeling of peace of mind and safety. He says he is ready to use it mind if anyone does try to f*ck with him.

I am of course a hefty bastard with a face like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle and a shaved head so i never get f*cked with!!!!! Just as well cos i rubbish at fightin!!!!!
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Manwithaview1 »

Nathan was a young carer and did lots in the caring community. :cry:
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Nigel »

Trouble is your diminutive friend is getting into the offensive weapon per se area and the carriers of sprays/knives/Guns are always saying nonsense like you have to have a weapon to protect yourself ( from people like that ).

Sydenham is still a pretty safe place but the point about most harm comes from people that you know is misleading - despite what people might like to tell themselves there are crime hotspots and they are not usually surprising in their locations .

There are plenty of " mistaken identity " murders and people killed in crossfire so lets not pretend this kind of savage behaviour doesn't present at least some risk to the community at large as well as the young man who has lost his life .
Good evening
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by P1971 »

Very sad to read this post and hope all including the 16 yr old girl are brought to justice. Teenagers go through many changes BUT not to this extent. We were all young once and may have been a bit naughty but never harming anyone in my day anyway. This is very sad regardless of what is going on! I sure hope it stops now if it is drug or gang related :-(
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by mosy »

I too hope that all involved, not just the girl who seemingly was goaded into it, are brought to justice. It is heartbreaking that a young life should be so needlessly cut short :( If randomly, then none of us is truly safe whatever company we keep unless wearing a kevlar jacket and pants every time we go out!

An argument against carrying some form of protection is that it could be used on oneself if overpowered, which is likely since, as somerandbloke says, muggers tend to pick on vulnerable people. However, if a speed of light initiation stabbing, it would be over by the time a victim could even produce his own deterrent. A grim state of affairs.
Hissing Syd
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Hissing Syd »

Like previous posters, I'm shocked and saddened by what's happened, and hope all responsible can be brought to justice.

I've mentioned here before that having been a victim of violent crime in the past, it's always at the forefront of my mind. That being the case I can state unreservedly that I consider Sydenham to be a great and safe place to live.

Some of that comes down to having a high street that is well-lit and busy, even late at night, ditto access to Sydenham station (unlike Lower Sydenham as I pointed out recently).

There are, though, two factors that do concern me, and that I don't understand why they're so accepted - cycling on the pavement and smoking weed in public.

In terms of the former, I realise it's been discussed here before, and I realise that the cyclists who post here are not among those who do it. But it's commonplace, accepted, happens every hour of every day, at considerable speed, given the steepness of Sydenham Road, and it can be a trigger for violent conflict. My neighbour was threatened by a guy a few months ago, who swore at him and said he was going to punch his face in and various other unpleasant statements, all because he happened to be walking in front of him as he rode along the pavement, and didn't get out of the way fast enough. That, to my mind, is crazy.

As to weed - each to his own, but I do feel it's a concern that it's done so openly, with absolutely no fear of consequence whatsoever. There are several key places on the high street that you can pretty much guarantee will reek of it. I've seen kids in school uniform smoking reefers, and there was even a guy outside the Dolphin the week before last, merrily puffing away on a spliff.

I'm not suggesting these two things are behind this week's tragedy. But on a practical level, commenting on local safety, I do think - speaking as someone who is always conscious of potentially violent situations - that if they were less widely accepted/tolerated and given more attention by the authorities, then that could only be a good thing for our town.

Just a thought, going froward from the events of this week, and it's not intended as jab at the cycling community. And as to Sydenham - horrible and desperately sad as this killing is, let's not forget that bad things happen everywhere, including posh old Muswell Hill. This is a brilliant community in which to live, and the warm, polite, decent people that live here far outweigh the others.
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by somerandombloke »

Hissing Syd wrote:There are, though, two factors that do concern me, and that I don't understand why they're so accepted - cycling on the pavement and smoking weed in public.
Ive said it before its about social responsibility. We should all be responsible for not being a t**t to our fellow man or woman wether it not being dangerous on teh pavement not taking illegal drugs in public and certainly not stabbin people on the high street. sadly a lot of the time people is just too greedy to accept that responsibility they think they has a right to more and dont give a f**k if it hurst there fellow men or woman. My pal has had to adjust his sens of social responsibity he feels he not safe if he gose out if he dont have his spray in his pocket but hopefully it a) dont mean he uses it irresponsibly (he worried about that one day he will spray someone whose just bein a dick but not actually threating him) and b) it dont get taken off him and used against him.
Alfred Adler
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Alfred Adler »

Police tape around Nat West on the high street. related?

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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by leenewham »

If the parents or friends of Nathan read this, I'd also like to offer my condolences. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a son. Especially in these circumstances. I hope that whoever is responsible, in every aspect, not only is caught, but feels remorse and spends the rest of their lives trying to make up for the wrong they have done.

Sydenham is, generally, a safe place to be. Some poor souls have been unlucky by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've seen some really violent things in Oxford Street, Camden, Hampstead, Brockley and other places with my own eyes, let alone what I've heard. None of this should stop you from doing anything, going out etc.

RIP Nathan.
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by alywin »

robbieduncan wrote:
alywin wrote:Horrible - ghastly for his family and loved ones. I hope they do catch all the perpetrators, and that justice is done.
I hope justice will start with appropriate offences. Being charged with "for grievous bodily harm with intent" does not seem right. If you stab someone it should be at least attempted murder. In this case drop the attempted.
This article ... am/?ref=ar indicates that she was re-arrested and charged with murder. Also that a man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Alfred Adler
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Alfred Adler »

At the weekend in Hither Green there was a stabbing at a 16th birthday party with riot police called in ... th-5798257

Presumably we will know soon enough if the events are linked.

Edited at the request of Admin
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by admin »

Please in the meantime no speculation. This is too serious and stuff must be sub-judice. Plus enough grief has been caused whatever the circumstances.

Alfred Adler
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Alfred Adler »

Marley Lucas of Champion Road, Sydenham was charged with murder yesterday. /full story here ... ef=mr&lp=5
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by parker »

Rachael wrote:
Sydenham wrote:From news accounts so far this doesn't seem like a random incident. Unjustified for sure - no-one deserves this. So this happening doesn't change how I feel about the safety of Sydenham - nor do I think it changes how safe Sydenham is or not.

I understand that most crimes of violence are committed between people who know each other. So one's own personal safety is directly linked to the company one keeps. Geography has nothing to do with it.

Sydenham is as safe today as it was yesterday.
I know where's safer if we're comparing Richmond upon Thames to Sydenham, if the truth be told most of SE London is a dodgy, undesirable and unwanted part of the capital.
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Pally »

[quote I know where's safer if we're comparing Richmond upon Thames to Sydenham, if the truth be told most of SE London is a dodgy, undesirable and unwanted part of the capital.[/quote]

Er .....seems a bit of a generalisation! Based on what?
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by parker »

The difference in house prices says it all really...
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by Eagle »

Surely the dramatic rise in house prices in SE 26 then might change the demographic , possibly reducing these terrible

Be positive though . Even Virginia Water , i am sure , has problem people.
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Re: Sydenham High St Stabbing

Post by somerandombloke »

parker wrote:truth be told most of SE London is a dodgy, undesirable and unwanted part of the capital.
Except for those of us who love living here.
Last edited by somerandombloke on 6 Jun 2015 15:09, edited 1 time in total.
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