Sydenham Coop

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Sydenham Coop

Post by Nigel »

Despite that fawning John Hannah-like voice over on their "gud with fud" adverts - what an agreeable place the coop is .
Staff all seem to be very helpful and friendly - shop is bright and clean and good range of food and wine .

I find Coops a great cure for the odd I-am-too-stupid-to-plan moment and to add to that I truly enjoy the idea of supporting the cooperative movement in contrast with the poxy Sainsburys movement or even poxier Tesco local movement .
A very cooperative evening
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Re: Sydenham Coop

Post by Rachael »

Any chance of a hyphen there, Nigel? Co-op. Diminutive of The Co-Operative. Not coop, where chickens roost.
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Re: Sydenham Coop

Post by Nigel »

You are quite right , for the avoidance of doubt I was referring to the Co-operative group and its stores particularly that one in Sydenham
A very good evening
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Re: Sydenham Coop

Post by alywin »

I see that despite all their rebranding, we still persist in calling the cooperative the Co-op :)
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Re: Sydenham Coop

Post by 14BradfordRoad »

alywin wrote:I see that despite all their rebranding, we still persist in calling the cooperative the Co-op :)
Must admit Co-op rolls off of the tongue much easier. We are creatures of habit.

I worked for BT for many years, the part now called Openreach after several name changes. Many customers still saw us as the GPO. :lol:
Last edited by 14BradfordRoad on 14 Jan 2015 11:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sydenham Coop

Post by Eagle »

Should we ask The Rochdale Pioneers. !!!!!!
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Re: Sydenham Coop

Post by leenewham »

I agree. The co-op was rebranded by Pentagram working with the Co-ops own designers, (Pentargram is a design co-operative) back in 2008. In the new trial stores sales went up 15% so it was rolled out across the whole group.

The problem is, pretty much everyone still calls it the Co-op and if you change the design of pretty much anything, sales go up. That's why own brand packaging changes so much.

The National Westminster Bank changed to Natwest because that's what everyone called it. Marks and Spencer call themselves both M&S and Marks & Spencer. Lots of brands do this.

I like the Co-op and the values they stand for, but they are awful at communicating it and really should make a stand and pay the living wage, something that have called short on. In any company, the numbers will never save you, your staff will. Staff are a companies most valuable asset.

I worked for big design agency years ago (we designed the Eurostar brand, Hammersmith Tube Station, Oval Tube Station, Harrods logo, San Pelligrino, Natwest advertising etc) that lost their biggest client. The partners all took a pay cut first. Then it was passed down to the staff. Eventually they had to make redundancies. I left on my own accord, but when I left, they gave the money taken out of my wages back. I loved that company and am still friends with them all now.
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