SEE3- new developments
SEE3- new developments
I write knowing that I risk immediate criticism and a knee jerk defence from some.
But I’d like to bring your attention to a SEE3 initiative and open up a discussion. One which can stay on track so be positively constructive. I’ll try to do that too.
Their current aim is to create:
‘Suburban Safari’
‘’An interactive public art project creating a trail of original animal-themed art in the SEE3 area: Forest Hill, Kirkdale and Sydenham together with regular performance events, High Street Happenings.’’
‘’Artists will create a ‘suburban safari’ of animal-themed artworks in the high streets. Students will also be encouraged to take part and work with artists to create the artwork as part of their curriculum. Art will be installed in places agreed by the community and by the artist including ‘pocket parks’, suitable nooks and crannies, doorways, shops and public buildings. The public, especially children and young people, will be encouraged to find the animals and take their own ‘safari selfies’ to upload to social media. At the end of the commission the artworks will belong to the community. Some will remain on permanent display (typically sculptures and installations) or might be sold off and the proceeds used to commission new items or maintain the permanent ones. SEE3 and Sydenham Arts will stage regular free ‘High Street Happenings’ - live music, dance and drama performances including a large-scale 4th of July Street Celebration to launch Sydenham Arts Summer Festival 2015.‘’
Costs: £44,551
Here’s the link to find out more, click on various tabs which show breakdown of costs too:
My first thought was why hasn’t this been publicised on STF in order to guage ideas and/ or support?
Particularly considering what has just happened with the Portas Pilot funding. SEE3 avoid even after more than a year to provide an evaluation. If it was a success then we would hear!
I’ve read through this latest proposal three times and I’m inclined to think it is a lot of effort, with no quantifiable return and look at the amount of money.
It feels an empty shot to me and that SEE3 plus all those involved, Sydenham Arts Festival too have not listened.
Another example:
I know you’ll all get annoyed with me to say this but this latest shop The Shop Revolution Marketplace- enquiries are to SEE3- is going to face real problems.
No one appears to be leaning on help when it is readily available and has been offered.
Currently and to date everything has an amateur, DIY, passé feel about it.
Remember a lot of money has been spent already and there is nothing to show or of value in a sustainable or economic way. There is certainly no income- profit.
We should be creating something cool, a bit slick, new and contemporary.
£44,551 that is a lot of money.
What about the unspent signage money Lee mentioned- what is happening with that?
I very much doubt a ‘Suburban Safari’ is the answer. Nor is trying to sell coffee, flowers, cheese and cakes off the beaten track when this is being achieved perfectly well on the whole up the road.
It’s a concern I think.
But I’d like to bring your attention to a SEE3 initiative and open up a discussion. One which can stay on track so be positively constructive. I’ll try to do that too.
Their current aim is to create:
‘Suburban Safari’
‘’An interactive public art project creating a trail of original animal-themed art in the SEE3 area: Forest Hill, Kirkdale and Sydenham together with regular performance events, High Street Happenings.’’
‘’Artists will create a ‘suburban safari’ of animal-themed artworks in the high streets. Students will also be encouraged to take part and work with artists to create the artwork as part of their curriculum. Art will be installed in places agreed by the community and by the artist including ‘pocket parks’, suitable nooks and crannies, doorways, shops and public buildings. The public, especially children and young people, will be encouraged to find the animals and take their own ‘safari selfies’ to upload to social media. At the end of the commission the artworks will belong to the community. Some will remain on permanent display (typically sculptures and installations) or might be sold off and the proceeds used to commission new items or maintain the permanent ones. SEE3 and Sydenham Arts will stage regular free ‘High Street Happenings’ - live music, dance and drama performances including a large-scale 4th of July Street Celebration to launch Sydenham Arts Summer Festival 2015.‘’
Costs: £44,551
Here’s the link to find out more, click on various tabs which show breakdown of costs too:
My first thought was why hasn’t this been publicised on STF in order to guage ideas and/ or support?
Particularly considering what has just happened with the Portas Pilot funding. SEE3 avoid even after more than a year to provide an evaluation. If it was a success then we would hear!
I’ve read through this latest proposal three times and I’m inclined to think it is a lot of effort, with no quantifiable return and look at the amount of money.
It feels an empty shot to me and that SEE3 plus all those involved, Sydenham Arts Festival too have not listened.
Another example:
I know you’ll all get annoyed with me to say this but this latest shop The Shop Revolution Marketplace- enquiries are to SEE3- is going to face real problems.
No one appears to be leaning on help when it is readily available and has been offered.
Currently and to date everything has an amateur, DIY, passé feel about it.
Remember a lot of money has been spent already and there is nothing to show or of value in a sustainable or economic way. There is certainly no income- profit.
We should be creating something cool, a bit slick, new and contemporary.
£44,551 that is a lot of money.
What about the unspent signage money Lee mentioned- what is happening with that?
I very much doubt a ‘Suburban Safari’ is the answer. Nor is trying to sell coffee, flowers, cheese and cakes off the beaten track when this is being achieved perfectly well on the whole up the road.
It’s a concern I think.
Re: SEE3- new developments
If you go to SEE3 Twitter Page- there are are further bids in process too:
Re: SEE3- new developments
Re: SEE3- new developments
I think your suggestion of,"We should be creating something cool, a bit slick, new and contemporary" needs to be expanded on before I can believe you can offer a viable alternative. Until then I look forward to discovering safari animals in and around the local area...
Re: SEE3- new developments
Firstly I can understand if this sounds ‘humbug’ and nearly didn’t post, I had thought about if I should for a few days.
But in the end I thought that I should say something if I was worried- it’s just that as opposed to criticism.
Whenever I post I know there is a risk that I won’t necessarily be heard or end up a bit upset due to remarks but I think my thoughts on this occasion are worth consideration.
I have suggested that:
‘We should be creating something cool, a bit slick, new and contemporary’
And requires me to expand on, I agree but I can only try to do so in a broad way because we are still without the Portas Pilot evaluation which if we did have would enable a start point, a foundation. What’s been spent, where and what is left? Very simple and the rest we can work out for ourselves measured against the core Portas Pilot objectives which are sometimes different to how SEE3 explain achievements.
Sydres I think the question you should be asking is how viable are further bids from SEE3 at this point in time.
My thoughts about developing SE26 high street are as follows, but are repetitive sorry, but please keep in mind they may spend £44K + on an animal safari. Overall I think we should be looking at local consumer needs, creating something sustainable and economically viable
- Firstly we need a strategy, a very logical, step by step plan which is securely rooted in the needs of the local consumer. We want to enhance their shopping experience and where can keep them on their local high street. So find out what is missing. Looking towards the future create reasons to become a destination place to shop- so bring in new traffic. But first things first- nothing too niche at present
- Improve appearance of high street- I’ve said before this is cheap to sort good quality signage and I cannot imagine any retailer declining if that was on offer. On The Hoof have just got one up after months, was it worth the wait? And The Shop Revolution’s quite honestly leaves me speechless
- I think a good plan would be to spend money initially as a Pop Up venture at one of the empty retail spaces on the main High Street or Kirkdale roundabout. An art Gallery? And multiuse? But it needs to be smart, a much more careful selection compared to what’s happened with SEE3 no far. Importantly it needs to turn a profit and have the potential to be sustainable.
- I keep in my mind smart, successful high streets. And clearly they don’t introduce graffiti, morris dancing or animal safaris. Because there is far more depth, style and business acumen.
Currently I believe there is a total lack of experience, a small core guiding each other and they could well be about to go around in another circle.
There is nothing actually ‘humbug’ about what I’m saying it is literally questioning the usefulness and direction of SEE3 and related organisations new bids.
I’m almost inclined to think that doing nothing could be wiser! Otherwise a lot of money and running around for what gain? A selfie on safari in Sydenham?
But in the end I thought that I should say something if I was worried- it’s just that as opposed to criticism.
Whenever I post I know there is a risk that I won’t necessarily be heard or end up a bit upset due to remarks but I think my thoughts on this occasion are worth consideration.
I have suggested that:
‘We should be creating something cool, a bit slick, new and contemporary’
And requires me to expand on, I agree but I can only try to do so in a broad way because we are still without the Portas Pilot evaluation which if we did have would enable a start point, a foundation. What’s been spent, where and what is left? Very simple and the rest we can work out for ourselves measured against the core Portas Pilot objectives which are sometimes different to how SEE3 explain achievements.
Sydres I think the question you should be asking is how viable are further bids from SEE3 at this point in time.
My thoughts about developing SE26 high street are as follows, but are repetitive sorry, but please keep in mind they may spend £44K + on an animal safari. Overall I think we should be looking at local consumer needs, creating something sustainable and economically viable
- Firstly we need a strategy, a very logical, step by step plan which is securely rooted in the needs of the local consumer. We want to enhance their shopping experience and where can keep them on their local high street. So find out what is missing. Looking towards the future create reasons to become a destination place to shop- so bring in new traffic. But first things first- nothing too niche at present
- Improve appearance of high street- I’ve said before this is cheap to sort good quality signage and I cannot imagine any retailer declining if that was on offer. On The Hoof have just got one up after months, was it worth the wait? And The Shop Revolution’s quite honestly leaves me speechless
- I think a good plan would be to spend money initially as a Pop Up venture at one of the empty retail spaces on the main High Street or Kirkdale roundabout. An art Gallery? And multiuse? But it needs to be smart, a much more careful selection compared to what’s happened with SEE3 no far. Importantly it needs to turn a profit and have the potential to be sustainable.
- I keep in my mind smart, successful high streets. And clearly they don’t introduce graffiti, morris dancing or animal safaris. Because there is far more depth, style and business acumen.
Currently I believe there is a total lack of experience, a small core guiding each other and they could well be about to go around in another circle.
There is nothing actually ‘humbug’ about what I’m saying it is literally questioning the usefulness and direction of SEE3 and related organisations new bids.
I’m almost inclined to think that doing nothing could be wiser! Otherwise a lot of money and running around for what gain? A selfie on safari in Sydenham?
Re: SEE3- new developments
If I may, I'd like to briefly defend the concept of the animal safari which was met with enthusiasm when presented to the SEE3 meeting which included traders, artists, local people and forumites.
It is not a new idea, it is inspired by the cow parade and similar projects around the world:
In most cases there are three objectives:
1. Bring art to the public realm
2. Increase footfall in town centres
3. Raise money for charity by selling public art
There is no doubt that this project is primarily focused on the first two of these objectives, without ruling out the third as a possibility.
In Forest Hill this is an obvious good idea. Forest Hill gets hundreds of thousands of visitors every year to Horniman Museum. Most are local people but many are tourists from other parts of London and the world - I know from having an occasional stall at the farmers' market and asking where people come from. But few venture up Dartmouth Road, or possibly even stop on their way to/from the station. Creating a public art linkage between the museum and the rest of Forest Hill is a great way to increase footfall in the high street.
And we want to go further than that. We want people in Forest Hill to visit Sydenham and Kirkdale, and the other ways round. By creating a public art trail in this way in one area we will encourage people to visit the other areas. Once people (children especially) have seen the dragons they may well want to see the walruses. This continues a long tradition of statues of animals in this area, as can be seen in Crystal Palace Park (or above Catford Shopping Centre - only joking).
The Street Piano in Forest Hill was one of the cheapest projects SEE3 did, but it is one that attracts some of the most positive comments (other than The Butchery and Kirkdale signage). On it's own it doesn't do anything to increase footfall, but it shows that people love something different in their high street, with art and music bringing something different to their daily experiences.
Is the project good value for money? Honestly, I don't know, but I hope so. It is the equivalent of the annual rent of two small shops in the high street, but I think it would bring benefits to every shop. We want the local high streets to be somewhere that people want to spend time. We can't do much about the traffic, but public art is one of the cheapest ways of making a difference to the look of the high street. Murals are the cheapest public art forms, but we want to invest in something more than that - not that there is anything wrong with murals and graffiti in the correct locations.
Of course the SEE3 team continues to look for other ways to improve the high street and advising people on suitable sites for pop-up ventures is just one of the ways. SEE3 have demonstrated that pop-ups are possible and as a result filled a number of empty units with desirable businesses. But now that this concept has been proved to work, and a few of the worst examples of under-utilisation have been addressed, these pop-ups should be increasingly self-financing - meaning that appropriate businesses can be introduced to landlords and pay suitable rents. SEE3 is right not to be bidding for funding of such projects at this point in time.
I hope I haven't been too defensive and I hope I haven't droned on too much. But I suspect I still haven't done justice to some great initiatives from Sydenham Arts and the SEE3 team that I believe have the prospect of giving the next boost to our high streets. This is one of two bids to the GLA and separately or together they could be really great for the local area.
It is not a new idea, it is inspired by the cow parade and similar projects around the world:
In most cases there are three objectives:
1. Bring art to the public realm
2. Increase footfall in town centres
3. Raise money for charity by selling public art
There is no doubt that this project is primarily focused on the first two of these objectives, without ruling out the third as a possibility.
In Forest Hill this is an obvious good idea. Forest Hill gets hundreds of thousands of visitors every year to Horniman Museum. Most are local people but many are tourists from other parts of London and the world - I know from having an occasional stall at the farmers' market and asking where people come from. But few venture up Dartmouth Road, or possibly even stop on their way to/from the station. Creating a public art linkage between the museum and the rest of Forest Hill is a great way to increase footfall in the high street.
And we want to go further than that. We want people in Forest Hill to visit Sydenham and Kirkdale, and the other ways round. By creating a public art trail in this way in one area we will encourage people to visit the other areas. Once people (children especially) have seen the dragons they may well want to see the walruses. This continues a long tradition of statues of animals in this area, as can be seen in Crystal Palace Park (or above Catford Shopping Centre - only joking).
The Street Piano in Forest Hill was one of the cheapest projects SEE3 did, but it is one that attracts some of the most positive comments (other than The Butchery and Kirkdale signage). On it's own it doesn't do anything to increase footfall, but it shows that people love something different in their high street, with art and music bringing something different to their daily experiences.
Is the project good value for money? Honestly, I don't know, but I hope so. It is the equivalent of the annual rent of two small shops in the high street, but I think it would bring benefits to every shop. We want the local high streets to be somewhere that people want to spend time. We can't do much about the traffic, but public art is one of the cheapest ways of making a difference to the look of the high street. Murals are the cheapest public art forms, but we want to invest in something more than that - not that there is anything wrong with murals and graffiti in the correct locations.
Of course the SEE3 team continues to look for other ways to improve the high street and advising people on suitable sites for pop-up ventures is just one of the ways. SEE3 have demonstrated that pop-ups are possible and as a result filled a number of empty units with desirable businesses. But now that this concept has been proved to work, and a few of the worst examples of under-utilisation have been addressed, these pop-ups should be increasingly self-financing - meaning that appropriate businesses can be introduced to landlords and pay suitable rents. SEE3 is right not to be bidding for funding of such projects at this point in time.
I hope I haven't been too defensive and I hope I haven't droned on too much. But I suspect I still haven't done justice to some great initiatives from Sydenham Arts and the SEE3 team that I believe have the prospect of giving the next boost to our high streets. This is one of two bids to the GLA and separately or together they could be really great for the local area.
Re: SEE3- new developments
I can shed some light on the signage money for FH as I trade and live in FH but also use Sydenham High Street.
FH traders have decided what they want to spend the SEE3 signage money on and it is in the FHTA bank account. Tony Buckley has got us permission from TFL and Lewisham Council for what we want to do with it and a FH trader and local artist/designer are working together on it.
We have decided to spend the money on a Totally Locally Forest Hill Map being painted on the whole side wall of WHSmith so that everyone that enters or exits FH train station will be made aware of all the local businesses in the area. The businesses will be numbered incase any change and we will have a list of all in the display case with more info on what all have to offer which is easy to change if need be.
This is what FH traders felt would be the best way to spend our signage money from SEE3.
FH traders have decided what they want to spend the SEE3 signage money on and it is in the FHTA bank account. Tony Buckley has got us permission from TFL and Lewisham Council for what we want to do with it and a FH trader and local artist/designer are working together on it.
We have decided to spend the money on a Totally Locally Forest Hill Map being painted on the whole side wall of WHSmith so that everyone that enters or exits FH train station will be made aware of all the local businesses in the area. The businesses will be numbered incase any change and we will have a list of all in the display case with more info on what all have to offer which is easy to change if need be.
This is what FH traders felt would be the best way to spend our signage money from SEE3.
Re: SEE3- new developments
I think that's bloody genius, P1971! People coming in to FH to go to the Horniman, for example, probably don't know what treasures they would find if they explored the area just a little more. I take my hat off to the FH traders.
Re: SEE3- new developments
Doing my weekly shopping yesterday, I ran into a local investor who mentioned, that as well as doing peer to peer business lending, he was also involving himself in business mentoring - so rather than just lending money, and passively taking the risk of some loans going bad, he would also offer advice. From the point of view of banking economics, this is exactly what you would expect to emerge from traditional high street banks giving up their former role in business lending.
I wonder if this might sort of thing might help Sydenham Road businesses.
Meanwhile in Penge, its Tourist Board, as mentioned by BovineJuice looks interesting.

I wonder if this might sort of thing might help Sydenham Road businesses.
Meanwhile in Penge, its Tourist Board, as mentioned by BovineJuice looks interesting.

- Posts: 1671
- Joined: 8 Oct 2011 23:22
- Location: Somewhere over the rainbow..
Re: SEE3- new developments
Agree Tim, a Tourist board would be well worth exploring. What's to loose?
- Posts: 165
- Joined: 29 Nov 2007 23:13
- Location: sydenham
Re: SEE3- new developments
This is the way things should be done but in Sydenham these decisions are all made for us by either Clr Best,see3,Sydartfest,The Bookshop or Syd Soc i believe this set up has been around since the 80s and is finding it very hard to change.We have had a shop here for 7yrs & have never been asked our opinion on any matters that might be going on locally. ChrisP1971 wrote:I can shed some light on the signage money for FH as I trade and live in FH but also use Sydenham High Street.
FH traders have decided what they want to spend the SEE3 signage money on and it is in the FHTA bank account. Tony Buckley has got us permission from TFL and Lewisham Council for what we want to do with it and a FH trader and local artist/designer are working together on it.
We have decided to spend the money on a Totally Locally Forest Hill Map being painted on the whole side wall of WHSmith so that everyone that enters or exits FH train station will be made aware of all the local businesses in the area. The businesses will be numbered incase any change and we will have a list of all in the display case with more info on what all have to offer which is easy to change if need be.
This is what FH traders felt would be the best way to spend our signage money from SEE3.
Re: SEE3- new developments
See Ya soon SWEETPEA
Mr Sugahill
I'll give you a buzz tomorrow
Mr Sugahill
I'll give you a buzz tomorrow

Re: SEE3- new developments
FH Traders are just that. I can't take the glory for what we decided. I just thought it was an amazing idea. Hope we get it up and running soon Xxx
AND the traders in FH are just the traders and no one else Xxx
Looking forward to working more with Chris to connect both areas Xxx
Chris I'll call you tomorrow Mr Xxx
FH Traders are just that. I can't take the glory for what we decided. I just thought it was an amazing idea. Hope we get it up and running soon Xxx
AND the traders in FH are just the traders and no one else Xxx
Looking forward to working more with Chris to connect both areas Xxx
Chris I'll call you tomorrow Mr Xxx
Re: SEE3- new developments
Sorry if I am quite opinionated on here I post as a local resident aswell as a trader. I will try to be very constructive with my posts but feel free to pick me up if I step out of line.
Pauline

Re: SEE3- new developments
I suggested on another local forum a while back which I'm no longer able to post on that a Tourist Information Centre would be a good idea for the overall area. Yes I am an optimistic person but why can't we have one.
I think the Tourist board is a great idea and a massive step in the right direction.
Maybe we could ask TFL if we could have a Tourist board at the stations, I have a contact email for TFL from getting permission for the FHFW banners put up. So if anyone wants to help me put a proposal together I'm happy to go ahead and work together and ask
#Edit If we get the go ahead I will need help with design. I have a few that help me out but might be busy so all help will be welcome. LEE? Sorry to pinpoint you but you are as good as your word if Rob etc are manic AND if we do get the go ahead we need to make it amazing.
I'm planning on getting this done for free so anyone that wants to help out there will be no payment. Same as myself. I am
not paid and never have been by anyone for my community involvements. I just do what I think is good for the area and most times £20 or £30 for materials which I'm more than happy to spend out of my own pocket
P
Just so all know
I suggested on another local forum a while back which I'm no longer able to post on that a Tourist Information Centre would be a good idea for the overall area. Yes I am an optimistic person but why can't we have one.
I think the Tourist board is a great idea and a massive step in the right direction.
Maybe we could ask TFL if we could have a Tourist board at the stations, I have a contact email for TFL from getting permission for the FHFW banners put up. So if anyone wants to help me put a proposal together I'm happy to go ahead and work together and ask

#Edit If we get the go ahead I will need help with design. I have a few that help me out but might be busy so all help will be welcome. LEE? Sorry to pinpoint you but you are as good as your word if Rob etc are manic AND if we do get the go ahead we need to make it amazing.
I'm planning on getting this done for free so anyone that wants to help out there will be no payment. Same as myself. I am
not paid and never have been by anyone for my community involvements. I just do what I think is good for the area and most times £20 or £30 for materials which I'm more than happy to spend out of my own pocket

Just so all know

Re: SEE3- new developments
There is an amnesty. A fresh start. Therefore even if you came across in a poor light, there is no need to become super helpful and over familiar too.
For example: could a personal chat with another forum member be kept to an email, a PM or in person? As opposed to sending XXXX’s and arranging meetings or
This is the 3rd post on this thread that you reply to yourself.
A new poster ‘Somerandombloke’ seems intent on being provocative. He sets up an account and within hours has something to say about everything.
More importantly:
Chris from Sugahill seems to feel that a small core are controlling decisions in SE26 and have done for a long period.
This is certainly my sense too. And my concern is that this same small core are in charge of bids again, potential funding.
What is the best next step? As far as I can see, SEE3 haven’t set up a next meeting.
As Forum Members have pointed out, where was the market last weekend too?
Are SEE3 responsible?
According to Lee SEE3 have unspent money re: signage.
This sounds like a great idea in FH re: signage. Why 3 years later?
Or I don’t understand SEE3’s involvement? It went quiet for a very long time.
How much signage money is available for SE26? We should know this and all surplus funds available.
I don’t know what’s happening next.
For all interested parties, would it be an idea to form a meeting soon?
I’m not a good person to hold a meeting, but if I thought it would be well attended then I’d go and contribute. If this happens then we need a proper Agenda. We could all contribute to that in advance with ideas to discuss?
I could be Secretary. Make sure we get all the detail down!
There is an amnesty. A fresh start. Therefore even if you came across in a poor light, there is no need to become super helpful and over familiar too.
For example: could a personal chat with another forum member be kept to an email, a PM or in person? As opposed to sending XXXX’s and arranging meetings or

This is the 3rd post on this thread that you reply to yourself.
A new poster ‘Somerandombloke’ seems intent on being provocative. He sets up an account and within hours has something to say about everything.
More importantly:
Chris from Sugahill seems to feel that a small core are controlling decisions in SE26 and have done for a long period.
This is certainly my sense too. And my concern is that this same small core are in charge of bids again, potential funding.
What is the best next step? As far as I can see, SEE3 haven’t set up a next meeting.
As Forum Members have pointed out, where was the market last weekend too?
Are SEE3 responsible?
According to Lee SEE3 have unspent money re: signage.
This sounds like a great idea in FH re: signage. Why 3 years later?
Or I don’t understand SEE3’s involvement? It went quiet for a very long time.
How much signage money is available for SE26? We should know this and all surplus funds available.
I don’t know what’s happening next.
For all interested parties, would it be an idea to form a meeting soon?
I’m not a good person to hold a meeting, but if I thought it would be well attended then I’d go and contribute. If this happens then we need a proper Agenda. We could all contribute to that in advance with ideas to discuss?
I could be Secretary. Make sure we get all the detail down!
Re: SEE3- new developments
I have explained the FH Signage money and am willing to take on the Tourist board inititive that Tim spoke about, why don't you work with me.
I am not coming across as super helpful have a look at what I always do for the community and you will realise I do it all the time from my own free will and voluntary with no connections to any groups although all advertise for me when I run free events.
#Edit SEE3 came together after I opened my shop which was 3 years ago so I think it has only been up and running for about 2 and the signage money was the last in the pot so was given only months ago. Hope that clears that up.
I have explained the FH Signage money and am willing to take on the Tourist board inititive that Tim spoke about, why don't you work with me.
I am not coming across as super helpful have a look at what I always do for the community and you will realise I do it all the time from my own free will and voluntary with no connections to any groups although all advertise for me when I run free events.
#Edit SEE3 came together after I opened my shop which was 3 years ago so I think it has only been up and running for about 2 and the signage money was the last in the pot so was given only months ago. Hope that clears that up.
Re: SEE3- new developments
Why can't I be friendly? I am a very smiley and happy person so am just me hence xxx etc. I now feel I have to change as a person to reply. I won't change who I am so just won't post anymore.
Hope everyone has a fab evening
P Xxx
Hope everyone has a fab evening

P Xxx
Re: SEE3- new developments
I think to leave the Forum is a bit drastic.
My reason for commenting in the way that I did was because I’ve noticed that you can be inconsistent.
Since you are a local trader though and willing to speak up and offer your time then I think that has value.
A truce?
Speaking generally now:
One aspect I think is important is to keep ideas, views to the Forum. I think PM’s defeat the objective, it’s not open and can generate exclusivity.
My suggestion is to set up a meeting. But this is not to step on SEE3’s toes. I think the ideal would be for them to organise this. Unless I’ve missed something, I cannot find when their next one is.
When they hold meetings, these are always open to everyone. But they have a history of not advertising these well and don’t give much notice.
Most importantly, we are not provided with an Agenda in advance.
I believe this would be helpful – an opportunity to contribute in a structured way.
Otherwise this small core just vote amongst themselves and decide what is best.
This pattern I think needs to be broken and by doing so could lead to a larger group of people working together, increasing skills available and so on.
I think to leave the Forum is a bit drastic.
My reason for commenting in the way that I did was because I’ve noticed that you can be inconsistent.
Since you are a local trader though and willing to speak up and offer your time then I think that has value.
A truce?
Speaking generally now:
One aspect I think is important is to keep ideas, views to the Forum. I think PM’s defeat the objective, it’s not open and can generate exclusivity.
My suggestion is to set up a meeting. But this is not to step on SEE3’s toes. I think the ideal would be for them to organise this. Unless I’ve missed something, I cannot find when their next one is.
When they hold meetings, these are always open to everyone. But they have a history of not advertising these well and don’t give much notice.
Most importantly, we are not provided with an Agenda in advance.
I believe this would be helpful – an opportunity to contribute in a structured way.
Otherwise this small core just vote amongst themselves and decide what is best.
This pattern I think needs to be broken and by doing so could lead to a larger group of people working together, increasing skills available and so on.
- Posts: 165
- Joined: 29 Nov 2007 23:13
- Location: sydenham
Re: SEE3- new developments
I think and do not understand why people seem afraid to speak out, I'll give an example.. i have received support via pm for my posts but the same folk are not saying the same thing publicly Why not?. I probably have more to lose than most (customer wise) but feel the need to speak out as i do not agree with a lot of things that go on here. It is also hard to believe that only myself & Joanne see this... or are we just the only ones not afraid to speak out? I am in no way a trouble maker (i bet some of you think this) i just want what is best for the area as a whole i have lived here for 46 yrs and have had a business here for 7yrs. Count me in regarding a meeting and i also agree Joanne this is not about trying to tread on the toes of see3 or any other local organisation although in the case of see3 who's toes? The only member i am aware of is our councilor.