Knife crime in Sydenham

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Tim Lund
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Tim Lund »


A one level I am aware of the risks - the challenge is to keep it all in perspective. I have actually been mugged at knife point once - in 1986, in Paris. It happened as I wandered off to the end of a long station platform on my own, and ever since I've avoided such situations. And there are various other things I do reduce the risk of being a victim, not dressing expensively, or letting it be obvious if I'm carrying anything valuable. It's also part of the reason I don't own a car, since I'd not have anywhere secure to park one. But none of this means that I can't wander into Sydenham or round Mayow Park without feeling fear.

I think it may be different for younger people. A neighbour's son was mugged at knife point a few years ago in Recreation Road - and I wonder sometimes if youth-on-youth crime is greater because the victim is less likely to report it than someone older.
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Dorian »

Just a couple of observations on this.
I moved from the South Coast to Sydenham in 1990. One of the things that stuck in my mind is that I actually felt safer walking at night in Sydenham than I did on the Coast. I have tried to explain why to freinds before but dont really have an explanation, its just fact.

I agree with another poster ( Rod , I think) that there are dangers any where you go and not allowing your self to be a victim is paramount. Visits to cashpoints late at night and displaying items of value are obvious ones to avoid but also your demeanour counts for a lot.

I have only experienced one situation and I was not threatened with a knife but was approached by two "yoofs" near Penge East station who demanded my wallet and phone, I responded with a loud " F### OFF" and they did.

I do beleive that those caught carrying knives should be dealt with by severe sentencing and untill that message is loud and clear the problem will continue.
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by mosy »

I agree about keeping things in perspective. As an observation, I notice that very few people are out late so in a strange way I feel safer since thugs will know there's no-one around to mug.

Knife crime is different from "ordinary" mugging though as who knows apart from the wielder him or herself whether the knife will be used intentionally to harm which it seems has been so in cases where robbery appears not to have been a motive.

I don't know how knife carrying and crime can be prevented. Perhaps its time for another knife amnesty? I'm not sure how exactly since there are few police stations now to hand them into.

Although I agree with longer sentencing, the criminal has to be caught and evidence proved which is probably easier said than done.

Better I reckon just to go about one's business and hope not to present oneself as a target.
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Eagle »

I appreciate very difficult to catch these people but when they do they should get a custodial sentance ( promised by HMG , but not followed through ).

People should know that if found with a knife in the street and caught you will get a custodial sentance.
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by michael »

I was approached in my street by a man with a penknife at the weekend who threatened to open my bottle of beer. Should he get a custodial sentence?

Should we just invent sentences based on sweeping generalisations with as little thought as possible?

However, if you following the news recently you will find that:
A mandatory minimum four-month prison sentence for 16- and 17-year-olds who are found guilty of "aggravated" knife offences is to be introduced despite the open opposition of the justice secretary, Kenneth Clarke.
Clarke made clear his personal opposition to the use of mandatory sentences at a hearing of the Commons home affairs committee only on Tuesday, indicating he preferred to give judges unfettered discretion to set sentences based on the facts of the cases for nearly all crimes but murder. ... nife-crime
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Katy2109 »

Just wanted to post to say I was mugged on Lawrie Park Road on Thursday evening.

The guy completely took me by surprise and pushed me to the floor - he held me down and told me he had a knife pressed into my stomach and would stab me unless I gave him my mobile phone. Once I gave him the phone he ran, but then again I was I was screaming quite loudly. Once he had gone some people who had heard me screaming arrived who kindly called the police for me. I went around with the police looking but no luck. Fortunately apart from a sore hand and shock I am ok but does make me wary, especially when I see on this forum that there have been a few incidences recently so advise all, especially women having to travel alone, to not risk it and take a taxi even a short distance!

The guy could have been an opportunist or could have followed me from Sydenham station, but now that I think about it Lawrie Park Road has so many roads for people to appear from/disappear down that from now on unfortunately it seems I will have to be far more cautious.
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Voyageur »

How utterly awful for you, I hope you are ok. I used to live nearby in Sydenham Avenue and it always felt like a relatively safe area :( What time of night was it?

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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Eagle »

Very very sad. Know LPR well. How can this happen in 2011 in Britain.
My very best wishes.
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Katy2109 »

Thank you for your messages...
It was late at night, so in hindsight I had put myself at risk, but after living here for two years I had always felt safe. It is a shame that we must be so wary and that there are people out there who do not realise how hard you work for the things you own and are happy to take them using violence!
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Re: Knife crime in Sydenham

Post by Eagle »

Dear Katy
Not sure you put yourself at risk because it was in the night. Surely we should be able to walk on our streets at any time.

Very best wishes
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