Thread Removal & Censorship

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Thread Removal & Censorship

Post by admin »

We try and operate a non-censorship policy in STF. We rely on members to post reasonably on topic and non-abusively. We will remove commercial ads. We will remove abusive material in that any good arguement should not have to rely or be damaged by it.

We will also post here here whenever we remove a posting - so you can be sure the policy is being operated fairly and transparently. If you feel the removal is unjustified, you are free to discuss (but not repeat it) by starting a new topic in Town Asylum.
Last edited by admin on 16 Oct 2005 22:03, edited 4 times in total.
Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

Commercial abuse of this Forum is growing fast and I have decided to simply list deletions and update this post rather than make a post each time. I will separately post any deletions of a more sensitive nature.

Date / Type / Poster / Apparent Source

23/02/06 / Viagra / DorisAxline / Russia
23/02/06 / French Lessons / Karina / UK
24/02/06 / Mobile Phones / gostar_baiter / Russia
24/02/06 / Casinos / xaszuin / Ukraine
25/02/06 / Casinos / cnams333 / Russia
26/02/06 / Gaming / LonelyK / Russia
03/03/06 / URLspam / leggera1 / US & WI
06/03/06 / URLspam / leggera2 / US & WI
13/03/06 / URLspam / musicman / US & WI
17/03/06 / Dating / Lia1984 / US, Gibraltar & Seychelles
25/03/06 / MemberWWW / JamesCurl / Russia & Israel (4 posts)
26/03/06 / URLSpam / bebe / US
27/03/06 / MoneyScam / Tiffany1 / Russia
05/04/06 / Jobspam / JohnDoe1959 /China
23/04/06 / Viagaraspam / Allleeexxx / Russia & Moldova
26/04/06 / Carspam / common / Moldova
26/04/06 / Jobspam / kim_wong / Russia
10/05/06 / Test / test / Ukraine
14/05/06 / Gambling / cheat-casino / Kosovo
17/05/06 / Prozac & Gambling / prozac7674 /Russia
17/05/06 / SpamURl / bobby_smollet / Ukraine
19/05/06 / Ringtonespam / xklingelton / Germany
21/05/06 / Drugs & Gambling / abcd5674 / Israel
22/05/06 / Viagra / / Germany
14/06/06 / Porn / dbxsxts / Russia
30/06/06 / TV / crutis / USA
01/10/06 / Porn / lukadium / Iran
08/11/06 / Local music teaching ad
15/11/06 / Nokias / archive01 / UK
21/11/06 / Ipods /ola222 / Nigeria
24/11/06 / Nokia /guarantor / South Africa
19/01/07 / Yoga / b* / Sydenham
01/04/07 / Auditions / Gary Lloyd Studio / UK
04/05/07 / Mobiles / tmobileaz /UK
21/05/07 / Piano Teaching / UK
06/07/07 / Cashback / UK
11/07/07 / Domains / helios87654 / China
11/08/07 / Ads / jeans123 / india
11/08/07 / Ads / vvgg_00 / india
21/08/07 / Porn videos / AdoweldOwnell / Ukraine
24/11/07 / Spamlinks / annis / UK
22/01/08 / iPod / tom100 /Africa x3
22/04/08 / Porn/ LoomonShuP11 / Germany
01/05/08 / Nokia ads / mj1977 / UK
03/05/08 / Games / drx / South Africa
05/06/08 / Hotlinks / qwerta / Poland
04/07/08 / Clothing /apparel / China
17/07/08 / Clothing / tmy0922 / China
02/08/08 / Gaia Cheats / viannagemnLef / Ukraine
03/08/08 / Gaia Cheats / Hactpralcip / Ukraine
26/08/08 / Laptops / mekeetreatt / ???
13/09/08 / Tea / SieWhange / China
22/09/08 / Social Networking / Nikimathew / tanyacatherine / India
22/09/08 / Milk contamination / jamison364 / China
23/09/08 / Designer goodies / anghew025 / China
24/09/08 / Porn / SaillRics2 / Germany/Netherlands
08/10/08 / Teaching / findguru / India
14/10/08 / Nikes / richie568 / China
14/10/08 / Mediarecover / sjohnson2 / USA
28/10/08 / Wedding Photos / cameraguy / UK
05/11/08 / Mobiles / chrisdunnes85 / Nigeria
15/11/08 / Utility4You / / UK
01/12/08 / Sportswear / Keumi / India
05/12/08 / Watches / Beautiful Watch / China
05/12/08 / Conservatories / alex08 / India
25/12/08 / Viagara / xrumxrum / Germany
01/01/09 / Omega / AlfaMoskW33 / Australia
07/01/09 / Pets / We Sit Pets / UK
12/01/09 / Velcro / hdmyg228 / China
19/03/09 / iphone / fred00 / Nigeria
30/03/09 / essay writing / jameshopes / Pakistan
02/05/09 / rosemary shrager / envefeweita / Ukraine
05/05/09 / vending machines / life 768 / Phillipines
09/05/09 / drugs / plefttup / Russia
15/05/09 / wall street / boobestge / Bosnia
17/05/09 / real estate / pyrramids / Egypt
27/05/09 / spam / RYFritz / Ukraine
31/05/09 / nikes / nikecon / China
04/06/09 / spamlinks /ddddyyyy / China
06/06/09 / nikes / ncfsite / China
12/06/09 / nikes / joyce256 / China
13/06/09 / spamlinks / rose18899 / China
18/06/09 / nikes / nikewarm / China
22/06/09 / iPhones / fredrick lasson / Russia
29/06/09 / dvd / gosgirl / China
03/07/09 / chocolates / chocolates / India
06/07/09 / phonecards / black2601 / Pakistan
06/07/09 / dubai hotels / ironserpent / Pakistan
13/08/09 / nanny / benalex / Benin
21/09/09 / tattoos / pincubang / Vietnam
21/09/09 / spam / albert25 /Phillipines
12/10/09 / ugg boots / bishopa / China
30/10/09 / footprint filmworks / footprints / South Africa
04/11/09 / london accommodation / deepu / India
06/11/09 / clothing / davidtaylor281 / Phillipines
07/11/09 / sinks / Joye Abegail /India
11/11/09 / lights / PeterKesel / India
11/11/09 / footprint filmworks / footprints / South Africa
16/11/09 / leden vehicle leasing / aadhar / India
19/11/09 / egg chair / honzon / China
04/12/09 / Ibiza Hotels / brianamorgan / Phillipines
18/01/10 / LoveMoney /janetuk /UK
22/01/10 / Chiropractice / tbrown01 / Phillipines
26/04/10 / Marriage / victoria123 / India
02/05/10 / Plumbing / [sal] / Bangladesh
02/05/10 / Millionaires / [samuel] / Bangladesh
04/05/10 / Football tickets / funtime / Germany
20/05/10 / Wedding dresses / two0426 / China
21/05/10 / BridgewaterBlinds / waterblinds / Phillipines
10/06/10 / Phones / vasco101 / Korea, Germany, Austria, Sweden
24/06/10 / Thermalimaging / janet555 / India
24/07/10 / / michaelbutters / India
20/08/10 / Spam link / zhanghuxyz /Canada
27/09/10 / Baby stuff /taufe /India
27/09/10 / biolap / tviljoen / UK
29/09/10 / milk machines / robin / Pakistan
06/10/10 / xbox & car spamlinks / paripalu / India
07/10/10 / biolap / tviljoen / UK
08/10/10 / mobility scooters / crossjohn98 / Phillipines
19/10/10 / fashion items / xcvcvcggh / China
04/11/10 / dvd / buffyscrubs / China
08/11/10 / ugg & timberland / yuanyuan3 / China
08/11/10 / venetian blinds /danneva / Phillipines
09/11/10 / golf / inerxxl / China
09/11/10 / halloween / mitu8897 / Bangladesh
15/11/10 / golf / leekteeth / Bangladesh
17/11/10 / spamlinks / loveking / China
17/11/10 / spamlinks / xiaoguo0722 / China
21/11/10 / spamlinks / collins / Bulgaria
23/11/10 / / ColinTomson / Bulgaria
27/11/10 / spamlinks / wwolove3 / China
03/12/10 / french spam / andryjah / Madagascar
03/01/11 / hacking / kdorethashahp /Germany
17/01/11 / cleaner spam / miss newman & emine / Belgian
17/01/11 / cleaner spam / katka / Poland
29/01/11 / spam / Teedaboudge /USA
31/01/11 / spam / KatyJhonson99 / Pakistan
(due to a rapid increase in spamming I no longer have time to update this file)

Please do notify the administrator of any postings of this nature that slip through the net. Failure to get rid of these links may get Sydenham Town 'de-ranked' by Google.

All other & previous deletions are archived here:
Last edited by admin on 24 Jun 2010 18:17, edited 74 times in total.
Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Strange posting

Post by admin »

Tonight I removed 5 postings - a record!

One was a obscene racist rant. Two posters each made two postings of email addresses which made no apparent sense. I can only assume that they may be connected.

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

I have removed a posting by chrisf concerning post-pubbing relief. I guess the grounds are the abuse of the English language. Please posts should be enjoyable and or informative for others to read without crossing their legs ...

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

I have removed a post from The Greyhound thread. It had no content apart from requoting a previous post and abusing the poster in what appears an ongoing feud between the pair. This can easily poison the atmosphere of a friendly forum (besides being a breach of the registration agreement).

Please, please try and resist gratuitous abuse.

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

I have removed two posts from the same person tonight. This was because of gross gratuitously offensive remarks aimed at another poster in particular and a group of people in general.

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

The poster above (aka SamC/chrisf) continued to post abusively in announcing their departure. Hence the removal of their thread. Sigh.

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

I have removed a post from Town Cafe and disabled the account of a user who has persistantly refused to accept the rules of this forum.

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

I have disabled the accounts of Nitin/Muvver (same user) on the grounds of posting abusively, vulgarly and trolling.

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Post by admin »

Oh dear,

Disabled bensonite tonight after an unprovoked abusive attack on other members. He has previously been banned for serial abuse of the forum.

Site Admin
Posts: 2578
Joined: 20 Sep 2004 21:49

Re: Thread Removal & Censorship

Post by admin »

I have deleted the thread on PCSO/CCTV as it a subject of a dispute which cannot be resolved by moderation.