Hi there Admin
I don't know if you ever look at Brockley central website or know about it but I happened to be looking at it and it has a photos section where it has a slideshow of pictures taken by local people of Brockley using flicker. I just thought it might be a nice idea to have something similar for this forum.
Slideshow of Sydeham
there is a flickr group for Sydenham...
You can create a 'badge' link in HTML or flash here...
You can create a 'badge' link in HTML or flash here...
It would be a nice to have a direct link to a gallery or something on the forum, don't you think? The new Greyhound Art would be a perfect example, with some explanation and pix from the Arts fest too. As well quirky, interesting or beautiful shots of this town..
Some people think all there is to Sydenham is the pretty depressing-looking high street, it would be nice to showcase the many better bits....
Some people think all there is to Sydenham is the pretty depressing-looking high street, it would be nice to showcase the many better bits....
Yes I think it would be wonderful too to have a flash sequence on frontpage. Indeed it is part of the re-design plan that was to delivered you a new site last October - except other things got in the way. Right now it is the development of the Sydenham Arts Festival website:
Yes I think it would be wonderful too to have a flash sequence on frontpage. Indeed it is part of the re-design plan that was to delivered you a new site last October - except other things got in the way. Right now it is the development of the Sydenham Arts Festival website: