You can also find out what the Friends of Albion Millennium Green are doing on our web site hereAlthough still relatively young this small site has a good range of habitats and species present - it offers a place of tranquillity in a busy part of Lewisham. This former tennis club was landscaped into an attractive informal park at the turn of the century under the Countryside Agency's 'Millennium Greens' scheme.
The AGM will be Sat Feb 18th, 2.00-4.00, Holy Trinity Church Hall, Trinity Path, off Sydenham Park, SE26 4EA
This will mainly be a chance for members of the community to hear what we are doing under Bruno's leadership - our plans, the grants awarded and moneys spent - to ask questions, and of course to volunteer. Since it will still be daylight when the official part of the meeting finishes, we could head off to the Green to see what's actually been happening.
The meeting will also include the enrollment of paid up FoAMG members - £6 / £3 concessions - and the nomination of some notable honorary members who have over the years given their time and effort to the Green. Members will then be able to vote for the committee - for which all three serving officers, Brumo Roubicek as Chair, Ann Field as Treasurer, and myself as Secretary, have agreed to stand. If anyone else wishes to stand for the committee, please contact me by February 4th.
We may before then have Paypal buttons on our web site by which members can join, and make any donations. In any case, I can forward relevant details to anyone who wants to join but is unable to come to the AGM.