If you're a regular Mayow Park user, you may have seen the new posters advertising this consultation for 10-14 year olds, to give them a voice in developing their own area within the Park.
On Wednesday 27th May between 11am and 3pm (in Half Term) there will be a marquee with activities and a competition to name and design a sign for the area. We are interested to hear ideas and suggestions from any 10-14yr olds. Older and younger children can come and watch too - there will be coaches from Teach Sport providing free games.
This event will be run by Lewisham's Young Mayor's Office with members of Lewisham Council, Glendale and Friends of Mayow Park helping. Please help us spread the word as we'd like to reach as many young park users as possible....
....and we've asked for the toilets to be opened for this event!