My name is Emma Mallinder and I am a mature Graduate Diploma student in Psychology at London South Bank University. I am aiming to become a neuropsychologist, helping people with acquired brain injury and I would like to understand the rehabilitation experience from the family’s point of view. For my final year research study, I am exploring how parents experience the interaction with therapists during their children’s rehabilitation from acquired brain injury.
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to attend a one-to-one interview, either in person, through Skype or by phone, depending on what is most convenient for you. The interview should last between 45 and 60 minutes, and we would explore your experiences of interactions with rehabilitation clinicians. The questions will be open-ended and exploratory, and there will be no pressure to talk about any subject that you are uncomfortable with. All information given will be treated as confidential, and you will be able to withdraw your data from the study up to three months post interview.
I would be extremely grateful for your participation in my research. If you are willing to be take part, please contact me by email at If you have any queries, please email me or my research supervisor, Dr Zoë Boden at
Kind regards
Emma Mallinder