RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by G-Man »

Thanks Lee and Biscuitman.

I think it looks fantastic. Really excited about it now.

Would love to know what Pub cos are interested.

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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by gillyjp »

Yes I'm hoping there is no opposition to this conservatory. It will add character to the pub and soften the grim mass of the block of flats. Having been reduced to its original size it is now tiny inside and the pub needs more space if it is going to appeal to any of the big players in the pub industry.

Talk about noisy roofers this afternoon though - their behaviour was not acceptable leaning over the scaffolding and caterwauling like animals. Bringing such unprofessionalism to what I would have thought was a respectable company (not Pure lake this time).
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by leenewham »

Why are people saying the pub is tiny? Many pubs aren't huge spaces and all the better for it.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by gillyjp »

Because it is small - having demolished all those extensions (thank goodness). I worked in there years ago when it did meals, etc and when there was more than one bar and it seemed huge. I think it looks tiny, completely overwhelmed and ridiculous in front of the monstrous flats, which I am glad to say, we were successful in fighting to get reduced by one floor at the planning stage. At least they are not as bad as the hideous flats on the corner of Whitefoot Lane and Bromley Road. They look like a shipping container vessel. Whoever passed that application? Madness.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by leenewham »

Lets face it, most new flats are pretty horrible, I know the ones you are talking about Gilly. I would have preferred shipping containers (which can make nice buildings).

The Greyhound is 2670 ft2 NOT including the basement or the conservatory. Looking at other pubs for sale or to let, it's about the same size as many pubs.

The kitchens are in the basement.

It might look small, bit it's not tiny or that different from many other pubs for sale.

The tiled corridor will look incredible. I can't wait for it to open. Late Knights perhaps? Or even Antic once it's done? Or Samuel Smiths (I like their pubs).
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by G-Man »

'Big Player' I'd much rather a smaller chain or independent who knows about beer taking it over. I think it has great potential from the plans.

And dare I say it, I think the flats are okay too...

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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by gillyjp »

Yes - I was getting a bit carried away calling them monstrous. Compared to some they are not bad. It took a bit of getting used to as we live directly behind them and lost quite a bit of daylight to the back (bedrooms, kitchens and gardens) of our properties. That's why we objected to the height of them in the first place.

We also have a problem with parking as Lewisham declared no parking spaces needed as Sydenham has good transport links so cars wouldn't be needed, Hmm - people will have cars so I don't know how they worked that out. What with that, the commuter parking for all those availing themselves of the free parking near the up line to London at Sydenham and the LA Fitness patrons and we are pretty well stuffed. I know other parts of Sydenham suffer as badly.

Sorry went off topic a bit there. Looking forward to the Greyhound reopening when it happens - would be good for Christmas.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Sydenham »

Shame the Greyhound no longer will have a car park; it kept space on the streets for residents to park - when it opens any patrons traveling by car will need to use the already in short supply 'on street' parking.
Pat Trembath
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Pat Trembath »

Following further questions re the timetable the following information has been provided by Lewisham Planners:

The roof construction will be completed shortly, whilst works on other aspects relating to Schedule 10 are currently being undertaken. Construction works are due to be completed in November.

In response to the three points raised:

1: In regard to the outstanding planning application, further plans have recently been received, which seek to address comments raised by Conservation officers. there will be a meeting with them shortly, and if they accept the amendments, the plans will be made public on the Council web-site. Advice will then be provided re the timescales for this to be presented to Committee.

2: Lewisham have been advised planting and hard landscaping works will commence within a few weeks of the scaffolding being taken down.

3: Purelake have advised marketing procedures for pub/ restaurant uses are ongoing.

Purelake's planning consultants will continue to update LBL on how the works are progressing, whilst Building Control will be visiting the site next week.

It is understood that the removal of the unlawful first floor is imminent.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Parker1970 »

It's been a while (lack of site activity) since I posted a picture from my slightly higher vantage point than street level so you can see what has been happening, so here is a new #GreyhoundSelfie

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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Steveofsyd »

When they say construction due to be completed in November and notwithstanding all the other missed deadlines, does that mean all electricity, plumbing, internal finishing ready for Pub "fit out" or just a basic the units behind.
In which case, I can't see it being ready for use for several months...not by Christmas...which is an incredible shame and a "commercial miscalculation" for not only the pub but all the units behind.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Steveofsyd »

Oh! I see, my's November 2016...
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by biscuitman1978 »

Thanks to Parker 1970 for the photo.

More photos on the Greyhound Twitter feed at ... 1162542081
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by monkeyarms »

I couldn't work it out from all the posts above ... so what is the date/month/year they estimate actually completing work on the pub and maybe opening it?
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#RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by biscuitman1978 »

monkeyarms wrote:I couldn't work it out from all the posts above ... so what is the date/month/year they estimate actually completing work on the pub and maybe opening it?
External works should be largely complete between late October and mid November 2015 (save for the addition of a staircase to the rear and a conservatory to the side, for which a planning application has been submitted and a decision is pending).

The original planning permission allows for the building to be used as a pub or a café/restaurant. An opening date depends on if and when the developer can sell or let the building to a pub or café/restaurant operator.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by ALIB »

I left Sydenham about 3 years ago, but felt compelled to comment after Parker1970's latest photograph.
I am employed in the Development Sector, and have a good background knowledge of all that has happened to The Greyhound since it closed.
I was aghast when the Greyhound was knocked down. But after a few years of campaigning and lobbying I can see the end in site/sight (see what I did there ?).
It was entirely correct that the developers were asked to remove a storey from their initial proposal, though I do acknowledge that the development has impacted neighbouring properties , with loss of natural light, etc. There has to be a reasonable compromise somewhere, and it's a shame it has impacted their closest neighbours

The exterior of the Greyhound looks stunningly good, and this bodes well for the interiors of all the retail units.
However, the internal works won't be completed until buyers/tenants have been allocated. There is no point doing internal works unless you have buyers/tenants lined-up, so you can meet their requirements.
And that is particularly relevant to the Greyhound. Any Tenant/buyer would want the building as a blank canvas on the inside so they can appoint their own architects to design the internals.

A site, right next to an Overground station, at the top of a High Street,...Purelake will have potential retailers chomping at the bit.

parking, as already mentioned, is going to create problems in the area. The elephant in the room, is that people want cars, and you can't force them not to have one. No-one knows how this will pan-out until the site is fully operational.
The mix of user groups means there'll be no easy solution. Residents, commuters using Sydenham station, service vehicles, new residents in the Greyhound site and people using the retail units for a short period, has the potential for a big jam. Lewisham had better be prepared.

Preferred traders. This bemuses me, slightly. You have fantastic local traders in Sydenham, The Dolphin, Whites pet shop, Alhambra, cafes and cake shops, yet top of the wish-list are Waitrose and Sainsbury's. Whilst national companies are a good anchor for a retail park, as they have financial security, perhaps people should set their sights a bit higher. Do you really want a miniature Bell Green or Purley Way ?

So whilst the work still has a fair way to go, I think the efforts made to date have to ultimately be applauded. This includes the Syd Soc, local residents, Lewisham (eventually), and likewise with Purelake (who needed a few kicks up the posterior to get them going).

I reckon you're all going to have something special (fingers crossed)
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Eagle »


Thanks for your helpful and constructive post on this subject . Probably about the thousand post on this.

I agree with your comments except that many people will come by car and need to .

In Sydenham it takes a long time to get anywhere or park anywhere. Surely most locals using the High Street , come on Foot or even Bus.

I am glad there is not a large car park . People who want to live in an Inner London suburb should be prepared to live without a car. Walking down the High Street is the one thing that puts me of , the constant traffic.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by gillyjp »

We have a car (actually 2) but do not use them on a daily basis. I usually prefer to use my Freedom Pass and hop on a bus/train or get the exercise and walk. However being of the 'sandwich' generation we have elderly relatives and grandchildren to visit who are not easily reached via public transport. We also do a weekly shop - I understand this is not something regularly undertaken these days as apparently people prefer to shop on a daily basis.

We have an allotment which is in Dulwich and all the gardening paraphernalia that involves we have to have a car for that reason as well.For these reasons we could not completely give up the car.

Those car owners visiting the shops/restaurants in Sydenham could avail themselves of the free large car park in Girton Road - only a short walk away from the high street and pubs. Even commuters who wish to go to London from Sydenham station could actually park there. Only a 5 minute walk away from the station so what's the problem?

Sorry I've diverted away from the original discussion but to bring this back round to the Greyhound, if ever it does open eventually, patrons could park in the free Girton Rd car park couldn't they? Or have they completely lost the use of their legs??
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by leenewham »

Nice to hear from you Ali. how is life in the sticks?

The Greyhound is looking great isn't it? I wonder what those who said they should knock it down think now?

I don't agree about parking though. The Railway doesn't have parking and does well. most pubs in East Dulwich don't either. Or the Bridge House (the car park for the park is always full), most of the pubs in Crystal Palace don't have a car park right next to them.

The Dolphin doesn't have a car park. Last time I went to the Golden Lion their car park was shut.

Surely most people walk to a pub?

We have worked with a few pubs in different high streets in different boroughs. The ones that had car parks had very few cars in them (most were form the staff). Sunday lunch means they fill up more, but in general most didn't have car parks and most patrons walked there.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Parker1970 »

Just gonna chime in on the whole "parking" thing... Should we really encourage a pub go-er to bring their car? I think that is best left at home, drink to your hearts content and use one of the many fantabulous transport links Sydenham has to offer.


That said, I live across the road, so I am unaffected by lack of parking space at the Greyhound and NO, you cannot all bed down at mine on opening night.. .well... maybe a few... :P
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