JRobinsonJRobinson wrote:
Is that a fact? or is that just your opinion? Have you asked all of the residents in Bellingham Ward?
you personally might not like them (that's an understatement - you clearly hate them, and want them got rid), but as far as I'm aware you are not an elected representative of Bellingham Ward.
what's the point in having planning rules, and regulations, and processes in place, if decisions are then made based on the opinions of those who shout the loudest and most often?
It is highly improbable that anyone has spoken to all of the residents of Bellingham Ward. Have You ? I have also attended Bellingham Ward assemblies and at the last one questioned elected members about their position on the recent rejection and the impact of the loss of the benefits. The reply was not absolute silence - but it was far from coherent.
I have never hated the structures - it is futile to hate - especially an inanimate object. I have commented before about the futility of others trying to second-guess what or how I think beyond what I write..
Our household did not have any strong views about the gas holders in fact . It remained that way until after we had engaged in the consultation phase with SGN and Kier's when it became obvious to us that several parties outside our Ward were intent upon enforcing a position that would have the sole intent of retaining these structures. Using an historic context that our national body, who are the subject-matter experts, had rejected.
And to find that it was doing so without significant consultation or meaningful presence within Bellingham Ward. Subsequently we and our neighbours find that the position of these parties was not to be persuaded that benefits of the original proposal would be eliminated by a planning rejection and were deemed not to have any value by these parties. The strength of feeling around this realisation lead to me having a firm change in direction. As the volume of self-justification from these same parties got louder it only served to increase our resolve
So given that we live in a rules based society it was recognisable to those of us who were being dis-benefited, that planning rules were being bent out of shape by those parties advocating retention of the gas holders.
Examples are:
- After approx a year of Planning Officers time consulting with Kier on the development of their proposal, elected members set the recommendation aside and rejected the application. What a waste of Council resource.
In advance of the Planning Committee meeting these parties rushed a local listing through on an emergency basis. This was done without the mandated notices being issued to neighbours. This was revealed by Planning Officers themselves reporting that they had not conformed to process.
Planning rules, regulations and processes, opaque or otherwise, are essential. Decisions have been made by elected members and Planning Officers with delegated authority strictly in accordance with these rules whilst not necessarily in full compliance with due process.
I am not sure what you mean especially if you think decisions are then made based on the opinions of those who shout the loudest.. Whilst I am aware of the bending of these rules by the parties solely focused on the retention of the gas holders (an example of which was the endeavour made by Cllr Tom Copley) , no-one to date has shouted at me. Nor do I recommend it - it would be a waste of time and effort.