You really write some twaddle Eagle.
The issue with food is distribution, not amounts and not people eating organic.
From the UN: "there is enough food in the world to feed everyone".
If I eat organic people wont starve. I'm anti-Gm too, but the Telegraph is very pro GM and anti global warming. Yet somehow the Telegraph thinks it knows more than 97% of the worlds scientists and the United Nations (like someone else I can think of!).
Here are some FACTS for you.
Drought is now the single most common cause of food shortages in the world. In 2011, recurrent drought caused crop failures and heavy livestock losses in parts of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya.
In many countries, climate change is exacerbating already adverse natural conditions.For example, poor farmers in Ethiopia or Guatemala traditionally deal with rain failure by selling off livestock to cover their losses.
Since 1992, the proportion of short and long-term food crises that can be attributed to human causes has more than doubled, rising from 15 percent to more than 35 percent. Soldiers will often burn crops and starve people into submission.
The poverty-stricken do not have enough money to buy or produce enough food for themselves and their families.
Increasingly, the world's fertile farmland is under threat from erosion, salination and desertification.
4% of crops grown in the EU are organic. In the USA it's less than 1% (which is the main reason why organic is more expensive). In Africa this rises to nearly all of it. But it's not the pesticides that are the problem, pesticides on their own won't feed the world. There are lots of issues with food production in Africa from mechanisation (there aren't many factors), poverty, war, corruption, drought, education, exploitation by the west, lack of investment, transportation and distribution.
Look this up Eagle:
Where in here does it say 'because of organic food?". Nowhere.
A family in the country my wife comes rom (El Salvador) we so poor they were forced to eat corn seed that the government give out for families to grow. It was covered in a pesticide. They washed it off and then they cooked it. The two children died, the parents were in hospital. It's not the first time it's happened.
What is this pesticide? How come we are covering our food with toxic substances and what are the long term issues?
Try reading this (I checked, it doesn't appear on the Telelgraph website): ... -villages/
You wont find this advertised next to the baths with doors on them in the Mail or Telegraph, but this is what farmers have to wear in order to spray chemicals on FOOD! ... ex&cPath=1
Read a different paper. The Telegraph is ****. It's an agenda paper, like the Mail. It's not the news. It's THEIR news.
How we can have a world where people die of obesity and others starve is one of the defining characteristics of the world we live in, and how stupid people are.