goonerchamp wrote:Greg Whitehead wrote:
The question no-one seems to be asking is where exactly will the riff-raff from the Greyhound go now? The Windmill has limited capacity and I'd imagine the police are rather secure in the knowledge that the perpetrators of crimes (generally committed by the Wells Park Estate residents) are easily apprehended by a quick 'recce' of the Greyhound.
That's going to change now?
Thats a bit of a generalisation - im sure my mum and dad are not stealing and hiding in the Greyhound - Im used to people talking crap at times on this forum but this time Greg you've won the Bull$hit award of the week've moved from the Wells Park Estate to above a shop...I suppose in certain circles that 's considered successful and moving up in the world. Oh my, between stone-penge, nork1 and goonerchamp it would certainly appear as if the peasant underclasses are ganging up against little old me.
This inverse snobbery is really rather trying. I'll perhaps revert to the vernacular you'd feel most comfortable with despite the fact that (mercifully) you are all three representative of only 35% of the resident (that is clearly not to say owner occupiers if I remember correctly from Nasaroc) population.
'Da fing is roit, ap n dan Sidnam ders lodz of posh streetz, innnit. Wen you look at da i stret its loik Wembley or Ackni or sumfink. Tha workaz and dat, they rawn from da stassion an dont reeli spend nuffink nor no toim in the too alfs. Thay fink dat dey want a Waitrosse or sumfink and oi say nah as there's only 65% of thim. Let Sidnam look loik Soufall when you droiv ap it.'
And that's the point. Yes, I admit I ought to perhaps keep my counsel but I shall not and need not apologise for the fact that the vast majority of shops are not representative of the greater need of the rather wealthy owner-occupiers that cling to the foothills...
I'm tired of this. Interesting how you all shout me down and think nothing of attacking me in your inimitable C2DE manner when under the protection of anonymity. On that basis I challenge you to whatever you wish. I've gone on record under my full name and address, if you look around there're some numbers somewhere. Anything that doesn't involve physical violence or a trade or anyhthing equally vulgar and I'll wager I'll best you at.
I'll post a picture, we can compare attractiveness, physical stature, attire, wealth, and academic achievements - whatever parameters you care to choose.
How vociferous though art when you don't even use your real name. I appreciate you have a right to share the same area and not for one minute would I wish Sydenham to return to the AB1 enclave of Victoriana but I and my kind are here in increasing numbers and are demanding of business' to cater for us (such as the Dolphin and Wellbeing) and we will not be shouted down any longer, after all we spend not inconsiderable revenues buying the properties and restoring them to former glories.
No, I do not have to like you nor you I and I do my best to tolerate but back under your collective stones.