The judge asked the probation service to decide if a full psychiatric assessment needed to be carried out before sentencing it was decided that it was not required so i presume that means hes of sound mind ????
I think its all very complex....maybe while growing up there were no bounderies maybe he learnt that what ever you want you get in what ever way you can. perhaps started as the playground bully using aggresion to get the sweets or shouting at the other kids to control what games are being played or whos allowed to play he got older perhaps that wasn't enough,people started answering back or refusing to comply so a further step had to be taken to stay in control,perhaps violence?? then older still some guys were bigger or stronger than him and would fight back so to stay on top carrying a knife to scare people into submision then one day it just went too far and he used the knife on 2 people who had shown him disrespect and would not back down....for this he served 4 years from a six year sentence.when he came out he was given a flat in a very nice area met a girl had a baby and it would seem have everything to work for...but maybe there was still abit of him that believed he had got all this indirectly because of the way he not really a deterent !
I suppose his flat won't sit there empty until his return....if he has to work hard and earn money to get himself out of a hostel and then continue to work hard to pay rent and this is included as part of his parole..or whatever its called if your sentence is reduced.....then maybe he will learn another way(THE RIGHT WAY ) of getting what you want and earning respect.
I hope for the sake of public safety,Campbells little daughter and Campbell himself thats its not too late for him to learn a new way of life.
I have experienced people in the past that have had social problems (not stabbing someone,true)but more slightly anti social,abit selfish,self centered etc.....but once shown love and respect and all the benifits of putting others needs before our own there was a huge turn around and that same person turned out to be a kind,loving highly respected member of the community...I really want to believe its not too late for Campbell,but only time will tell
Some people have their aggression levels turned right up.
And they should be isolated from society until they slow down a lot.
They are not mad but are just designed that way - a medieval warrior class
that had their use once, but do not fit in a relatively peaceful urban environment.
perryman wrote:They are not mad but are just designed that way - a medieval warrior class
that had their use once, but do not fit in a relatively peaceful urban environment.
Just one small step from here to ethnic cleansing and other such engineering in the name of 'Social Darwinism'.
Following on from what Jac has said, it is often a failure of society to deal with people with particular needs properly that leads to them staying off the rails and becoming violent or criminal. I know this often sounds like liberal-sandal-wearing-vegetarianism, but the government response the the Casey report shows that meaningful engagement with troubled families can make a massive difference to them and to wider society.
I certainly did not class this person as a victim of society. He apparently has previous convictions involving knives and this should have been an opportunity for intervention to change the behaviour. Previous convictions had not taught him the error of his ways despite serving 4 years in prison. I won't make any assumptions about his background other than these convictions and possible opportunities for Society to help him lead a better life and be a better father.
So there are two possible solutions; lock 'em up and throw away the key, or find a way to prevent a repetition of the behaviour and reintegrate them as members of their family and the wider community (after serving an appropriate sentence). The latter might not be particularly easy but it is definitely the best thing to do.
The balance of blame should undoubtedly go to the perpetrators, but we must remember that there is a portion of that blame that lies with Society. Especially when we are dealing with somebody who has already been through the criminal justice system without a behavioural change.
50% of all young offenders who go through the criminal justice system are those who were raised in care. Sort out the care system and abracadabra we'll have half the problem? A large proportion of young offenders come from abusive family backgrounds etc.
This is all stuff I have said before but it get's disregarded by the Daily Fail brigade.
Perhaps adoption should be made more of a priority,when you hear of the terrible delays in genuine people being able to adopt, a child just wants a loving home at the end of the day.
Annie. wrote:Is that a sarcastic reply Michael? You know i'm far to thick to know otherwise
No it just saves me writing in detail why you are wrong, which I know you don't want to hear.
It is not a matter of being thick, it is just a matter of not wanting to listen to another view of people. Far easier to slap a label on somebody and give up all hope and responsibility. Low effort isn't it?
It seems to be it is everyone's fault apart from the criminal. You and I Annie are out of step not appreciating that. The victim is unimportant compared with the human rights of the thug.