The original planning was refused but the developers contested the listing.
There are some great images on Flikr: ... otostream/

They are replacing it with this, which is apparently a building of exceptionally high design quality'.

It will have B1 office accommodation (6,884m2), A1 retail (449m2),
A3 café/restaurant (135m2), D1 crèche (437m2) and 149 residential units (32 one
bedroom, 78 two bedroom, 39 three bedroom) with ancillary associated parking and
private landscaped open space.
It looks like Bromley tried to save it but the developers contested it and were granted permission to knock it down by the planning inspectorate.
I find this sad and worrying.
It's currently boarded up. I expect it will be knocked down and then they will sit on the land for a while, submit another planning application and build some awful crap like they have in that area many times before.
I really liked this building. I feel a bit gutted. Yet no-one has said anything about it, it hasn't been in any newsletters, it doesn't seem to have received any notice at all aside from an earlier post.
I also find this sad and worrying.
Is it to late to save this? Do you think it's a building worth saving? And how on earth can a building like this be granted permission to be knocked down?
Does anyone have any memories of this building?
We don't just need housing, we also need jobs.