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What a stitch up!Annie. wrote:Apparently the courts have said yes to the developers, should this be allowed? What do you think?
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Agreed. Do you want higher rise housing on currently developed land, or more crowded rooms?Eagle wrote: If the population has to increase then our green spaces even more important.
High rise housing on brownfield sites (real brownfield sites) is certainly a good solution. That is part of how Lewisham intends to increase housing stock in the north of Lewisham over the next 20 years or so.Tim Lund wrote:Do you want higher rise housing on currently developed land, or more crowded rooms?
Neither (plants tongue firmly in cheek while inserting key in Tim's back) build on the allotments, I say. Far more people benefit from parks and open space than the few with allotments.Tim Lund wrote:[
Do you want higher rise housing on currently developed land, or more crowded rooms?
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Touche'marymck wrote:Neither (plants tongue firmly in cheek while inserting key in Tim's back) build on the allotments, I say. Far more people benefit from parks and open space than the few with allotments.Tim Lund wrote:[
Do you want higher rise housing on currently developed land, or more crowded rooms?
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Which is why I'm proud of our allotments having Open Days twice a year, having our site - and shop - open pretty well every Sunday, hosting BBQs for groups such as Practical Action SE London, and our volunteers who host school parties coming round various times over the summer. Otherwise, I'll admit the public benefit of allotments is moot. And of course there is clearly even less public benefit in over grown, unwanted back gardens.marymck wrote:Neither (plants tongue firmly in cheek while inserting key in Tim's back) build on the allotments, I say. Far more people benefit from parks and open space than the few with allotments.Tim Lund wrote:[
Do you want higher rise housing on currently developed land, or more crowded rooms?
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