Crystal Palace School of Engineering
Crystal Palace School of Engineering
Does anyone have any information about this school or know of any books or studies about it. Would be interested to know about the life of the students, and how they lived. The school was evidently based in Crystal Palace and I believe the building actually survived the fire.
Re: Crystal Palace School of Engineering
I have been scanning in some old photographs of my grandfather's and decided to search for the Crystal Palace School of Engineering as I have a photo of him in the 1907-8 Rugby Team captained by J W Lewis. There are also initials of some of the other players AH, GW, EM, WG, RBC (Robert Bryan Culbertson, my grandfather) and DGV. I don't have any further details except that after WW1 my grandfather worked for the Gas, Light & Coke Company in London, so I presume his training at the Crystal Palace SE was useful!
Geoff Culbertson
Geoff Culbertson