It seems that the privacy settings are set by the people who like the page. So if your own privacy settings are high then no one else can see you apart from your name.
What is friend activity on a Facebook Page?
When people visit a Facebook Page, they'll see what their friends and people they subscribe to are saying about it. For example, if someone tags a Page in... Can a Page see my information if I Like it? Pages cannot see the profiles (timelines) of people who connect with them, only their profile picture and name. Pages also do not have access to a News Feed with information about what the activity of the people who connect with them. Page admins, however, will be able to see anything you’ve made available as Public on your profile (timeline) by visiting your profile (timeline). Pages can communicate with people who like their Page by sending messages. Authenticated Pages may also post status updates, which may appear in the News Feeds of users that like the Page.
What bit don't you like? That a page can post in your newsfeed? That's what liking a page is for, so you see their updates. It's just like seeing your friends' updates.
As long as you don't make ny information public (in other words, you make everything you post 'friends only by default) then the page admins won't see it.
rshdunlop wrote:What bit don't you like? That a page can post in your newsfeed? That's what liking a page is for, so you see their updates. It's just like seeing your friends' updates.
As long as you don't make ny information public (in other words, you make everything you post 'friends only by default) then the page admins won't see it.
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I underlined the part I dont like only their profile picture and name.
So is it thst you don't want to like the page because you don't want other people who like the page to see your name and profile picture? Fair enough. However, I've just checked the page and I can't see who else likes it, just that it has 15 likes.