Dear Sydenham residents
My name is Bengu. I am the local cancer patient from Mayow Road who is organising the'Wacky Olympics fundraising sports day event for Macmillan Cancer Support in Mayow Park next week on Saturday 20th September. I am organising this event to celebrate nearly two years of being in remission, despite a bleak cancer diagnosis, and to say thank you for the enormous support I recieved from Macmillan while I was ill.
I have some opportunities available for local caterer/caterers to sell food on the day, on the provision that a mutually agreed donation is made to the charity.
If you are, or know of a local caterer who has all the reverent catering & insurance certificates and would be happy to sell food to potentially 200 visitors in the park for a period of 3-4 hours, please get in touch.
Please note that I am also keen to hear from other local businesses who might also want to have a stall on the day (with the view of fundraising for the charity) again, I'd love to hear from you.
For more information on the event please see the Sydenham Society website ... august-20/
Or contact bengu on or call 077233 94137.
You can also find me on facebook either directly by a name search or on my Give The Girl a Bone Marrow facebook group
Please note that this event has been sponsored by the L&Q Housing and the Apollo Group.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes
Bengu Shail