Waitrose in Sydenham

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Tim Lund
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Tim Lund »

Well - they got back to me, and Waitrose don't currently have plans to open a store in Sydenham :(
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by simon »

I'm not surprised though really. We're well served for supermarkets here and the Co-op have the ethical/mutual corner of the market sewn up. The only place a small one could possibly work is the Greyhound site where there is no parking available and deliveries would be difficult.
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by tjc »

From Labour party minutes

Councillors - Cllrs Chris Best and Marion Nisbet presented a report covering the following matters: the Sydenham high street road improvement going ahead as planned now that Southern Gas have finished their installation; the toilet block on station approach would be demolished as part of the re-development and provide space for a farmers market; the funding for the proposed Youth Centre is still subject to a further Government announcement on Sure Starts and Myspace; the proposal for a “Moneyshop” to open on the old House of Curtains site has still not been decided and there is a new application from Costcutters for a 24/7 licence for the sale of alcohol – Chris and Marion will be objecting. Marion is liaising closely with officers and members of the community regarding the derelict house in Longton Avenue next to the park which has been sold on to another developer. Positive work is taking place on attracting quality retail to the Greyhound site and at the moment negotiations are taking place with Waitrose.
Hill Dweller
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Hill Dweller »

That would be great, although where people will park is a puzzle!

I can't understand those complaining Wr is expensive, anything's as expensive as you want to make it and I find Wr fabulous value. Eg: a wonderful box of English fruit at Xmas, 2 varieties each of apples and pears and 4 pcs of each variety = 16 perfect pieces for £3.99, all protected from bruising and stickered with details of their variety, orchard name and that of the grower.

I'm not sure that today's Co-op is a true co-operative as far as employees go, whereas we know that Wr employees are partners in its ownership and are due for a mammoth bonus this year. Last year's was about 10% of annual salary.

PS: The Xmas packaging wasn't wasteful or un-green btw, it's been very handy for putting away the Xmas decs :P
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Eagle »

Not far to travel to Beckenham
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Voyageur »

I loooooove Waitrose :P

Beckenham is too far (plus it has gone south in my view in the last decade so I hardly ever venture there), so if you don't want a Waitrose in Sydenham, shunt it up the hill to CP!
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by stuart »

Hill Dweller wrote:That would be great, although where people will park is a puzzle!
Most of Sydenham is within walking distance and buses covers the rest. Shop little and often. Surely nicer and fresher then driving down to SavaCentre for a weekly megashop.

The Eagle
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by The Eagle »

tjc wrote:From Labour party minutes

................ Marion is liaising closely with officers and members of the community regarding the derelict house in Longton Avenue next to the park which has been sold on to another developer.

Why special attention on this property?
Don't you think it would be a good thing if a derelict house is made in to livable accommodation especially social housing!
Pat Trembath
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Pat Trembath »

The previous owners of 18 Longton Avenue were Earlsfield Estates (now in liquidation) responsible for digging out basements of 6 Church Rise and another large house in Waldram Park Road, Forest Hill, causing both to collapse and in the latter house a worker was killed.

When Earlsfield Estates bought this property close eye was kept on their development activities so when the roof and interior of of 18 Longton Avenue were removed in this approved "conversion" and digging began in the basement concerns about the methods of conversion being employed were conveyed by the Sydenham Society to local councillors and to Planning enforcement and worked was stopped. The remaining skeleton of the building has been supported inside and out by scaffolding for nearly two years and has been classed as a "dangerous structure".

It is hoped that now this building has been bought by a new developer proper remedial work will take place and the house can then be converted to the 7 appartments as originally intended in the permission granted 3 plus years ago.
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Labanised »

Hi all,
I'd welcome the addition of a Waitrose to SE26.
It would present a decent option for shoppers (SE26 and beyond) although the practical issues of developing a site and addressing the parking & delivery concerns still remain.
Looked at from a personal and somewhat selfish perspective, I'd rather have a Waitrose (or similar) than a proliferation of chicken/ fast food shops.
That is not to cast aspersions onto the users of such shops as, I'll happily grab a take-away if I can't be bothered to cook but Sydenham does have the potential to establish an identity/ reputation for quality shops that serve its community well.
.....like a bakery (tee hee, I've mentioned that before..)
Robin Orton
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Robin Orton »

And think what it would do for property prices!
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Eagle »

Why would you want property prices to shoot up. Has nobody learnt the lesson of the last boom.

I like Waitrose but some of the comments give the impression it would be like God moving to Sydenham..Get a grip please.
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by michael »

Were Waitrose to open in Sydenham close to the Greyhound I for one would regularly hop on the ELL from Forest Hill and shop in Sydenham. I might even visit other Sydenham shops at the same time.

Waitrose are intending to open more new stores in 2011 than previously planned, so there is a chance they will be looking for easy opportunities like this.

On the other issue of Earlsfield, they were not the owners of the property in Waldram Park Road when it collapsed. It collapsed and killed somebody under the new ownership of Waldram Park Road and Church Rise, Minicove Global.
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by scarpetta »

If we were to get a Waitrose in Sydenham surely that would encourage a lot of shoppers from Crystal Palace, Forest Hill etc. to come to our highstreet which would be great for all parties! I love living in SE26 but desperately hope that Sydenham Road eventually will pick up...I have metioned it before look at CP this place is now buzzing!
Hill Dweller
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Hill Dweller »

Eagle wrote: I like Waitrose but some of the comments give the impression it would be like God moving to Sydenham..Get a grip please.

Bloomin' 'eck, I could understand your comment if people were complaining but they are not, they are celebrating. Swallow your bucket of water :lol: or I'll start my own favourite whinge against the likes of Lidl/Aldi and their profits probably not being taxed in the UK. I said 'probably' so if I'm wrong be kind .......

I've also read elsewhere that some part-timers of one of those two are freelance/self-employed too ... ho hum.
Hill Dweller
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Hill Dweller »

stuart wrote: Most of Sydenham is within walking distance and buses covers the rest. Shop little and often. Surely nicer and fresher then driving down to SavaCentre for a weekly megashop.
Most but not all. I live near the top of the upper part of Kirkdale and have no problem walking quickly up that 45degs (or so) slope, heavy bags or not ... though there is a limit. But not everyone is as fit; I remember one neighbour who for years would be seen staggering up the hill, bagged up or not.

Thank heavens we have the 356 now from the Woodman, for those that need to bother for the two stops after it crosses the 202 route. Whether Forest Hill or Sydenham Rd, this part of the neighbourhood is punishing (though lovely).

What about those who're shopping as well as working full time in the City or in town, whose shopping gets squeezed in on the way home?
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Voyageur »

Hill Dweller wrote: ......What about those who're shopping as well as working full time in the City or in town, whose shopping gets squeezed in on the way home?
Well I live up the hill in CP, but I would gladly make a detour on my way home from the city to shop at Waitrose if it was situated near Sydenham station (failing that, would love a Waitrose in CP!).
Hill Dweller
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Hill Dweller »

and whether you'd do so by continuing by car or bus would be up to you Voyageuse ;-)

I was pointing out that much as we'd all like to shop little and often and walk there and back it just isn't practical for all of us...... although lappies have put paid to the heavy work bags some of us still have to cope with :idea:
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by Voyageur »

Hill Dweller wrote:and whether you'd do so by continuing by car or bus would be up to you Voyageuse ;-)

I was pointing out that much as we'd all like to shop little and often and walk there and back it just isn't practical for all of us...... although lappies have put paid to the heavy work bags some of us still have to cope with :idea:
Fair point - but I sold my car some years ago. Bus up the hill with my Waitrose bags then (or Shanks's pony if I feel up to it).
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Re: Waitrose in Sydenham

Post by stuart »

Voyageur wrote:Fair point - but I sold my car some years ago. Bus up the hill with my Waitrose bags then (or Shanks's pony if I feel up to it).
or ...

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