My name is John Emery I am 48 born boxing day 1962.
My family lived at number 32 Champion Road, Sydenham corner of Miall Road opposite St Michaels School. If you take a look on google street map it's just a pleasant summer's day photo of the community hall and Miall Road is now known as "Miall Walk". I was hoping that there might be some photographs of the property before it was knocked down in the early 1970's or whilst it was being torn down even. Or perhaps I could be directed to an archive either in the town hall or on the internet. I have also a lot of local knowledge and memories from childhood to offer other people if they are searching for answers or looking for memorabilia such as I. I attended Adamsrill School from 1967 until 1973 when my family moved to Fordmill Road near Catford.