CarJacking - A message from the police

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CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by admin »

There was a harrowing account of a carjacking reported here a few days ago. It was difficult to believe and I would wish to be the first to offer an apology to the victim for any doubt on its authenticity.

The original victim's story is here:

The Met Police have asked me to publish this:

Police Appeal, 1 April 2010

Appeal after vehicles stolen from drivers

Detectives are appealing for information after reports that three people have had their vehicles stolen while they were driving in Sydenham.

Police are investigating three separate incidents in which a man has indicated that there is a problem with the vehicle and the victim has got out, before another man has got into the vehicle and driven away.

On 25 a white van was stolen on High Level Drive at the junction with Westwood Hill, the next day a silver van was stolen on London Road, SE23, and on 29 March a car was stolen on Kirkdale at the junction with Jews Walk.

In the most recent instance the victim’s three year old son was in the back of her car when it was stolen, but fortunately it was abandoned shortly after and the child was left inside unharmed.

Detective Constable Liz Hughes said: “We believe these incidents are linked, as each case is very similar and the suspects have encouraged the drivers to leave their vehicles by indicating animatedly that there is something wrong.

“These thefts have been extremely distressing for the victims, particularly in the case involving the young child, and we would urge anyone who saw anything to contact the police.”

Police officers advise members of the public not to stop their vehicles if approached unless they think there is a serious safety problem, and in this case ensure the vehicle is locked before leaving it.

Sydenham and Forest Hill Safer Neighbourhoods teams are available to offer any further crime prevention advice, please contact 0208 649 3598 or 0208 721 2723 to speak to a member of one of these teams.

Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to contact Lewisham CID on 0208 284 7959 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. In an emergency always ring 999.
Last edited by admin on 13 Apr 2010 17:44, edited 1 time in total.
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car jacking by Kirkdale Tesco

Post by SydenhamHillAndy »

First of all, my sympathies to 'Familyguy' and his family: what a terrible thing to happen.

My children are at the same school as their older child, and the school sent a note home with all parents that day. I had no idea there were 2 similar incidents. And a neighbour told me today that there was a car-jacking on my road (Crescent Wood Road). Surely that one must be linked as well?

My best wishes again to Family guy and his family.
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Post by ALMAP »

steve cripps
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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by steve cripps »

Today I recieved what can only be discribed as one of the most distressing calls I have ever had and that was to be told by my Husband that one of our employees had been car jacked in Sydenham and they had driven off with our Mercedes Benz open backed truck.

I cannot imaginge how that poor woman must have felt when her car was taken with her son in the back. It doesn't bear thinking about.

The story today goes like this..... At 12.30 o'c in broad daylight our collegue was driving up Kirkdale when all of a sudden a man of either eastern european descendant or Greek/turk 35+, appeared to be shouting and pointing towards our vihicle that there was something wrong with the tyres. He seemed so persistant that our man immediately pulled into Wells Park Road (where he thought it safer to do so) thinking there was something seriously wrong.

He opened the door with the gay screaming 'your wheel, your wheel' so he jumped out of the van to take a look and in doing so, paniking, the man suddenly jumped in the van and sped off nearly running our man over.

I can only presume that something like this is carried out by someone who is a member of an organised crime sydicate and when opportunity arises in the spotting of a nice vihicle they do not hesitate to attempt these sickening tacktics.

This seems to be very similar to a previous case mentioned on this site in the same street back in May so possibly the carjacker lives or works in the area. Please be vigilant EVERYWHERE....

As pleased as we are that our collegue wasn't hurt we are devestated to know that we are not entitled to claim off our insurance as they don't pay out if they keys remain in the vehicle.
Our Truck was a company truck which was clearly sign written with our companies details which for reference are, REDWOOD CONSTRUCTION LTD, in red and gold writting on a black cab background.

This is just devastating for us and will have such a detremental effect on our business.
In the blink of an eye we have lost £35,000 and have no way of getting this back.

What a sad, sad life this is that we have to distrust because trusting can be costly. Thankfully it wasn't our lives.

If anybody does have any information that may be of help please, please leave a message.
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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by tjc »

I may be a cynic, but could your employee be involved?
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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by girl_canuck »

What a horrible story - I'm so sorry to hear that! There are some awful people out there.... certainly not helped by the scams by insurance companies that do nothing to help us when we need them.

It sounds like the same people are hijacking the same way on the same road - I wish there was MORE cctv out there so people like this would get caught! The best thing is just to get the word out there on their tactics, so that in future people are more aware of the risks. It just makes us all trust each other a little less though, doesn't it. :cry:
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Still going on

Post by alywin »

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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by Rachael »

A simple way to avoid being a victim of this crime is to never step out of your car and leave the keys in the ignition. I always switch off the engine and take the keys out, even if I am just hopping out to close the damned boot which is often only on the latch and not properly closed and my bossy German car has to tell me about it every twenty seconds and... sorry, what was I saying? Oh yes, if you aren't in the car, neither should your keys.
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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by Eagle »

I agree. I would never leave cars in ignition if I left car.
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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by alywin »

Well, no, but then in a situation like this, when you're perhaps a bit panicked, thinking there's something wrong with your car, it may not occur to you to do so, which of course is what the carjackers are banking on. More worrying, of course, is whether your insurer will pay up if you've left the keys in the ignition - I don't know whether they do as standard on private car insurance.
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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by Parker1970 »

markly32 wrote: 15 Sep 2022 18:28 THERE ANY FURTHER NEWS ON THE CARJACKING
This thread is from 11 years ago...
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Re: CarJacking - A message from the police

Post by Clovers »

Do you have some new information?
Parker1970 wrote: 15 Sep 2022 20:25
markly32 wrote: 15 Sep 2022 18:28 THERE ANY FURTHER NEWS ON THE CARJACKING
This thread is from 11 years ago...
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