My vision is of a large public square beneath which runs the railway. Access to the station from a passenger friendly station building with escalators and lifts to the platforms below.
Buses would terminate or stop at the square either beneath the square (for buses heading towards Catford/Croydon/Lewisham et al or in front of the Greyhound (for services towards Crystal Palace, Central London et al.
The station would incorporate an information office and a waiting room and a mini-cab office.
If the die-hards insist on through traffic (which I believe there should not be) then that would pass around the square to the North. This area would, however, be better devoted to a market patch, the coffee shop everyone has been pleading for... or better still an old fashioned tea-room. A bit of green, a fountain...... maybe a bandstand.... Definitely none of that mucky looking brick that is so popular around here!
The Greyhound could be converted to residential with an additional block alongside. I can see no reason why some residential accomodation should not straddle the railway to the north end of this... However the presence of a comprehensive transport interchange might attract a more appropriate commercial use for the premises.
In a moment of madness the powers that be might be persuaded to construct a tramway from the station to Bell Green where it would join (replace?) the railway to Hayes and link with the Croydon trams en route.
Not the first Sydenham resident to espouse Eutopia Ltd I know.... but ......