Many may have received this from the Festival Director directly. However, if anyone else can help I'm sure Jonathan would be delighted if you could come. If possible let him know at the Kirkdale Bookshop. If not, just turn up!
This is a reminder that there will be a meeting on Thursday 1st October at 7.30pm at The Here For Good Centre (17 Sydenham Road) for all those interested in getting involved with the next Sydenham Arts Festival.
At our last meeting, we announced that we were considering postponing the next festival until summer 2011, unless more volunteers were able to offer their time and get involved. In order for the next festival to happen, we will need to start applying for funding and grants NOW, as it unlikely we will get the sort of Council funding we had this year. We therefore urgently need people with experience in fund-raising to step forward and offer to help. Also, anyone with experience and interest in marketing/publicity, administration, creative programming, technical aspects of the festival and music/performance would be very welcome.
Jonathan Kaufman
020 8778 4701 (bookshop)