I have tried the big shops (Sainsburys and Staples) for printer paper, but they are expensive unless a half-price sale is on. (I'm talking about packs 500 sheets of A4 paper) Generally £5 seems to be the going rate. I tried the 99p shop in Penge, but they only sell 150 sheets for £1.
I am looking for somewhere that sells 500 sheets for between £2.50 - £3, and preferably an independent store.
I'm pretty sure the last time i bought some it was from the post office.
mind you it was a couple of months ago.but i remember it being the cheapest i had seen.
If you are buying the HP or Xerox brand the prices are almost the same at Sainsbury, Rymans, Staples + PC World. Best to wait for when they offer two for the price of one. I bought some HP paper from the Savacentre when they had this offer.
I read Lidl do sell their own brand very cheap but I don't how the quality is.
The lat couple of reams I've bought were from Musti's pound shop (currently closed). It's worth keeping an eye on websites, like http://www.euroffice.co.uk/i/x4k/5-Star ... of-5-Reams, as paper prices fluctuate. Thus you can see what the going rate is so you'll know what is cheap or dear by comparison to the market.
As said, quality varies. However the cheapest quality is fine for drafts or home copies and just keep a posh ream for important letters