Is it just the last couple of days but the westbound appears to go green for about five seconds before going red for about 30 seconds? Result: queues all down Sydenham Road to the library, all day.
I’ve heard on here that these lights are phased. If that’s the case what on earth is the current phasing trying to achieve? Traffic going west gets longer, even when there isn’t any. Ditto traffic turning on to Sydenham Road from Newlands Park. Nothing more frustrating than seeing the lights go red four times while queuing between the post office and the junction while hardly any traffic comes the other way.
One thing the current phasing will certainly achieve is an increase in traffic in the Thorpes and Berrymans Lane. At 7.30 tonight I was part of a convoy of four cars that went up Berrymans Lane and through the Thorpes. When I turned right out of Silverdale, easy to do as there was no traffic, a bus that had been on Mayo Road lights when ahead of me, was still outside Somerfield.
Is there someone at the council who can explain this crazy phasing to me?
Newlands Park traffic lights phasing?
- Posts: 228
- Joined: 31 Oct 2007 13:04
- Location: Sydenham
God, I'm glad someone has pointed this out! I've been travelling by 75 up to Sydenham station for a few weeks without any problems, but in the last week or so suddenly Sydenham Road is completely clogged and we can't even get out of Mayow Road to turn right. I'm now getting an earlier bus to allow for this! It was quite sudden, so not sure if something has changed. Also, yesterday morning the 75 was sat waiting to turn right out of Mayow Road for AGES, at least 5 mins, yesterday at red lights which we all thought had broken down... but apparently they hadn't! What's that about???
And I notice that when the lights at Newlands Park - finally - turn green, the pedestrian lights near Natwest are red, so nobody down there can move, which means nobody can move at the lights by Mayow Road... and means nobody can turn right out of Mayow Road either! It's an absolute shambles!!!
And I notice that when the lights at Newlands Park - finally - turn green, the pedestrian lights near Natwest are red, so nobody down there can move, which means nobody can move at the lights by Mayow Road... and means nobody can turn right out of Mayow Road either! It's an absolute shambles!!!
- Posts: 228
- Joined: 31 Oct 2007 13:04
- Location: Sydenham
- Posts: 228
- Joined: 31 Oct 2007 13:04
- Location: Sydenham
I reckon you could have a bus lane just going up the road, I've not often found that coming down from Sydenham Station is too much of a problem. Either a bus lane or less traffic lights, even though I'm a pedestrian myself in that I don't drive I'd still say praps take out the pedestrian lights by Natwest, the traffic just can't cope with all those sets of lights, and there's so many pedestrians in Sydenham Road, those lights are red every minute or so!
- Posts: 538
- Joined: 15 Jul 2008 15:12
- Location: Sydenham