And too posh to be part of a Resident's Association?
No problem if petty theft, vandalism, noise and other petty crime issues don't figure in your life. But with the death of Neighbourhood Watch - our local police are changing the way they serve the local community.
They will be doing it through an initiative called SAFER NEIGHBOURHOODS and WARD PANELS. So they can prioritise where police are deployed to prevent or discourage particular problems or hotspots. So if you have a problem with graffitti, mini-motos etc - if you don't have a Rep on the Panel you have no voice.
Is there anybody who would like to represent Lawrie Park? It would mean going to quarterly meetings and leafletting your constituency. Other streets and estates have setup formal associations. Dunno whether anybody here would prefer that - as long as people have an open and effective communication channel - does it matter?
Anybody interested or want more information? You might also want to read this:
BTW this does not effect the way you report specific crimes eg 999. Its more to do with addressing problem areas and problem people.